O bitcoin como moeda: o caso de El Salvador
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A experiência de El Salvador no uso do bitcoin como moeda oficial tem dividido opiniões e gerado polêmicas especialmente quanto à identificação de seus êxitos e seus principais desafios diante dessa implementação ao longo dos últimos três anos. Assim, o presente artigo busca compreender o potencial e os possíveis limites no uso de criptomoedas como moedas oficiais de Estados. Nesse sentido, foi feita uma revisão sistemática para analisar os artigos específicos existentes sobre temáticas relacionadas, e a construção de hipóteses por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica a partir de documentos e artigos publicados, de forma que o sistema monetário fosse analisado junto a dados públicos de veículos internacionais e independentes salvadorenhos, além de ser ancorado em pesquisa de campo realizada em El Salvador no período de julho de 2022, um ano após a implementação do bitcoin no país. Até o momento, o país lida com consequências econômicas a curto prazo, e a população ainda se encontra com baixa adesão, entretanto, a implementação pode ser promissora, se considerado que o sistema fiduciário é um código de programação Blockchain. Assim, o bitcoin tem se mostrado passível de exercer as principais funções de uma moeda, principalmente como uso corrente.
El Salvador's experience in using bitcoin as an official currency has divided opinions and generated controversy, especially regarding the identification of its successes and main challenges during this implementation over the last three years. Therefore, this article aims to understand the potential and possible limits in the use of cryptocurrencies as official state currencies, in addition to analyzing the differences between a traditional currency and a cryptocurrency. Furthermore, a systematic review was carried out to analyze existing specific articles on related topics, and the construction of hypotheses through bibliographic research from published documents and articles, so that the monetary system was analyzed together with public data from international and independent Salvadoran vehicles, in addition to be anchored to field research carried out by the author in El Salvador on July 2022, one year after the implementation of bitcoin as a currency. At the moment, the country is dealing with short-term economic consequences, and the population still has low adherence, however, the implementation may be promising, considering that the backup system is a Blockchain programming code. Thus, bitcoin has proven capable of performing the main functions of a currency, mainly in current use.
El Salvador's experience in using bitcoin as an official currency has divided opinions and generated controversy, especially regarding the identification of its successes and main challenges during this implementation over the last three years. Therefore, this article aims to understand the potential and possible limits in the use of cryptocurrencies as official state currencies, in addition to analyzing the differences between a traditional currency and a cryptocurrency. Furthermore, a systematic review was carried out to analyze existing specific articles on related topics, and the construction of hypotheses through bibliographic research from published documents and articles, so that the monetary system was analyzed together with public data from international and independent Salvadoran vehicles, in addition to be anchored to field research carried out by the author in El Salvador on July 2022, one year after the implementation of bitcoin as a currency. At the moment, the country is dealing with short-term economic consequences, and the population still has low adherence, however, the implementation may be promising, considering that the backup system is a Blockchain programming code. Thus, bitcoin has proven capable of performing the main functions of a currency, mainly in current use.
TINOCO, Bruna Mendonça Moreira. O Bitcoin como moeda: o caso de El Salvador. 2024. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Relações Internacionais) – Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, São Paulo, 2024.