Carta de potencial para explotação de água subterrânea em aquífero fraturado na Bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão Balainho, Suzano/SP
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Frente aos conflitos pelo uso da água, faz-se necessários estudos que produzam
instrumentos técnicos para auxiliar a tomada de decisão no gerenciamento dos
recursos hídricos. Esse estudo visa a elaboração de uma Carta de potencial para
explotação de água subterrânea em aquífero fraturado na Bacia Hidrográfica do
Ribeirão Balainho, localizada no município de Suzano/SP. A metodologia empregada
está embasada no conceito de álgebra de mapas, de modo que os mapas temáticos
recebem pesos e pela sobreposição resultam em um material cartográfico com o
zoneamento do potencial de explotação da água subterrânea em aquífero fraturado.
Para esse estudo os mapas temáticos são representações dos atributos que
condicionam o fluxo de água subterrânea no meio fraturado, sendo eles: densidade
de fraturas, representada pela intersecção de lineamentos e densidade de
lineamentos, litologia e unidades de relevo. Para cada atributo foram estabelecidas
classes conforme sua representatividade na área de estudo, e uma nota conforme sua
influência no fluxo de água subterrânea. A carta de potencial confeccionada apresenta
cinco classes que variam entre potencial muito baixo e muito alto para explotação de
água subterrânea no embasamento cristalino. A validação da metodologia foi através
da correlação entre a Carta de potencial gerada e os resultados obtidos por
levantamentos geofísicos realizados na área de estudo. Os dados geofísicos
mostraram a existência de seis zonas condutivas associadas ao fraturamento em
regiões da carta potencial que apresentaram potencial muito alto e alto para
explotação, além de identificar a profundidade aproximada do topo rochoso em cinco
locais da bacia estudada. A carta gerada apresenta boa correlação entre as zonas
condutivas e pontos com maiores probabilidades de se alocar poços potencialmente
produtivos. Desta forma, recomenda-se a realização de estudos mais aprofundados
na área de estudo para detalhamento dos dados, que possam ser confrontados com
a carta de potencial aqui proposta.
In the face of conflicts over water use, studies are needed to produce technical instruments for decision-making in water resource management. The aim of this study is to draw up a potential map for extracting groundwater in a fractured aquifer in the Ribeirão Balainho catchment area, located in the municipality of Suzano/SP. The methodology used is based on the concept of map algebra, so that the thematic maps are given weights and by overlapping, they result in a cartographic material with potential zones for groundwater exploration in fractured aquifer. For this study, the thematic maps are representations of the attributes that condition groundwater flow in the fractured aquifer, namely: lineament intersection density, lineament density, lithology and relief units. Each of these attributes was assigned a class according to its representativeness in the study area, and an index according to its influence on groundwater flow. The potential map produced shows five classes ranging from very low to very high potential for groundwater extraction in the crystalline basement. The methodology was validated by correlating the potencial map with the results obtained from geophysical data in the studied area. The geophysical data showed the existence of six conductive zones associated with the fracturing in regions of the potential map that showed very high and high potential for exploration, in addition identify the approximate depth of the top basement in five locations in the studied area. The map generated shows a good correlation between the conductive zones and the points most likely to be allocated potentially productive wells. Therefore, recommended that more in-depth studies be carried out in the study area to detail the data, which can be compared with the potential chart proposed here.
In the face of conflicts over water use, studies are needed to produce technical instruments for decision-making in water resource management. The aim of this study is to draw up a potential map for extracting groundwater in a fractured aquifer in the Ribeirão Balainho catchment area, located in the municipality of Suzano/SP. The methodology used is based on the concept of map algebra, so that the thematic maps are given weights and by overlapping, they result in a cartographic material with potential zones for groundwater exploration in fractured aquifer. For this study, the thematic maps are representations of the attributes that condition groundwater flow in the fractured aquifer, namely: lineament intersection density, lineament density, lithology and relief units. Each of these attributes was assigned a class according to its representativeness in the study area, and an index according to its influence on groundwater flow. The potential map produced shows five classes ranging from very low to very high potential for groundwater extraction in the crystalline basement. The methodology was validated by correlating the potencial map with the results obtained from geophysical data in the studied area. The geophysical data showed the existence of six conductive zones associated with the fracturing in regions of the potential map that showed very high and high potential for exploration, in addition identify the approximate depth of the top basement in five locations in the studied area. The map generated shows a good correlation between the conductive zones and the points most likely to be allocated potentially productive wells. Therefore, recommended that more in-depth studies be carried out in the study area to detail the data, which can be compared with the potential chart proposed here.