O portfolio como ferramenta de avaliação no currículo de graduação em enfermagem
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Os rumos dados pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a formação dos enfermeiros impulsionaram as instituições de ensino na busca de referencial metodológico que ativasse os processos de mudança e a intencionalidade pedagógica. As metodologias ativas e os processos permanentes de avaliação do ensino-aprendizagem constituem-se em grandes eixos de mudanças no campo da formação. O portfólio é largamente utilizado como ferramenta de avaliação, por permitir a liberdade do estudante em defender suas ideias, favorecendo seu crescimento e o desenvolvimento do processo de aprendizagem. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o uso do portfólio como ferramenta de avaliação utilizada no Módulo Ambiente Saúde e Sociedade de um Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem de universidade pública em Maceió, Alagoas. Trata-se de um Estudo de Caso com abordagem quantitativa, do tipo descritiva. A população foi composta de 152 sujeitos, sendo 66 egressos, 74 discentes e 12 docentes. A coleta dos dados foi feita em duas etapas: análise dos documentos institucionais e a aplicação de um questionário para os egressos, discentes e docentes, baseado em Escala do tipo LIKERT, com quatro categorias de assertivas. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos egressos e discentes concordaram ou concordaram totalmente que conseguiram estabelecer relações significativas com a prática a partir do portfólio, dialogando, portanto, com a avaliação formativa. Os relatos dos sujeitos do estudo evidenciaram uma unanimidade quanto à aquisição de competências, principalmente no segmento docente e egresso, o que não ocorreu na mesma medida com o segmento dos discentes. O estudo trouxe elementos importantes, que remetem à reflexão sobre o uso do portfólio no processo avaliativo, considerando as diferentes percepções dos sujeitos sobre um mesmo objeto estudado. Nos dados apresentados, foi possível verificar que a aprendizagem com o portfólio sedimenta as competências essenciais para uma formação crítica e reflexiva, evidenciando que o portfólio enquanto estratégia de avaliação favorece o protagonismo na construção do conhecimento, possibilitando uma formação socialmente comprometida com a realidade e capaz de transformá-la a partir de reflexões do cotidiano da formação.
The directions given by the National Curricular Guidelines for the training of nurses, encouraged the educational institutions in search of a methodological reference that would activate the processes of change and pedagogical intentionality. The active methodologies and the permanent processes of evaluation of the teaching and learning, constitute in great axes of changes in the field of the formation. The portfolio is widely used as an evaluation tool, allowing the freedom of the student to defend his ideas, his growth and the development of the learning process. The aim of the study was to analyze the use of the portfolio as an evaluation tool used in the Health and Society Environment Module of a Undergraduate Nursing Course at a public university in Maceió, Alagoas. This is a case study with quantitative and descriptive approach. The population was composed of 152 subjects, 66 graduates, 74 students and 12 teachers. The data collection was carried out in two stages: Analysis of institutional documents and the application of a questionnaire for graduates, students and teachers, based on the LIKERT Scale, with four categories of assertions. The results showed that the majority of graduates and students agreed or totally agreed that they were able to establish meaningful relationships with the practice from the portfolio, thus dialoguing with the formative evaluation. The reports of the subjects of the study showed a unanimity regarding the acquisition of competences, mainly in the teaching and egress segment, which did not occur to the same extent, with the student segment. The study, brought important elements, which bring the reflection of the use of the portfolio in the evaluation process, considering the different perceptions of the subjects on the same object studied. In the presented data, it was possible to verify that the learning with the portfolio sedimentary the essential competences for a critical and reflexive formation, which is evidenced, that the portfolio as evaluation strategy, favors the protagonism in the construction of the knowledge, enabling a formation socially committed to reality and capable of transforming reality from reflections of the daily life of formation.
The directions given by the National Curricular Guidelines for the training of nurses, encouraged the educational institutions in search of a methodological reference that would activate the processes of change and pedagogical intentionality. The active methodologies and the permanent processes of evaluation of the teaching and learning, constitute in great axes of changes in the field of the formation. The portfolio is widely used as an evaluation tool, allowing the freedom of the student to defend his ideas, his growth and the development of the learning process. The aim of the study was to analyze the use of the portfolio as an evaluation tool used in the Health and Society Environment Module of a Undergraduate Nursing Course at a public university in Maceió, Alagoas. This is a case study with quantitative and descriptive approach. The population was composed of 152 subjects, 66 graduates, 74 students and 12 teachers. The data collection was carried out in two stages: Analysis of institutional documents and the application of a questionnaire for graduates, students and teachers, based on the LIKERT Scale, with four categories of assertions. The results showed that the majority of graduates and students agreed or totally agreed that they were able to establish meaningful relationships with the practice from the portfolio, thus dialoguing with the formative evaluation. The reports of the subjects of the study showed a unanimity regarding the acquisition of competences, mainly in the teaching and egress segment, which did not occur to the same extent, with the student segment. The study, brought important elements, which bring the reflection of the use of the portfolio in the evaluation process, considering the different perceptions of the subjects on the same object studied. In the presented data, it was possible to verify that the learning with the portfolio sedimentary the essential competences for a critical and reflexive formation, which is evidenced, that the portfolio as evaluation strategy, favors the protagonism in the construction of the knowledge, enabling a formation socially committed to reality and capable of transforming reality from reflections of the daily life of formation.
SALES, Maria Lucélia da Hora. O portfolio como ferramenta de avaliação no currículo de graduação em enfermagem. 2017. [178] p. Tese (Doutorado em Enfermagem) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem (EPE), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2017.