O estigma nos transtornos mentais e atuação do profissional farmacêutico na saúde mental
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Introdução: Aproximadamente um bilhão de pessoas vivem com transtorno mental, e a maioria não possui acesso a tratamento adequado por ineficácia dos serviços ou por estigma, levando ao atraso pela busca de ajuda adequada. Consequentemente, é de extrema importância a atuação do farmacêutico, detentor dos conhecimentos sobre medicamentos, capaz de orientar equipes multidisciplinares, pacientes e seus familiares, realizar gerenciamento dos medicamentos, promover o uso racional e farmacovigilância.
Objetivo: Analisar os impactos do estigma na saúde mental e a atuação do farmacêutico nesta área.
Materiais e métodos: O estudo trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa. Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico em bases de dados como SciELO, Periódico Capes, PubMed, Google Acadêmico, ResearchGate e Web of Science. Foram consideradas 161 publicações no total, sendo que durante as análises, algumas foram excluídas por falta de informações relacionadas ao tema. As publicações foram divididas em 5 tópicos principais: (1) estigma, (2) estigma e o profissional farmacêutico, (3) estigma e saúde mental, (4) farmacêutico e saúde mental e (5) saúde mental.
Resultados e Discussões: Após leitura dos resumos, as publicações foram separadas totalizando 44, divididas entre os 5 tópicos principais. As publicações referentes a conceitualização do estigma reforçam a ideia de que os indivíduos são rotulados frente a um status que apresentam e que isso proporciona sofrimento e baixa qualidade de vida. As publicações relacionadas ao estigma e o profissional farmacêutico, referem-se à importância da alfabetização em saúde mental para o estudante de farmácia e o farmacêutico. As publicações para “estigma e saúde mental”, citam que o estigma e preconceito direcionado a indivíduos com transtornos mentais leva a atitudes negativas além de causar impacto negativo na vida social e profissional. Além disso, a presença do estigma influenciou direta e indiretamente as atitudes na busca por tratamento, e os familiares têm forte influência neste processo. É citado os programas e intervenções para redução do estigma e a sua importância para que o indivíduo tenha qualidade de vida, de forma independente, oportunidades de trabalho, além de citar dificuldades enfrentadas pelo profissional de saúde no tratamento e cuidados aos pacientes que enfrentam estigma.
Conclusão: Indivíduos com transtorno mental enfrentam negligência, estigma e discriminação. O estigma contra esses indivíduos afeta sua qualidade de vida, dificulta sua capacidade de contribuir para a sociedade, além de desestimular a busca por tratamento por medo de serem rotulados. Programas e intervenções com objetivo de combate ao estigma possuem resultados positivos, mas existe a necessidade de pesquisas e desenvolvimento na área, para que sejam desenvolvidas medidas eficazes garantindo benefícios a longo prazo. Em ambientes que puderam ter a participação de um farmacêutico integrando a equipe de cuidados à saúde mental, os resultados foram positivos. A importância da sua presença ainda possui limitações, sendo necessários mais estudos para apoiar sua inserção nesse setor. Diante desse cenário, se faz necessário a implantação e preparação dos estudantes de farmácia e profissionais formados para atuação na área. A baixa alfabetização e pouco treinamento do profissional colabora para a perpetuação de atitudes negativas e estigma do diagnosticado.
Introduction: Approximately one billion people live with a mental disorder, and most do not have access to adequate treatment due to ineffective services or stigma, leading to a delay in seeking adequate help. Consequently, the performance of the pharmacist is extremely important, as he has knowledge about medicines, capable of guiding multidisciplinary teams, patients and their families, managing medicines, promoting rational use and pharmacovigilance. Objective: To analyze the impacts of stigma on mental health and the role of the pharmacist in this area. Materials and methods: The study is a narrative bibliographic review. A bibliographic survey was carried out in databases such as SciELO, Periódico Capes, PubMed, Google Scholar, ResearchGate and Web of Science. A total of 161 publications were considered, and during the analysis, some were excluded due to lack of information related to the topic. The publications were divided into 5 main topics: (1) stigma, (2) stigma and the pharmaceutical profession, (3) stigma and mental health, (4) pharmacist and mental health, and (5) mental health. Results and Discussion: After reading the abstracts, the publications were separated, totaling 44, divided among the 5 main topics. Publications regarding the conceptualization of stigma reinforce the idea that individuals are labeled in the face of a status they have and that this causes suffering and a low quality of life. Publications related to stigma and the pharmaceutical professional refer to the importance of literacy in mental health for pharmacy students and pharmacists. Publications for “Stigma and Mental Health” cite that stigma and prejudice directed at individuals with mental disorders leads to negative attitudes in addition to causing a negative impact on social and professional life. In addition, the presence of stigma directly and indirectly influences attitudes towards seeking treatment, and family members have a strong influence on this process. It mentions programs and interventions to reduce stigma and their importance for the individual to have quality of life, independently, job opportunities, in addition to citing difficulties faced by health professionals in the treatment and care of patients who face stigma. Conclusion: Individuals with mental disorders face neglect, stigma, and discrimination. The stigma against these individuals affects their quality of life, hampers their ability to contribute to society, in addition to discouraging the search for treatment for fear of being labeled. Programs and interventions aimed at combating stigma have positive results, but there is a need for research and development in the area, so that effective measures can be developed to guarantee long-term benefits. In environments that could have the participation of a pharmacist as part of the mental health care team, the results were positive. The importance of its presence still has limitations, and more studies are needed to support its insertion in this sector. Given this scenario, it is necessary to implement and prepare pharmacy students and trained professionals to work in the area. Low literacy and little professional training contribute to the perpetuation of negative attitudes and stigma of the diagnosis.
Introduction: Approximately one billion people live with a mental disorder, and most do not have access to adequate treatment due to ineffective services or stigma, leading to a delay in seeking adequate help. Consequently, the performance of the pharmacist is extremely important, as he has knowledge about medicines, capable of guiding multidisciplinary teams, patients and their families, managing medicines, promoting rational use and pharmacovigilance. Objective: To analyze the impacts of stigma on mental health and the role of the pharmacist in this area. Materials and methods: The study is a narrative bibliographic review. A bibliographic survey was carried out in databases such as SciELO, Periódico Capes, PubMed, Google Scholar, ResearchGate and Web of Science. A total of 161 publications were considered, and during the analysis, some were excluded due to lack of information related to the topic. The publications were divided into 5 main topics: (1) stigma, (2) stigma and the pharmaceutical profession, (3) stigma and mental health, (4) pharmacist and mental health, and (5) mental health. Results and Discussion: After reading the abstracts, the publications were separated, totaling 44, divided among the 5 main topics. Publications regarding the conceptualization of stigma reinforce the idea that individuals are labeled in the face of a status they have and that this causes suffering and a low quality of life. Publications related to stigma and the pharmaceutical professional refer to the importance of literacy in mental health for pharmacy students and pharmacists. Publications for “Stigma and Mental Health” cite that stigma and prejudice directed at individuals with mental disorders leads to negative attitudes in addition to causing a negative impact on social and professional life. In addition, the presence of stigma directly and indirectly influences attitudes towards seeking treatment, and family members have a strong influence on this process. It mentions programs and interventions to reduce stigma and their importance for the individual to have quality of life, independently, job opportunities, in addition to citing difficulties faced by health professionals in the treatment and care of patients who face stigma. Conclusion: Individuals with mental disorders face neglect, stigma, and discrimination. The stigma against these individuals affects their quality of life, hampers their ability to contribute to society, in addition to discouraging the search for treatment for fear of being labeled. Programs and interventions aimed at combating stigma have positive results, but there is a need for research and development in the area, so that effective measures can be developed to guarantee long-term benefits. In environments that could have the participation of a pharmacist as part of the mental health care team, the results were positive. The importance of its presence still has limitations, and more studies are needed to support its insertion in this sector. Given this scenario, it is necessary to implement and prepare pharmacy students and trained professionals to work in the area. Low literacy and little professional training contribute to the perpetuation of negative attitudes and stigma of the diagnosis.