Prevendo a intenção de uso da funcionalidade de agregador de investimento no contexto do open banking utilizando redes neurais artificiais
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Este estudo teve por objetivo compreender os fatores determinantes que influenciam a intenção de uso da tecnologia de agregador de investimento utilizando ferramentas da nova tecnologia Open Banking lançado pelo Banco Central do Brasil. Para tal, foi conduzido um survey com 167 respondentes, que foi submetida a um estudo em profundidade utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA). Como resultado, identificamos que o fator “inovatividade” (X_INo=36%) é o construto mais significativo para a “intenção de uso da funcionalidade de agregador de investimento”, seguido de “confiança” (X_CON=25,4%) , “influência social” (X_IS=17,4%), “otimismo” e “utilidade percebida”. Assim, o estudo cumpre o que foi proposto, confirmando que a busca por novidades no mercado financeiro, a confiança passada pelos bancos, o otimismo frente ao uso de novas tecnologias, a influência social exercida pela sociedade em incentivar o uso da tecnologia e a percepção que a tecnologia possui utilidade são capazes de influenciar a intenção de uso. A análise do estudo também evidenciou que as pessoas que já investem o seu dinheiro de alguma forma, sendo em investimentos de rendas variáveis ou rendas fixas, possuem uma maior intensão de aderir a tecnologia, desta forma, também contribui para as empresas e bancos que desejam implementar a tecnologia de Agregador de Investimentos. Com isso, há contribuições técnicas para o tema de tecnologia de Open Banking e ferramentas agregadas, colaborando para a ampliação do conhecimento na área e contribuição prática para empresas aplicarem esta tecnologia com excelência.
This study aimed to understand the determining factors that influence the intention to use the investment aggregator technology using tools of the new Open Banking technology recently launched by the Central Bank of Brazil. To this end, a survey was carried out using QuestionPro and a sample of 167 respondents was obtained, which was subjected to an in-depth study using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). As a result, we identified that the “innovativeness” factor is the most significant construct for the “intention to use the investment aggregator functionality”, followed by “trust”, “social influence”, “optimism” and “perceived usefulness”. Thus, the study fulfills what was proposed, confirming that the search for novelties in the financial market, the confidence passed by the banks, the optimism regarding the use of new technologies, the social influence exerted by society in encouraging the use of technology and the perception that the technology has utility can influence the intention of use. The analysis of the study also showed that people already invest their money in some way, being in investments of variable income or fixed income, they are more likely to adhere to technology, in this way, it also contributes to companies and banks that want to implement the technology. Investment Aggregator. With this, there are technical contributions to the topic of Open Banking technology and added tools, collaborating to expand knowledge in the area and practical contribution for companies to apply this technology with excellence.
This study aimed to understand the determining factors that influence the intention to use the investment aggregator technology using tools of the new Open Banking technology recently launched by the Central Bank of Brazil. To this end, a survey was carried out using QuestionPro and a sample of 167 respondents was obtained, which was subjected to an in-depth study using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). As a result, we identified that the “innovativeness” factor is the most significant construct for the “intention to use the investment aggregator functionality”, followed by “trust”, “social influence”, “optimism” and “perceived usefulness”. Thus, the study fulfills what was proposed, confirming that the search for novelties in the financial market, the confidence passed by the banks, the optimism regarding the use of new technologies, the social influence exerted by society in encouraging the use of technology and the perception that the technology has utility can influence the intention of use. The analysis of the study also showed that people already invest their money in some way, being in investments of variable income or fixed income, they are more likely to adhere to technology, in this way, it also contributes to companies and banks that want to implement the technology. Investment Aggregator. With this, there are technical contributions to the topic of Open Banking technology and added tools, collaborating to expand knowledge in the area and practical contribution for companies to apply this technology with excellence.
BASTOS, Debora Cristina Marcoli. Prevendo a intenção de uso da funcionalidade de agregador de investimento no contexto do open banking utilizando redes neurais artificiais. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2023.