Otimização da triagem e do monitoramento de crianças a partir de escala neuropsicopedagógica para memória operacional
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Em decorrência do aprimoramento da tecnologia e do avanço científico na área de ciência neural, houve um aumento no número de pesquisas que procuram entender melhor como ocorre o processo de aprendizagem, compreensão, lembrança e ação no cérebro humano. As funções executivas são formadas por componentes que permitem entender e analisar como ocorre o desenvolvimento desses processos. Elas são divididas em três tipos: Controle Inibitório, Memória Operacional e Flexibilidade Cognitiva. Recentemente, o Drº Fabrício Bruno Cardoso e a Drª Maria Carolina Padilha do Laboratório de Inovações Educacionais e Estudos Neuropsicopedagógicos criaram a escala de triagem de memória operacional (ETNMO). A partir dessa escala é possível verificar se existe uma deficiência na Memória Operacional da criança. E consequentemente mostrar se a criança possui dificuldade de aprendizagem, pois o déficit em Memória Operacional é uma das possíveis causas para este problema. Essa ferramenta pode ser futuramente muito útil para o monitoramento educacional das crianças, mas precisa ser otimizada para facilitar o trabalho e ampliar os estudos em populações de diferentes regiões do Brasil, melhorando a confiabilidade da ETNMO. O objetivo desse trabalho é otimizar a triagem e a análise da escala neuropsicopedagógica, a fim de facilitar o processo de identificação e monitoramento dos alunos em idade escolar (4-10 anos de idade). Para isso, foi criado um formulário online (Google Forms) para a realizar o monitoramento das crianças com todos os itens da escala de triagem ETNMO. Em seguida, realizou-se a análise descritiva dos dados, bem como a análise dos resultados da escala, seguindo a classificação por faixa etária estabelecida. Por fim, foi construído um relatório dinâmico online (Google Data Studio) com o intuito de apresentar os resultados e as análise de forma dinâmica e visual. Futuramente, será possível observar a efetividade da otimização, visto que, a partir dela os profissionais da educação poderão acompanhar a evolução da criança durante todo processo de monitoramento. Assim, a otimização da escala de triagem neuropsicopedagógica para memória operacional pode ser uma ótima ferramenta para ampliar os estudos em populações de outras regiões do Brasil e futuramente auxiliar o trabalho dos neuropsicopedagogos a proporcionar as crianças uma melhora no desempenho da Memória Operacional.
As a result of the improvement of technology and scientific advances in the area of neural science, there has been an increase in the number of researches that seek to better understand how the process of learning, understanding, remembering and acting in the human brain occurs. Executive functions are made up of components that allow understanding and analyzing how these processes develop. They are divided into three types: Inhibitory Control, Working Memory and Cognitive Flexibility. Recently, Dr. Fabrício Bruno Cardoso and Dr. Maria Carolina Padilha from the Laboratory of Educational Innovations and Neuropsychopedagogical Studies created the working memory screening scale (ETNMO). From this scale it is possible to verify if there is a deficiency in the child's Working Memory. And consequently show whether the child has learning difficulties, as the deficit in Working Memory is one of the possible causes for this problem. This tool can be very useful in the future for monitoring children's education, but it needs to be optimized to facilitate the work and expand studies in populations from different regions of Brazil, improving the reliability of ETNMO. The objective of this work is to optimize the screening and analysis of the neuropsychopedagogical scale, in order to facilitate the process of identifying and monitoring school-age students (4-10 years old). For this, an online form (Google Forms) was created to monitor children with all items of the ETNMO screening scale. Then, the descriptive analysis of the data was carried out, as well as the analysis of the results of the scale, following the established classification by age group. Finally, an online dynamic report was built (Google Data Studio) in order to present the results and analysis in a dynamic and visual way. In the future, it will be possible to observe the effectiveness of the optimization, since, from it, education professionals will be able to follow the child's evolution throughout the monitoring process. Thus, the optimization of the neuropsychopedagogical screening scale for working memory can be a great tool to expand studies in populations from other regions of Brazil and in the future help the work of neuropsychopedagogues to provide children with an improvement in the performance of Working Memory.
As a result of the improvement of technology and scientific advances in the area of neural science, there has been an increase in the number of researches that seek to better understand how the process of learning, understanding, remembering and acting in the human brain occurs. Executive functions are made up of components that allow understanding and analyzing how these processes develop. They are divided into three types: Inhibitory Control, Working Memory and Cognitive Flexibility. Recently, Dr. Fabrício Bruno Cardoso and Dr. Maria Carolina Padilha from the Laboratory of Educational Innovations and Neuropsychopedagogical Studies created the working memory screening scale (ETNMO). From this scale it is possible to verify if there is a deficiency in the child's Working Memory. And consequently show whether the child has learning difficulties, as the deficit in Working Memory is one of the possible causes for this problem. This tool can be very useful in the future for monitoring children's education, but it needs to be optimized to facilitate the work and expand studies in populations from different regions of Brazil, improving the reliability of ETNMO. The objective of this work is to optimize the screening and analysis of the neuropsychopedagogical scale, in order to facilitate the process of identifying and monitoring school-age students (4-10 years old). For this, an online form (Google Forms) was created to monitor children with all items of the ETNMO screening scale. Then, the descriptive analysis of the data was carried out, as well as the analysis of the results of the scale, following the established classification by age group. Finally, an online dynamic report was built (Google Data Studio) in order to present the results and analysis in a dynamic and visual way. In the future, it will be possible to observe the effectiveness of the optimization, since, from it, education professionals will be able to follow the child's evolution throughout the monitoring process. Thus, the optimization of the neuropsychopedagogical screening scale for working memory can be a great tool to expand studies in populations from other regions of Brazil and in the future help the work of neuropsychopedagogues to provide children with an improvement in the performance of Working Memory.