Competência motora e aptidão física de crianças com ambliopia
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A detecção precoce de atrasos no desenvolvimento motor devido a ambliopia
em crianças e adolescentes é essencial para reverter ou minimizar as perdas de
competências motoras, devido à alteração da acuidade visual. Entre 5 e 10 anos de
idade, as crianças, segundo o modelo de desenvolvimento de Gallahue, estão na
fase motora fundamental. Quando inicia-se o tratamento para correção da ambliopia,
essas crianças podem apresentar déficits no desenvolvimento motor, e mesmo a
correção da acuidade visual pode não ser suficiente para reverter essas perdas.
Esses déficits visuais quando precocemente detectados e tratados podem garantir à
criança um desenvolvimento motor típico, assim como garantir o desenvolvimento
psicossocial desses indivíduos.
Métodos: Foram avaliadas 47 crianças entre 5 e 10 anos, regularmente
matriculadas em escolas na região de São Paulos e Santos, através da Motor
Competence Assessment (MCA). Entretanto, só obtivemos a causa da ambliopia de
31 crianças. Elas foram avaliadas durante as aulas de Educação Física na quadra
de seus respectivos colégios. Cada avaliação demorou cerca de 15 a 20 minutos
com cada criança. Antes de iniciar a avaliação através da Motor Competence
Assessment (MCA), foram medidos o peso e a altura de cada indivíduo. Logo em
seguida, as crianças receberam instruções sobre o que seria feito em cada teste e
consentiram verbalmente antes de iniciar as avaliações.
Resultado: Os participantes com miopia apresentaram menor média no teste
de saltos laterais, já os participantes com hipermetropia e astigmatismo tiveram
menores médias nos testes de transposição de plataformas e salto em profundidade.
No teste Shuttle Run, a menor média foi igualmente dos participantes com
estrabismo e astigmatismo. No teste de lançamento e chute a menor média de
desempenho foi dos participantes com hipermetropia.
Conclusão: Os achados que obtivemos a partir da análise da competência
motora permitem concluir que diferentes causas de ambliopia interferem em
diferentes habilidades motoras. Ou seja, determinadas causas geram mais impactos
em determinada competência motora do que em outra. Por exemplo, a miopia gera
baixa competência motora nas habilidades locomotoras, de manipulação e de
estabilidade; já a hipermetropia gera alta competência motora nas habilidades de
estabilidade e locomoção.
Early detection of delays in motor development due to amblyopia in children and adolescents is essential to reverse or minimize the loss of motor skills due to changes in visual acuity. Between 5 and 10 years of age, children, according to Gallahue's model of development, are in the fundamental motor phase. When treatment is started to correct amblyopia, these children may have deficits in motor development, and even correction of visual acuity may not be enough to reverse these losses. These visual deficits, when detected and treated early, can guarantee the child a typical motor development, as well as guarantee the psychosocial development of these individuals. Methods: 47 children between 5 and 10 years old, regularly enrolled in schools in the region of São Paulos and Santos, were evaluated through the Motor Competence Assessment (MCA). However, we only obtained the cause of amblyopia in 31 children. They were evaluated during Physical Education classes at their respective schools. Each assessment took about 15 to 20 minutes with each child. Before starting the evaluation through the Motor Competence Assessment (MCA), the weight and height of each individual were measured. Soon after, the children received instructions on what would be done in each test and verbally consented before starting the evaluations. Result: Participants with myopia had a lower average in the lateral jump test, while participants with hyperopia and astigmatism had a lower average in the platform transposition and depth jump tests. In the Shuttle Run test, the lowest average was also for participants with strabismus and astigmatism. In the launch and kick test, the lowest average performance was for participants with farsightedness. Conclusion: The findings obtained from the analysis of motor competence allow us to conclude that different causes of amblyopia interfere with different motor skills. That is, certain causes generate more impacts on a given motor skill than on another. For example, myopia generates low motor competence in locomotor, manipulation and stability skills; hyperopia generates high motor competence in stability and locomotion skills.
Early detection of delays in motor development due to amblyopia in children and adolescents is essential to reverse or minimize the loss of motor skills due to changes in visual acuity. Between 5 and 10 years of age, children, according to Gallahue's model of development, are in the fundamental motor phase. When treatment is started to correct amblyopia, these children may have deficits in motor development, and even correction of visual acuity may not be enough to reverse these losses. These visual deficits, when detected and treated early, can guarantee the child a typical motor development, as well as guarantee the psychosocial development of these individuals. Methods: 47 children between 5 and 10 years old, regularly enrolled in schools in the region of São Paulos and Santos, were evaluated through the Motor Competence Assessment (MCA). However, we only obtained the cause of amblyopia in 31 children. They were evaluated during Physical Education classes at their respective schools. Each assessment took about 15 to 20 minutes with each child. Before starting the evaluation through the Motor Competence Assessment (MCA), the weight and height of each individual were measured. Soon after, the children received instructions on what would be done in each test and verbally consented before starting the evaluations. Result: Participants with myopia had a lower average in the lateral jump test, while participants with hyperopia and astigmatism had a lower average in the platform transposition and depth jump tests. In the Shuttle Run test, the lowest average was also for participants with strabismus and astigmatism. In the launch and kick test, the lowest average performance was for participants with farsightedness. Conclusion: The findings obtained from the analysis of motor competence allow us to conclude that different causes of amblyopia interfere with different motor skills. That is, certain causes generate more impacts on a given motor skill than on another. For example, myopia generates low motor competence in locomotor, manipulation and stability skills; hyperopia generates high motor competence in stability and locomotion skills.
SANTOS, Letícia Negreiros dos. Competência motora e aptidão física de crianças com ambliopia. 2023. 46 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2023.