Formação de professores: um estudo sobre o ensino de matemática para crianças em tratamento oncológico
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Identificar quais as habilidades do Ensino Fundamental I que os professores que ensinam Matemática no 1 e 2º anos do Ensino Fundamental desenvolvem com os alunos/pacientes. Métodos: Pesquisa de cunho exploratório com caráter misto. Os aspectos quantitativos delimitam o perfil dos participantes da pesquisa e os qualitativos, o processo de escolarização nos anos escolares em estudo. Foram analisados os conteúdos de 171 aulas de Matemática ministradas pelos professores da escola hospitalar para alunos do 1º ano e do 2º ano do Ensino Fundamental ao longo do ano de 2019. O relato das aulas foi obtido do banco de dados da escola hospitalar. Os dados foram construídos mediante análise dos conteúdos trabalhados à luz da Teoria dos Campos Conceituais formulada por Gerard Vergnaud. O processo de análise foi realizado através da utilização dos conceitos de análise de conteúdo descritos por Bardin. Resultados: O processo de exploração de dados levou à criação 14 categorias intermediárias que após serem analisadas sob o princípio da Teoria dos Campos Conceituais foram posteriormente reduzidas para quatro categorias principais, nomeadas de Situações de História, Situações de Variedade, Forma Predicativa e Invariantes Operatórios. Além das análises sobre estas quatro categorias, foi criada uma categoria que é inerente à escola hospitalar. Tal categoria foi denominada Ambientes de Aprendizagem, que seguindo as peculiaridades do local de estudo é constituída por setores como radioterapia, quimioterapia, Transplante de Medula Óssea e brinquedoteca, dentre outros. Constatamos que 33,3% de todas as aulas foram ministradas em ambientes que podem ser considerados inóspitos para a prática pedagógica e que apenas 3,5% das aulas foram ministradas no ambiente da brinquedoteca. Conclusões: Os saberes da formação inicial emergiram a partir das análises, se fazendo presentes na busca por diferentes formas de trabalhar os conteúdos matemáticos com seus alunos/pacientes, a utilização de recursos tecnológicos, os jogos matemáticos, as leituras de histórias e o uso da História da matemática. A Teoria dos Campos Conceituais de Vergnaud foi observada nos relatos sobre o desenvolvimento das habilidades de comparação de números naturais, construção de conceitos, cálculos e resolução de problemas que envolviam adição, além da comparação de quantidades, assim como, na valorização da utilização da linguagem oral para exposição das resoluções dos exercícios e de conhecimentos dos seus alunos/pacientes. O que indica que as formas predicativa e operatória de conhecimento se fazem presentes. No ambiente de Escola Hospitalar os alunos/pacientes que fazem parte do recorte da pesquisa podem receber aula do Licenciados em Pedagogia ou Licenciados em Matemática. Como planejamento para futuros estudos, cremos que um processo de formação continuada em ensino de matemática, para essas duas licenciaturas, poderia contribuir para uma ampliação da intersecção existente entre essas formações, e contribuir para uma construção de saberes pautados nas trocas que surgem a partir dos relatos de métodos, ampliando assim os saberes a ensinar e para ensinar.
To identify which skills learned in elementary school and taught by the teachers of first and second years are developed with the students/patients. Method: Exploratory research with a mixed approach. The quantitative aspects delimits the profile of the research participants while the qualitatives delimits the schooling process along the years covered by this study. Were analysed the contents of 171 classes of Math taught by hospital school teachers for first and second elementary years students throughout the year of 2019. The class reports were obtained from the hospital school data bank. The data were built through content analysis, grounded by the Theory of Conceptual Fields formulated by Gerard Vergnaud. The analysis process was made through the application of analysis concepts of Bardin’s described contents. Result: The exploration process of the data led to the creation of 14 intermediary categories that, after being analysed through the principles of the Theory of Conceptual Field, were reduced into four categories, named History Situations, Variety Situations, Predicative Form and Operational Invariants. Beyond the analysis of these four categories, one more hospital school inherent category was created. It was called Learning Environments, which is constituted by the peculiarities of each place, for example, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Bone Marrow Transplant, Playroom, and others. We found that 33,3% of classes were taught in ambiences that could be considered inhospitable to pedagogic practice and only 3,5% of the classes were taught in the Playroom. Conclusions: It was comprehended that the knowledge of initial formation came from the analysis, being present in the searching for different forms of working the math content with the students/patients, the use of technological resources, the math games, the history reading and the use of math history. The Theory of Conceptual Field was observed in the reports about the development of natural number comparison, concept construction, calculation and resolution of problems that involve sum, in addition of the quantities comprehension, as well as the appreciation of the oral language utilization to the exposure of the exercises resolutions and the students/patients knowledge, which indicates that the predicative and operational forms of knowledge are present. In the hospital school ambience, the students/patients that are part of the research can have classes from Pedagogy Graduates and Math Graduates. We believe that the process to a continued formation in math teaching could contribute to an extension of the intersection existed between the two formations, and contribute to a knowledge construction ruled in the exchange that comes with the medical report, enlarging the teaching knowledge and the knowledge to teach.
To identify which skills learned in elementary school and taught by the teachers of first and second years are developed with the students/patients. Method: Exploratory research with a mixed approach. The quantitative aspects delimits the profile of the research participants while the qualitatives delimits the schooling process along the years covered by this study. Were analysed the contents of 171 classes of Math taught by hospital school teachers for first and second elementary years students throughout the year of 2019. The class reports were obtained from the hospital school data bank. The data were built through content analysis, grounded by the Theory of Conceptual Fields formulated by Gerard Vergnaud. The analysis process was made through the application of analysis concepts of Bardin’s described contents. Result: The exploration process of the data led to the creation of 14 intermediary categories that, after being analysed through the principles of the Theory of Conceptual Field, were reduced into four categories, named History Situations, Variety Situations, Predicative Form and Operational Invariants. Beyond the analysis of these four categories, one more hospital school inherent category was created. It was called Learning Environments, which is constituted by the peculiarities of each place, for example, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Bone Marrow Transplant, Playroom, and others. We found that 33,3% of classes were taught in ambiences that could be considered inhospitable to pedagogic practice and only 3,5% of the classes were taught in the Playroom. Conclusions: It was comprehended that the knowledge of initial formation came from the analysis, being present in the searching for different forms of working the math content with the students/patients, the use of technological resources, the math games, the history reading and the use of math history. The Theory of Conceptual Field was observed in the reports about the development of natural number comparison, concept construction, calculation and resolution of problems that involve sum, in addition of the quantities comprehension, as well as the appreciation of the oral language utilization to the exposure of the exercises resolutions and the students/patients knowledge, which indicates that the predicative and operational forms of knowledge are present. In the hospital school ambience, the students/patients that are part of the research can have classes from Pedagogy Graduates and Math Graduates. We believe that the process to a continued formation in math teaching could contribute to an extension of the intersection existed between the two formations, and contribute to a knowledge construction ruled in the exchange that comes with the medical report, enlarging the teaching knowledge and the knowledge to teach.