Conexões entre Peru e Oriente no pensamento de José Carlos Mariátegui (1920-1930)
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Ao considerar, fundamentalmente, a realidade indígena na tarefa de apropriação do marxismo, o peruano José Carlos Mariátegui (1894-1930) foi celebrado como um dos mais originais pensadores latino-americanos. Contemporânea a um momento fecundo da História, particularmente a década de 1920, a obra de Mariátegui abrangeu, contudo, a análise do panorama internacional, incluindo não somente a Europa, mas a América Latina e alguns países da África e da Ásia (Oriente), para além de sua interpretação da sociedade peruana.
Em vista disso, a pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender como as conexões entre Peru e Oriente, presentes em sua produção e amparadas pela conjuntura do período, contribuíram para a elaboração de suas ideias. Partindo dessa perspectiva, acreditamos que seu pensamento ganha maior complexidade, ao se dar atenção para outras formações culturais no processo de criação do socialismo “indo-americano”. Isto é, o socialismo preocupado com a valorização da singularidade peruana, bem como latino-americana, cuja composição indígena foi ressaltada. Problematizamos, por meio de artigos e ensaios produzidos por Mariátegui – no período de sua viagem à Europa e posterior retorno ao Peru – como o Oriente reverberou no eixo fundamental de suas reflexões – o socialismo – contribuindo para dar forma a algumas de suas principais proposições.
When fundamentally considering the indigenous reality in the task of appropriating Marxism, the Peruvian José Carlos Mariátegui (1894-1930) was celebrated as one of the most original Latin American thinkers. Contemporary to a fertile moment in History, particularly the 1920s, Mariátegui’s work, however, covered the analysis of the international scene, including not only Europe but also Latin America and some countries of Africa and Asia (East), apart from his interpretation of Peruvian society. Therefore, the research aimed to understand how the connections between Peru and the East, present in his production and supported by the conjecture of the period, contributed to the elaboration of his ideas. From this perspective, we believe that his thinking becomes more complex when given special attention to other cultural formations in the process of creating “Indo-American” socialism. That is to say, the concern with valuing the Peruvian and the Latin America singularity, whose indigenous composition was highlighted in his work. We discuss, through articles and essays written by Mariátegui – during his trip to Europe and subsequent return to Peru – how the East reverberated in the fundamental axis of his reflections – the socialism – contributing to shape some of his main propositions.
When fundamentally considering the indigenous reality in the task of appropriating Marxism, the Peruvian José Carlos Mariátegui (1894-1930) was celebrated as one of the most original Latin American thinkers. Contemporary to a fertile moment in History, particularly the 1920s, Mariátegui’s work, however, covered the analysis of the international scene, including not only Europe but also Latin America and some countries of Africa and Asia (East), apart from his interpretation of Peruvian society. Therefore, the research aimed to understand how the connections between Peru and the East, present in his production and supported by the conjecture of the period, contributed to the elaboration of his ideas. From this perspective, we believe that his thinking becomes more complex when given special attention to other cultural formations in the process of creating “Indo-American” socialism. That is to say, the concern with valuing the Peruvian and the Latin America singularity, whose indigenous composition was highlighted in his work. We discuss, through articles and essays written by Mariátegui – during his trip to Europe and subsequent return to Peru – how the East reverberated in the fundamental axis of his reflections – the socialism – contributing to shape some of his main propositions.