Avaliação da qualidade das diretrizes clínicas para o cuidado em saúde mental na gestação: aplicação da ferramenta AGREE II
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Introdução: As diretrizes clínicas (DC) são documentos que fornecem recomendações baseadas em evidências com o objetivo de otimizar o cuidado prestado ao paciente. Para que sejam confiáveis, seu processo de desenvolvimento deve ser transparente, o que é avaliado por instrumentos padronizados e validados. A qualidade é ainda mais importante quando a DC traz recomendações para situações para as quais há escassez de evidências, como no caso da gestação. Esse período é caracterizado por muitas alterações, tanto do ponto de vista físico e hormonal quanto psíquico, que resulta em maior susceptibilidade e que, consequentemente, é a fase em que pode haver maior chance de exacerbação ou manifestação de sintomas de transtornos psíquicos. Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade das DC disponíveis com recomendações sobre o cuidado em saúde mental durante a gestação. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizada revisão sistemática de DC, com busca sistemática nas bases MEDLINE (via Pubmed), Embase e repositórios específicos. Foram consideradas elegíveis DC elaboradas a partir de uma revisão sistemática, publicadas ou atualizadas a partir de 2015, com escopo relacionado à saúde mental e com pelo menos uma recomendação para a população gestante. A qualidade das DC incluídas foi avaliada com a segunda versão do instrumento Appraisal of Guidelines, Research and Evaluation (AGREE II), por três avaliadores independentes e previamente treinados. Discrepâncias de dois ou mais pontos nas notas de cada item do AGREE foram discutidas até obter consenso. Para considerar a DC como de boa qualidade metodológica foi dada maior relevância para os domínios 3 (Rigor de desenvolvimento) e 6 (Independência editorial), para os quais foi necessário escore igual ou superior a 60%. Resultados: Foi avaliada a qualidade metodológica de 38 DC, as pontuações medianas obtidas foram 81%, 60%, 66%, 86%, 37% e 69%, respectivamente. O domínio com a melhor pontuação foi clareza de apresentação, enquanto o domínio de maior déficit foi aplicabilidade. A maioria dessas DC (31; 81,6%) foi elaborada por países/regiões desenvolvidas e por sociedades profissionais ou organizações governamentais. Uma das condições mais frequente foi o transtorno depressivo, escopo de nove DC. Entre todas as DC avaliadas, 17 foram classificadas como de alta qualidade metodológica, mas ainda assim apresentavam limitações em alguns domínios como envolvimento de partes interessadas e aplicabilidade. Quinze DC foram classificadas como de média qualidade metodológica. Entre essas DC, oito apresentaram pontuações muito próximas da estabelecida para ser considerada como de alta qualidade. Seis DC foram classificadas como de baixa qualidade metodológica e de forma geral apresentaram limitações em todos os domínios. Conclusão: Apesar de identificar várias DC de alta qualidade contendo pelo menos uma recomendação sobre o cuidado em saúde mental de gestantes, a maioria ainda carece de melhoria nos processos de elaboração/relato para que pudessem obter melhor pontuação, sobretudo nos escores que avaliam questões de implementação e representatividade na equipe de elaboração.
Introduction: Clinical Guidelines (CG) are documents that provide evidence-based recommendations focused on optimizing patient care. To assure reliability, their development must be transparent, and under the assessment of standardized and validated tools. Quality is even more relevant when it comes to CG providing recommendations for non-evidence situations, such during pregnancy. This period is characterized by many changes, both from the physical and hormonal point of view as well as psychic, which results in greater susceptibility and, consequently, is the phase in which there may be a greater chance of exacerbation or manifestation of symptoms of mental disorders. Objective: To assess the quality of the available CGs containing recommendations on mental health care during pregnancy. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of CG has been performed. CG identification was conducted through systematic searches in MEDLINE base (through Pubmed), Embase and CG-specific repositories. Those considered eligible were CGs conceived from a systematic review, published or updated as of 2015, with scope related to mental health and with at least one recommendation for the pregnant population. The quality of the included CGs was assessed with the second version of the Appraisal of Guidelines, Research and Evaluation (AGREE II) tool, by three independent and previously trained evaluators. Discrepancies of two or more points in the scores for each AGREE item were discussed until consensus was reached. In order to rank CG as of good methodological quality, greater relevance was given to domains 3 (Accuracy of development) and 6 (Editorial independence), in which a score equal to or greater than 60% was required. Results: The methodological quality of 38 CG was evaluated, the medians scores obtained were 81%, 60%, 66%, 86%, 37% and 69%, respectively. The domain with the best score was clarity of presentation, while the domain with the greatest deficit was applicability. Most of these CG (31; 81,6%) were elaborated by developed countries/regions and by professional societies or government organizations. One of the most frequent conditions was depressive disorder, scope of nine CG. Among all the CG evaluated, 17 were classified as high methodological quality but still had limitations in other domains such as stakeholder involvement and applicability. Fifteen CG were classified as having medium methodological quality. Among these CG, eight showed scores very close to the established to be considered as high quality. Six CG were classified as of low methodological quality and in general presented limitations in all domains. Conclusion: Although identifying several high-quality CG containing at least one recommendation on mental health care for pregnant women, most still need improvement in the drafting/reporting processes so that they could score better, especially in the scores assessing implementation issues and representativeness in the development team.
Introduction: Clinical Guidelines (CG) are documents that provide evidence-based recommendations focused on optimizing patient care. To assure reliability, their development must be transparent, and under the assessment of standardized and validated tools. Quality is even more relevant when it comes to CG providing recommendations for non-evidence situations, such during pregnancy. This period is characterized by many changes, both from the physical and hormonal point of view as well as psychic, which results in greater susceptibility and, consequently, is the phase in which there may be a greater chance of exacerbation or manifestation of symptoms of mental disorders. Objective: To assess the quality of the available CGs containing recommendations on mental health care during pregnancy. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of CG has been performed. CG identification was conducted through systematic searches in MEDLINE base (through Pubmed), Embase and CG-specific repositories. Those considered eligible were CGs conceived from a systematic review, published or updated as of 2015, with scope related to mental health and with at least one recommendation for the pregnant population. The quality of the included CGs was assessed with the second version of the Appraisal of Guidelines, Research and Evaluation (AGREE II) tool, by three independent and previously trained evaluators. Discrepancies of two or more points in the scores for each AGREE item were discussed until consensus was reached. In order to rank CG as of good methodological quality, greater relevance was given to domains 3 (Accuracy of development) and 6 (Editorial independence), in which a score equal to or greater than 60% was required. Results: The methodological quality of 38 CG was evaluated, the medians scores obtained were 81%, 60%, 66%, 86%, 37% and 69%, respectively. The domain with the best score was clarity of presentation, while the domain with the greatest deficit was applicability. Most of these CG (31; 81,6%) were elaborated by developed countries/regions and by professional societies or government organizations. One of the most frequent conditions was depressive disorder, scope of nine CG. Among all the CG evaluated, 17 were classified as high methodological quality but still had limitations in other domains such as stakeholder involvement and applicability. Fifteen CG were classified as having medium methodological quality. Among these CG, eight showed scores very close to the established to be considered as high quality. Six CG were classified as of low methodological quality and in general presented limitations in all domains. Conclusion: Although identifying several high-quality CG containing at least one recommendation on mental health care for pregnant women, most still need improvement in the drafting/reporting processes so that they could score better, especially in the scores assessing implementation issues and representativeness in the development team.