Variabilidade interanual das concentrações de poluentes atmosféricos na região metropolitana de São Paulo e associação com variáveis meteorológicas e socioeconômicas
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A região metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP), como o maior conglomerado urbano do Brasil, também responde pela maior taxa de mortes relacionadas a complicações do aparelho respiratório no país. Ao mesmo tempo, é o Estado com as mais avançadas políticas de metas e capacidade de monitoramento da qualidade do ar, quanto às concentrações dos poluentes atmosféricos. Este último fator torna possível a análise quanto à evolução de longo prazo do comportamento dos poluentes de maneira que ainda não é possível nas outras metrópoles brasileiras. Dessa forma, este projeto analisou as concentrações atmosféricas do MP10 e do O3 entre os anos de 2000 e 2020, por meio das tendências de longo prazo de suas medianas mensais, na RMSP. Foi realizada uma análise estatística com as distribuições de probabilidade Normal, Lognormal, Gamma, Weibull, Gumbel e Pearson V, avaliando qual distribuição melhor se ajustava à cada série temporal pelos testes estatísticos de qualidade de ajuste Kolmogorov-Smirnov e Anderson-Darling. Por meio das distribuições de probabilidade melhor ajustadas foram gerados os índices normalizados Standard Concentration Index (SCI), os quais foram comparados às Anomalias Normalizadas, para ambos os poluentes. Também foram realizadas análises do comportamento das tendências de longo prazo das variáveis meteorológicas e indicadores socioeconômicos, na escala mensal. Por fim, foi gerada uma matriz de correlação com o objetivo de identificar as relações positivas e negativas entre os três conjuntos de dados. Assim, foram avaliados quais variáveis e indicadores contribuíram mais para o comportamento das concentrações de MP10 e O3 na RMSP nos últimos 21 anos. Seguindo o padrão identificado em estudos anteriores, as concentrações de MP10 e O3 apresentaram majoritariamente tendência de redução e ausência de tendência, respectivamente. As distribuições de probabilidade melhor ajustadas às medianas mensais dos poluentes foram Pearson V, para o MP10, e Gamma, para o O3. A comparação entre SCI e Anomalias Normalizadas indicou que ambas as metodologias obtêm resultados semelhantes ao gerar índices normalizados. As correlações entre as concentrações de poluentes e as variáveis meteorológicas precipitação e velocidade do vento foram negativas, corroborando a hipótese de que elas contribuem para a dispersão dos poluentes na atmosfera. A análise de correlações também apontou uma maior associação entre a produção do setor industrial e as concentrações de MP10 na RMSP, em detrimento às emissões veiculares. Ao mesmo tempo, a redução do consumo de Óleo Combustível parece favorecer o aumento das concentrações de O3 na troposfera, com uma correlação negativa entre essas variáveis.
The Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP), as the largest urban conglomerate in Brazil, also accounts for the highest rate of deaths related to respiratory complications in the country. At the same time, it is the state with the most advanced air quality policies and monitoring capacity. This last factor makes it possible to analyze the long term evolution of pollutant behavior in a way that is not possible in other Brazilian metropolises yet. Thus, this project analyzed the atmospheric concentrations of PM10 and O3 between the years 2000 and 2020, through the long-term trends of their monthly medians, in the MASP. A statistical analysis was performed with the probability distributions Normal, Lognormal, Gamma, Weibull, Gumbel and Pearson V, evaluating which distribution best fitted each time series using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit statistical tests. By means of the best fitted probability distributions, the normalized indices Standard Concentration Index (SCI) were generated, which were compared to the Normalized Anomalies, for both pollutants. Analysis of the behavior of long-term trends of meteorological variables and socioeconomic indicators were also carried out on a monthly scale. Finally, a correlation matrix was generated in order to identify the positive and negative associations between the three data sets. With that, we evaluated wich variables and indicators contributed most to the behavior of PM10 and O3 concentrations in the MASP in the last 21 years. Following the pattern identified in previous studies, the concentrations of PM10 and O3 mostly showed a decrease trend and no trend, respectively. The probability distributions best fitted to the monthly medians of pollutants were Pearson V, for PM10, and Gamma, for O3. The comparison between SCI and Normalized Anomalies indicated that both methodologies obtain similar results when generating normalized indices. The correlations between the pollutant concentrations and the meteorological variables precipitation and wind speed were negative, supporting the hypothesis that meteorological variables contribute to the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. The correlation analysis also pointed to a stronger association between the production of the industrial sector and PM10 concentrations in the MASP, in detriment of vehicular emissions. At the same time, the reduction in Fuel Oil consumption seems to favor the increase in O3 concentrations in the troposphere, attested by a negative correlation coefficient.
The Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP), as the largest urban conglomerate in Brazil, also accounts for the highest rate of deaths related to respiratory complications in the country. At the same time, it is the state with the most advanced air quality policies and monitoring capacity. This last factor makes it possible to analyze the long term evolution of pollutant behavior in a way that is not possible in other Brazilian metropolises yet. Thus, this project analyzed the atmospheric concentrations of PM10 and O3 between the years 2000 and 2020, through the long-term trends of their monthly medians, in the MASP. A statistical analysis was performed with the probability distributions Normal, Lognormal, Gamma, Weibull, Gumbel and Pearson V, evaluating which distribution best fitted each time series using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit statistical tests. By means of the best fitted probability distributions, the normalized indices Standard Concentration Index (SCI) were generated, which were compared to the Normalized Anomalies, for both pollutants. Analysis of the behavior of long-term trends of meteorological variables and socioeconomic indicators were also carried out on a monthly scale. Finally, a correlation matrix was generated in order to identify the positive and negative associations between the three data sets. With that, we evaluated wich variables and indicators contributed most to the behavior of PM10 and O3 concentrations in the MASP in the last 21 years. Following the pattern identified in previous studies, the concentrations of PM10 and O3 mostly showed a decrease trend and no trend, respectively. The probability distributions best fitted to the monthly medians of pollutants were Pearson V, for PM10, and Gamma, for O3. The comparison between SCI and Normalized Anomalies indicated that both methodologies obtain similar results when generating normalized indices. The correlations between the pollutant concentrations and the meteorological variables precipitation and wind speed were negative, supporting the hypothesis that meteorological variables contribute to the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. The correlation analysis also pointed to a stronger association between the production of the industrial sector and PM10 concentrations in the MASP, in detriment of vehicular emissions. At the same time, the reduction in Fuel Oil consumption seems to favor the increase in O3 concentrations in the troposphere, attested by a negative correlation coefficient.
DÁRIO, Matheus Soares. Variabilidade interanual das concentrações de poluentes atmosféricos na região metropolitana de São Paulo e associação com variáveis meteorológicas e socioeconômicas. 2022. 71 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Ciências Ambientais) - Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, 2022.