Recomendações de guias de prática clínica de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis exclusivas para idosos e/ou pessoas com comorbidades cardiovasculares - avaliação de frequência e divergências
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Introdução: À medida que a população mundial envelhece, as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNTs) e a existência de duas ou mais condições crônicas em um mesmo indivíduo (multimorbidade) serão cada vez mais predominantes. Dentre as DCNTs mais prevalentes temos as doenças cardiovasculares (DCVs). Os guias de prática clínica (GPCs) são documentos com recomendações que auxiliam na gestão de condições clínicas. Objetivo: Comparar a frequência e o conteúdo de recomendações de GPCs previamente selecionados de alta qualidade de DCNTs em pacientes idosos e/ou com condições cardiovasculares (CCVs) concomitantes. Materiais e Métodos: Inicialmente foi feita a extração de recomendações de 119 GPCs de DCNTs de alta qualidade que foram avaliados em um trabalho anterior, que citavam as populações idosa e/ou com comorbidade cardiovascular. Posteriormente foi examinada a frequência dessas recomendações e se havia divergências entre elas. Resultados: Ao considerar que 119 GPCs foram incluídos no total, menos de 50% dos GPCs apresentavam recomendações direcionadas para os idosos e o mesmo ocorreu para as comorbidades cardiovasculares. Os GPCs de diabetes mellitus e hipertensão arterial sistêmica foram os que mais mencionaram idosos, e os GPCs de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, doença arterial coronária e angina foram os que mais mencionaram as comorbidades cardiovasculares. Já os GPCs sobre asma, doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE) e hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) não apresentaram recomendações nem para a população idosa e nem para as pessoas com CCVs concomitantes. Discussão e Conclusão: Apesar dos GPCs de asma e de DRGE não apresentarem recomendações para pacientes que possuem CCVs, essas DCNTs possuem relação com o desenvolvimento de DCVs. Outrossim é que a prevalência de idosos que possuem HPB é alta. Por isso, se faz necessário que os GPCs desenvolvam mais recomendações sobre o cuidado específico para pessoas idosas e com CCVs concomitantes, com o intuito de assistir essas populações no manejo de DCNTs de forma eficaz.
Introduction: As the world population ages, chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and the existence of two or more chronic conditions in the same individual (multimorbidity) will be increasingly prevalent. Among the most prevalent NCDs we have cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are documents with recommendations that help in the management of clinical conditions. Objective: To compare the frequency and content of recommendations from previously selected high-quality NCDs's GPCs in elderly patients and/or with concomitant cardiovascular conditions (CVCs). Materials and Methods: Initially, recommendations were extracted from 119 CPGs of high-quality NCDs that had been evaluated in a previous study, which cited elderly populations and/or those with cardiovascular comorbidity. Subsequently, the frequency of these recommendations was examined and whether there were any discrepancies between them. Results: When considering that 119 CPGs were included in total, less than 50% of GPCs had recommendations aimed at the elderly and the same occurred for cardiovascular comorbidities. The CPGs of diabetes mellitus and systemic arterial hypertension were the ones that most mentioned the elderly, and the CPGs of congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease and angina were the ones that most mentioned cardiovascular comorbidities. The CPGs on asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) did not present recommendations either for the elderly population or for people with concomitant CVCs. Discussion and Conclusion: Although the asthma and GERD CPGs do not present recommendations for patients who have CVCs, these NCDs are related to the development of CVDs. Furthermore, the prevalence of elderly people with BPH is high. Therefore, it is necessary for the CPGs to develop more recommendations on specific care for elderly people and those with concomitant CVCs, in order to assist these populations in the effective management of NCDs.
Introduction: As the world population ages, chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and the existence of two or more chronic conditions in the same individual (multimorbidity) will be increasingly prevalent. Among the most prevalent NCDs we have cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are documents with recommendations that help in the management of clinical conditions. Objective: To compare the frequency and content of recommendations from previously selected high-quality NCDs's GPCs in elderly patients and/or with concomitant cardiovascular conditions (CVCs). Materials and Methods: Initially, recommendations were extracted from 119 CPGs of high-quality NCDs that had been evaluated in a previous study, which cited elderly populations and/or those with cardiovascular comorbidity. Subsequently, the frequency of these recommendations was examined and whether there were any discrepancies between them. Results: When considering that 119 CPGs were included in total, less than 50% of GPCs had recommendations aimed at the elderly and the same occurred for cardiovascular comorbidities. The CPGs of diabetes mellitus and systemic arterial hypertension were the ones that most mentioned the elderly, and the CPGs of congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease and angina were the ones that most mentioned cardiovascular comorbidities. The CPGs on asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) did not present recommendations either for the elderly population or for people with concomitant CVCs. Discussion and Conclusion: Although the asthma and GERD CPGs do not present recommendations for patients who have CVCs, these NCDs are related to the development of CVDs. Furthermore, the prevalence of elderly people with BPH is high. Therefore, it is necessary for the CPGs to develop more recommendations on specific care for elderly people and those with concomitant CVCs, in order to assist these populations in the effective management of NCDs.