Avaliação das propriedades de medidas de testes clínicos para a postura dos pés em crianças e adolescentes: Uma revisão Sistemática
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Introdução: O pé humano, considerado uma estrutura complexa, pode ser classificado como neutro, cavo ou plano, por meio de testes clínicos, exames de imagem, pressão plantar, avalia-ções visuais e outros. Uma criança com desenvolvimento típico pode apresentar pé plano até os oito anos de idade, devido as estruturas que compõem os arcos longitudinal medial, lateral e transverso, ainda estarem em formação. Apesar dessa postura ter resolução espontânea em al-guns casos, algumas crianças e adolescentes podem apresentar sintomas, relatando dor e fra-queza nos membros inferiores. A utilização de testes clínicos para classificar a postura do pé e identificar quando é necessária uma intervenção, é de grande importância no processo de toma-da de decisão do profissional. Para isso, a escolha do melhor teste clínico deve ser baseada em propriedades de medidas previamente estabelecidas na literatura, e validadas em crianças e ado-lescentes. Objetivo: Avaliar e sintetizar criticamente os testes clínicos utilizados na literatura para avaliar a postura dos pés de crianças e adolescentes, além de investigar a propriedade de medida mais confiável, válida e de melhor responsividade. Método: Foram incluídos estudos que apresentaram em sua metodologia pelo menos uma propriedade de medida de testes clínicos que identifiquem a postura do pé (validade, confiabilidade, responsividade, sensibilidade ou especificidade) em crianças com idade entre quatro e 12 anos e/ou adolescentes entre 12 e 18 anos, do sexo feminino ou masculino, com pés assintomáticos e/ou sintomáticos e sem históri-co de cirurgia nos membros inferiores. Uma pesquisa bibliográfica computadorizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, CENTRAL, EMBASE, CINAHL, PEDro e SciELO foi realizada por dois revisores independentes e a estratégia de busca foi composta por termos indexados, pala-vras-chave ou termos de pesquisa livre, utilizando sinônimos e combinações através de opera-dores booleanos para capturar todos os estudos relacionados. Qualquer discordância entre os dois revisores, foi solucionada por meio de um terceiro pesquisador. Resultados: Oito artigos científicos foram incluídos nesta revisão. A partir dos artigos incluídos, foram identificados oito testes clínicos. Todos os estudos avaliaram a confiabilidade intra e/ou inter-avaliador, dois estu-dos avaliaram a validade e nenhum estudo avaliou a responsividade. Conclusão: Foi constata-do que os testes clínicos que avaliam a postura de pés de crianças e adolescentes são confiáveis para análise intra e inter avaliador. Apesar da pouca quantidade de estudos que avaliaram a vali-dade, os estudos mostraram uma boa associação com medidas em imagens radiográficas. Não foi possível identificar a responsividade dos testes clínicos devido à ausência de estudos. Registro PROSPERO: CRD42021244879
Introduction: The human foot, considered a complex structure, can be classified as neutral, cavus or flat, through clinical tests, imaging tests, plantar pressure, visual assessments, and others. A child with typical development may have a flat foot until the age of eight, due to the structures that make up the medial, lateral and transverse longitudinal arches, still being formed. Although this posture has spontaneous resolution in some cases, some children and adolescents may present symptoms, reporting pain and weakness in the lower limbs. The use of clinical tests to classify the foot posture and identify when an intervention is necessary is of great importance in the professional's decision-making process. For this, the choice of the best clinical test should be based on properties of measures previously established in the literature and validated in children and adolescents. Objective : To evaluate and critically synthesize the clinical tests used in the literature to assess the posture of the feet of children and adolescents, in addition to investigating the property of a more reliable, valid and better responsive measure. Method: This review included studies that presented in their methodology at least one measurement property of clinical tests that identify the foot posture (validity, reliability, responsiveness, sensitivity or specificity) in children aged between four and 12 years and / or adolescents between 12 and 18 years old, female or male, with asymptomatic and / or symptomatic feet and no history of lower limb surgery. A computerized bibliographic search in the MEDLINE, CENTRAL, EMBASE, CINAHL, PEDro and SciELO databases will be carried out by two independent reviewers and the search strategy will consist of indexed terms, keywords or free search terms, using synonyms and combinations through of Boolean operators to capture all related studies. Any disagreement between the two reviewers will be resolved through a third researcher. Results: Eight studies were identified and included in this systematic review. All studies assessed intra- and inter-rater reliability, two assessed validity, and no study assessed responsivity. Conclusion: Clinical tests assessing foot posture in children and adolescents present reliable intra- and inter-rater analyses. Although only two studies assessed validity, good association with radiograph measurements was observed. The responsivity of clinical tests was not assessed due to lack of studies
Introduction: The human foot, considered a complex structure, can be classified as neutral, cavus or flat, through clinical tests, imaging tests, plantar pressure, visual assessments, and others. A child with typical development may have a flat foot until the age of eight, due to the structures that make up the medial, lateral and transverse longitudinal arches, still being formed. Although this posture has spontaneous resolution in some cases, some children and adolescents may present symptoms, reporting pain and weakness in the lower limbs. The use of clinical tests to classify the foot posture and identify when an intervention is necessary is of great importance in the professional's decision-making process. For this, the choice of the best clinical test should be based on properties of measures previously established in the literature and validated in children and adolescents. Objective : To evaluate and critically synthesize the clinical tests used in the literature to assess the posture of the feet of children and adolescents, in addition to investigating the property of a more reliable, valid and better responsive measure. Method: This review included studies that presented in their methodology at least one measurement property of clinical tests that identify the foot posture (validity, reliability, responsiveness, sensitivity or specificity) in children aged between four and 12 years and / or adolescents between 12 and 18 years old, female or male, with asymptomatic and / or symptomatic feet and no history of lower limb surgery. A computerized bibliographic search in the MEDLINE, CENTRAL, EMBASE, CINAHL, PEDro and SciELO databases will be carried out by two independent reviewers and the search strategy will consist of indexed terms, keywords or free search terms, using synonyms and combinations through of Boolean operators to capture all related studies. Any disagreement between the two reviewers will be resolved through a third researcher. Results: Eight studies were identified and included in this systematic review. All studies assessed intra- and inter-rater reliability, two assessed validity, and no study assessed responsivity. Conclusion: Clinical tests assessing foot posture in children and adolescents present reliable intra- and inter-rater analyses. Although only two studies assessed validity, good association with radiograph measurements was observed. The responsivity of clinical tests was not assessed due to lack of studies
OLIVEIRA, Leticia Colombo de. Avaliação das propriedades de medidas de testes clínicos para a postura dos pés em crianças e adolescentes: Uma revisão Sistemática. 2022. 41 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.