As propostas educacionais de higienização veiculadas pela Revista Escolar (1925-1927)

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Silva, Rodrigo Pereira Dos Anjos Da [UNIFESP]
Toledo, Maria Rita De Almeida [UNIFESP]
Dissertação de mestrado
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Educational journals, published in the first decades of the 20th century, were the scene of disputes and clashes between different groups that not only sought space to convey their ideas, but also wanted to impose their representations on the educational field of the time. It is within this area that this study finds its concerns. Published between January 1925 and September 1927, part of this research, Revista Escolar was a spotlight for the defense of the modern school in São Paulo and the defense of a hygienist thought. In this way, commanded by the Public Instruction Board, under the leadership of Pedro Voss, between 1925 and 1927, this Board published the Revista Escolar, receiving harsh criticism from the group that was located around the 1926 Survey, formulated by Fernando de Azevedo. In this struggle of representations for the institutionalization of a São Paulo educational model, several strategies were used by the editorial board of Revista Escolar as a way to attract the largest number of teachers from São Paulo and build an ideal reader for a peculiar reading model. However, the journal also circulated the discourse on the imperative need for the articulation of hygiene in school education. This discourse constituted a link between intellectuals in favor of the model of reading the periodicals and its critics. In other words: if there were criticisms of the teaching method and the way these methods were printed in the journal, there were no dissensions in relation to hygienic discourse. Anyway, we started from the idea that there were differences between these groups of intellectuals in the field of education, these differences need to be located and explained. In this perspective, to unravel the bellicose field of education, we analyzed the magazine in its material and didactic form, as well as the public in this way projected - the recently graduated teachers-; we also analyzed the magazine as a space for defending ideas about literacy and its forms of dissemination and the ideas for articulation between school and hygiene. Because, in the front that was formed between these different groups, in the 1920s, increasing, decreasing, excluding and including information in the journal's body, becomes morEducational journals, published in the first decades of the 20th century, were the scene of disputes and clashes between different groups that not only sought space to convey their ideas, but also wanted to impose their representations on the educational field of the time. It is within this area that this study finds its concerns. Published between January 1925 and September 1927, part of this research, Revista Escolar was a spotlight for the defense of the modern school in São Paulo and the defense of a hygienist thought. In this way, commanded by the Public Instruction Board, under the leadership of Pedro Voss, between 1925 and 1927, this Board published the Revista Escolar, receiving harsh criticism from the group that was located around the 1926 Survey, formulated by Fernando de Azevedo. In this struggle of representations for the institutionalization of a São Paulo educational model, several strategies were used by the editorial board of Revista Escolar as a way to attract the largest number of teachers from São Paulo and build an ideal reader for a peculiar reading model. However, the journal also circulated the discourse on the imperative need for the articulation of hygiene in school education. This discourse constituted a link between intellectuals in favor of the model of reading the periodicals and its critics. In other words: if there were criticisms of the teaching method and the way these methods were printed in the journal, there were no dissensions in relation to hygienic discourse. Anyway, we started from the idea that there were differences between these groups of intellectuals in the field of education, these differences need to be located and explained. In this perspective, to unravel the bellicose field of education, we analyzed the magazine in its material and didactic form, as well as the public in this way projected - the recently graduated teachers-; we also analyzed the magazine as a space for defending ideas about literacy and its forms of dissemination and the ideas for articulation between school and hygiene. Because, in the front that was formed between these different groups, in the 1920s, increasing, decreasing, excluding and including information in the journal's body, becomes more than an artifice of the publishing process, they are tools that help to shape a certain thought, thus seeking to dominate and dominate certain representations. To analyze this field of disputes, in this dissertation, hygiene and the project (s) for its implementation in São Paulo schools proposed by Revista Escolar are the central issue.e than an artifice of the publishing process, they are tools that help to shape a certain thought, thus seeking to dominate and dominate certain representations. To analyze this field of disputes, in this dissertation, hygiene and the project (s) for its implementation in São Paulo schools proposed by Revista Escolar are the central issue.
Os periódicos educacionais, publicados nas primeiras décadas do século XX, foram palco de disputas e embates de diferentes grupos que não só buscavam espaço para veicular suas ideias, como queriam impor suas representações no campo educacional da época. É dentro desta seara que este estudo localiza suas inquietações. Publicada entre janeiro de 1925 até setembro de 1927, recorte desta pesquisa, a Revista Escolar foi um holofote para a defesa da escola moderna paulista e da defesa de um pensamento higienista. Deste modo, comandada pela Diretoria de Instrução Publica, sob a liderança de Pedro Voss, entre 1925 e 1927, esta Diretoria publicou a Revista Escolar, recebendo duras críticas do grupo que se localizou em torno do Inquérito de 1926, formulado por Fernando de Azevedo. Nesta luta de representações pela institucionalização de um modelo educacional paulista, diversas estratégias foram utilizadas pelo corpo editorial da Revista Escolar como forma de atrair o maior número do professorado paulista e construir um leitor ideal para um modelo de leitura peculiar. Contudo, o periódico também fez circular o discurso sobre a imperiosa necessidade da articulação da higiene na educação escolar. Esse discurso se constituiu em elo entre os intelectuais favoráveis ao modelo de leitura dos periódicos e os seus críticos. Em outras palavras: se havia críticas ao método de ensino e ao modo como esses métodos eram estampados no periódico, não havia dissensões em relação ao discurso higiênico. Enfim, partimos da ideia de que se havia divergências entre estes grupos de intelectuais no campo da educação, essas divergências precisam ser localizadas e explicadas. Nessa perspectiva, para deslindar o campo belicoso da educação, analisamos a revista em sua forma material e didática, assim como o público que por essa forma foi projetado -os professores recém- formados-; analisamos também a revista como espaço de defesa de ideias sobre a alfabetização e suas formas de difusão e as ideias de articulação entre a escola e a higiene. No front que se formou entre estes diferentes grupos, na década de 1920, aumentar, diminuir, excluir e incluir informações no corpo da revista, torna-se, pois, mais que artimanhas do processo de editoração, são ferramentas que ajudam a moldar determinado pensamento, buscando, assim, o domínio e a hegemonização de determinadas representações. Para analisar esse campo de disputas, nessa dissertação, recorta-se como questão central a Higienização e o(s) projeto(s) de sua implementação nas escolas paulistas propugnado pela Revista Escolar.