Efeitos do treinamento pliométrico de baixo volume de saltos sobre parâmetros de aptidão física em atletas adolescentes de futsal
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Introdução: O futsal é um esporte que exige muito das capacidades físicas (força,
resistência, velocidade, agilidade e potência) e esforços táticos e técnicos dos jogadores.
A aplicação do treinamento pliométrico com baixo volume de saltos tem mostrado
resultados significativos no desenvolvimento neuromuscular e melhora nas capacidades
físicas de atletas de futebol, trazendo a importância de se estudar se o mesmo ocorre em
jovens atletas de futsal. Objetivo: Avaliar se o treinamento pliométrico de baixo
volume de saltos altera parâmetros de potência muscular e do desempenho físico de
velocidade e agilidade de jovens atletas de futsal. Métodos: Participaram do estudo 17
atletas de futsal com média de idade de 14,6 anos, os quais foram avaliados em dois
momentos: antes da pré-temporada e no início do período competitivo durante a
preparação para o Campeonato Paulista de Futsal. Para avaliar a potência muscular e
pico de torque de extensores e flexores de coxa, foi utilizado o dinamômetro isocinético
(Biodex) e para avaliar a altura de salto (squat jump (SJ) e contra movimento (CM) foi
realizado teste em plataforma de força. Para avaliar agilidade (teste Illinois) e
velocidade (0-5m 0-10m e 0–20m) foi utilizada Fotocélula (Browser-EUA). Durante
seis semanas seguiu-se rotina de treinos técnicos e táticos comuns (duas vezes por
semana durante 90 minutos) e aos atletas foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo
Treinamento Pliométrico (GTP - realizou treinamento pliométrico de baixo volume de
saltos (20 min./sessão) e Grupo Controle (GC – realizou exercícios de aquecimento 20
min./sessão). Para verificar diferenças o nível de significância foi estabelecido em p
≤0,05 Resultados: Após seis semanas o GTP apresentou aumento nos valores de salto
horizontal (p= 0,04), pico de torque a 60º (ext/n.dom. p=0,02, flex/dom. p=0,07,
flex/n.dom. p=0,07) a 180º (ext/dom. p=0,03, flex./dom p=0,05) e para potência
muscular a 60º/seg (ext/n.dom. p= 0,06, flex./n.dom. p=0,05) e a 180º/seg (ext./dom.
p=0,03, ext./n.dom. p=0,03, flex./dom. p=0,07, flex./n.dom. p=0,08), além de
diminuição no tempo para o teste de agilidade (p=0,004) quando comparados os
momentos pré e pós intervenção, houve também um tamanho do efeito considerado
grande para a velocidade de 5 metros (TE=-1,07) e uma diferença nos valores finais
entre os grupos no salto squat jump (p=0,011), contra movimento (p=0,006) e horizontal
(p=0,002), enquanto que o GC apresentou apenas aumento da velocidade em 5 metros
(p=0,03) e aumento no pico de torque a 60º/seg(flex./dom. p=0,04 e flex./n.dom.
p=0,05) e 180º/seg (ext./dom. p=0,01). Conclusão: A utilização do treinamento
pliométrico de baixo volume é uma estratégia interessante e eficaz para jovens atletas de
futsal relativo ao aumento de potência muscular, pico de torque e melhora do
desempenho de velocidade e agilidade.
Introduction: Futsal is a sport that requires a lot of physical abilities (strength, endurance, speed, agility and power) and tactical and technical efforts from players. The application of plyometric training with low volume of jumps has shown significant results in the neuromuscular development and improvement in the physical capacities of soccer players, bringing the importance of studying if the same occurs in young futsal athletes. Objective: To evaluate whether low-volume jumping plyometric training alters muscle power parameters and physical performance of speed and agility of young futsal athletes. Methods: 17 futsal athletes with a mean age of 14.6 years participated in the study, who were evaluated in two moments: before the pre-season and at the beginning of the competitive period during the preparation for the Paulista Futsal Championship. To evaluate the muscle power and peak torque of thigh extensors and flexors, the isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex) was used and to evaluate the jump height (squat jump (SJ) and against movement (CM) force platform test was performed. Photocell (Browser-USA) was used to assess agility (Illinois test) and speed (0-5m 0-10m and 0- 20m). For six weeks, routine technical and tactical training routine (twice a week during 90 minutes) and the athletes were divided into two groups: Plyometric Training Group (GTP- performed low volume jumping plyometric training -20min/session) and Control Group (CG- performed 20 min/session of warm-up exercises). To check for differences, the level of significance was set at p ≤0.05. Results: After six weeks, the GTP showed an increase in the values of horizontal jump (p = 0.04), peak torque at 60º (ext / n.dom. P = 0.02, flex / sun. p = 0.07, flex/ n,dom p=0,07) at 180º (ext / sun p=0.03, flex/ dom p=0.05) and for muscle power at 60º / sec (ext/ n.dom p-0.06 flex./n.dom. p = 0.05) and at 180º / sec (ext./dom. p = 0.03, ext./n.dom. p = 0.03, flex, / dom. p = 0.07, flex./n.dom. p=0.08 in addition to a decrease in time for the agility test (p = 0.004) when comparing the pre and post intervention moments, there was also and effect size considered large for the speed of 5 meters (TE=-1.07) and a difference in the final values between the groups in the squat jump (p=0.011), against movement (p =0.006) and horizontal (p =0.002) while the CG showed an increase in speed of 5 meters (p =0.003) and an increase in peak torque at 60º / sec (flex./dom. p=0.004) and (flex./dom p =0.005) and 180º / sec (ext./dom. p =0.001). Conclusion: The use of low volume plyometric training is an interesting and effective strategy for young futsal athletes regarding the increase in muscle power, peak torque and improvement in speed and agility performance.
Introduction: Futsal is a sport that requires a lot of physical abilities (strength, endurance, speed, agility and power) and tactical and technical efforts from players. The application of plyometric training with low volume of jumps has shown significant results in the neuromuscular development and improvement in the physical capacities of soccer players, bringing the importance of studying if the same occurs in young futsal athletes. Objective: To evaluate whether low-volume jumping plyometric training alters muscle power parameters and physical performance of speed and agility of young futsal athletes. Methods: 17 futsal athletes with a mean age of 14.6 years participated in the study, who were evaluated in two moments: before the pre-season and at the beginning of the competitive period during the preparation for the Paulista Futsal Championship. To evaluate the muscle power and peak torque of thigh extensors and flexors, the isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex) was used and to evaluate the jump height (squat jump (SJ) and against movement (CM) force platform test was performed. Photocell (Browser-USA) was used to assess agility (Illinois test) and speed (0-5m 0-10m and 0- 20m). For six weeks, routine technical and tactical training routine (twice a week during 90 minutes) and the athletes were divided into two groups: Plyometric Training Group (GTP- performed low volume jumping plyometric training -20min/session) and Control Group (CG- performed 20 min/session of warm-up exercises). To check for differences, the level of significance was set at p ≤0.05. Results: After six weeks, the GTP showed an increase in the values of horizontal jump (p = 0.04), peak torque at 60º (ext / n.dom. P = 0.02, flex / sun. p = 0.07, flex/ n,dom p=0,07) at 180º (ext / sun p=0.03, flex/ dom p=0.05) and for muscle power at 60º / sec (ext/ n.dom p-0.06 flex./n.dom. p = 0.05) and at 180º / sec (ext./dom. p = 0.03, ext./n.dom. p = 0.03, flex, / dom. p = 0.07, flex./n.dom. p=0.08 in addition to a decrease in time for the agility test (p = 0.004) when comparing the pre and post intervention moments, there was also and effect size considered large for the speed of 5 meters (TE=-1.07) and a difference in the final values between the groups in the squat jump (p=0.011), against movement (p =0.006) and horizontal (p =0.002) while the CG showed an increase in speed of 5 meters (p =0.003) and an increase in peak torque at 60º / sec (flex./dom. p=0.004) and (flex./dom p =0.005) and 180º / sec (ext./dom. p =0.001). Conclusion: The use of low volume plyometric training is an interesting and effective strategy for young futsal athletes regarding the increase in muscle power, peak torque and improvement in speed and agility performance.
NASCIMENTO, Fernando Albanezi do. Efeitos do treinamento pliométrico de baixo volume de saltos sobre parâmetros de aptidão física em atletas adolescentes de futsal. 2020. 57 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em ) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2020.