Análise da evolução do resseguro no Brasil: antes e após o monopólio do IRB
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o desenvolvimento do mercado de resseguro brasileiro considerando o período correspondente ao monopólio do IRB e o período após a publicação da Lei Complementar 126/2007, que abriu o mercado para a entrada de outros resseguradores e, dessa forma, verificar como evoluiu a participação do IRB frente aos demais resseguradores. Para contextualização, primeiramente foi feito uma breve explicação da história do resseguro no mundo e no Brasil, bem como os desdobramentos até a publicação da lei complementar mencionada anteriormente. Posteriormente foram estudados os Relatórios de Análise e Acompanhamento dos Mercados Supervisionados disponibilizados pela Susep, bem como os dados de Prêmio Ganho dos Resseguradores Locais encontrados no Sistema de Estatística da Susep – SES. Desse modo, foi possível verificar que mesmo após mais de 13 anos do fim do monopólio do IRB, esse ressegurador ainda possui uma importante participação no mercado ressegurador local.
This work aims to analyze the development of the Brazilian reinsurance market considering the period corresponding to the IRB monopoly and the period after the publication of Complementary Law 126/2007, which opened the market for the entry of other reinsurers and, thus, to verify how the participation of the IRB evolved in relation to other reinsurers. For contextualization, a brief explanation of the history of reinsurance in the world and in Brazil was first made, as well as the consequences until the publication of the complementary law mentioned above. Subsequently, the Supervised Markets Analysis and Monitoring Reports made available by Susep were studied, as well as the Data for the Gain of Local Reinsurers found in the Susep Statistical System - SES. Thus, it was possible to verify that even after more than 13 years of the end of the IRB monopoly, this reinsurer still has an important share in the local reinsurance market.
This work aims to analyze the development of the Brazilian reinsurance market considering the period corresponding to the IRB monopoly and the period after the publication of Complementary Law 126/2007, which opened the market for the entry of other reinsurers and, thus, to verify how the participation of the IRB evolved in relation to other reinsurers. For contextualization, a brief explanation of the history of reinsurance in the world and in Brazil was first made, as well as the consequences until the publication of the complementary law mentioned above. Subsequently, the Supervised Markets Analysis and Monitoring Reports made available by Susep were studied, as well as the Data for the Gain of Local Reinsurers found in the Susep Statistical System - SES. Thus, it was possible to verify that even after more than 13 years of the end of the IRB monopoly, this reinsurer still has an important share in the local reinsurance market.