Microplástico em ostras (Crassostrea brasiliana) ao longo de um gradiente de contaminação no estuário de Santos
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A maior parte dos detritos antropogênicos que são despejados nos cursos de água, estuários e sistemas aquáticos costeiros, é proveniente dos efluentes urbanos, industriais ou portuários. Entre esses materiais, o plástico passou a ser recentemente considerado um resíduo preocupante, com as atenções fundamentalmente voltadas para suas frações de menor tamanho, conhecidas como micro e nano plásticos. Portanto, monitorar a ocorrência ambiental desse tipo de resíduos em zonas costeiras passou a ser uma demanda de pesquisadores e gestores ambientais ao redor do mundo. Nesse sentido, várias iniciativas vêm sendo empreendidas no sentido de utilizar moluscos bivalves filtradores, tais como ostras e mexilhões, como sentinelas desse tipo de contaminação. Apesar disso, poucas iniciativas nesse contexto foram até o momento realizadas no litoral sulamericano. Similarmente, no estuário de Santos (Sudeste do Brasil), onde existem bem documentados gradientes de contaminação química, nenhum estudo dessa natureza foi até o momento desenvolvido. Dessa forma, o presente estudo visou avaliar concentrações de microplásticos em tecidos de ostras da espécie Crassostrea brasiliana ao longo de um gradiente de contaminação deste sistema estuarino. Amostragens de organismos foram realizadas em três pontos distribuídos expostos a diferentes níveis de contaminação na porção final do estuário: Balsa de Santos (S1), Praia do Góes (S2) e Ilha das Palmas (S3). A biometria e o estado nutricional dos organismos foi avaliado através de Índices de Condição (IC). Adicionalmente, as concentrações de microplásticos, bem como as formas predominantes foram avaliadas em tecidos moles de cada amostra. Foi observada uma diferença no comprimento das ostras do ponto S3 (menos contaminado), fator importante a ser avaliado devido ao fato da capacidade de bioacumulação de MPs variar conforme o tamanho do organismo. Apenas dois (de trinta) organismos apresentaram um valor de IC que caracteriza um bom estado de nutrição, porém, não foram observadas diferenças significativas, considerando as médias de IC em cada ponto. Os resultados revelaram concentrações elevadas de MPs nos tecidos das ostras C. brasiliana, com valores que acompanham o gradiente de contaminação documentado para outros contaminantes já conhecidos na área estudada, sendo maiores em S1, e progressivamente menores em S2 e S3. O ponto S1 apresentou concentração média de 16,1±14,2 partículas/g (w.w.), estando entre os maiores níveis de MPs encontrados no mundo. Fibras foram o tipo de MPs mais encontrado nos tecidos das ostras (entre 92,3% e 100%), tendo sua acumulação em bivalves relacionada a danos no crescimento, nos tecidos, na morfologia e à mortalidade. O estudo pode servir como base para posteriores estudos de monitoramento de contaminação de MPs em diferentes localidades e revela a importância de uma adequada gestão de resíduos.
Most of the anthropogenic waste that is discharged into water courses, estuaries and coastal aquatic systems comes from urban, industrial or port effluents. Among these materials, plastic has recently been considered a worrying waste, with attention primarily focused on its smaller fractions, known as micro and nano plastics. Therefore, monitoring the environmental occurrence of this type of debris in coastal areas has become a demand for researchers and environmental managers around the world. In this sense, several initiatives have been undertaken to use filter-feeding bivalve molluscs, such as oysters and mussels, as sentinels for this type of contamination. Despite this, few initiatives in this regard have so far been carried out on the South American coast. Similarly, in the Santos estuary (Southeast Brazil), where there are well-documented chemical contamination gradients, no studies have yet been developed. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate concentrations of microplastics in soft tissues of Crassostrea brasiliana oysters along a contamination gradient of this estuarine system. Organism samples were obtained in three sites exposed to different levels of contamination in the final portion of the estuary: Balsa de Santos (S1), Praia do Góes (S2) and Ilha das Palmas (S3). Biometrics and the nutritional status of organisms were assessed using Condition Indexes (CI). Additionally, the concentrations of microplastics as well as the predominant forms were evaluated in soft tissue of each sample. A difference in shell lengths of the oysters at point S3 (less contaminated) was observed, an important factor to be evaluated due to the fact that the bioaccumulation capacity of MPs varies according to the size of the organism. Only two (out of thirty) organisms had a CI value that characterizes a good nutritional status, however, no significant differences were observed, considering the CI means at each site. The results revealed high concentrations of MPs in the tissues of C. brasiliana oysters, with values that follow the contamination gradient documented for other contaminants already known in the studied area, being higher in S1, and progressively lower in S2 and S3. In the sampled site S1, an average concentration of 16.1±14.2 particles/g (w.w.) was seen, being among the highest levels of MPs found around the world. Fibers were the most common type of MPs found in oyster tissues (between 92.3% and 100%), and their accumulation in bivalves was related to damage to growth, tissue, morphology and mortality. This study can serve as a basis for further monitoring studies of MPs contamination in different locations and reveals the importance of proper waste management.
Most of the anthropogenic waste that is discharged into water courses, estuaries and coastal aquatic systems comes from urban, industrial or port effluents. Among these materials, plastic has recently been considered a worrying waste, with attention primarily focused on its smaller fractions, known as micro and nano plastics. Therefore, monitoring the environmental occurrence of this type of debris in coastal areas has become a demand for researchers and environmental managers around the world. In this sense, several initiatives have been undertaken to use filter-feeding bivalve molluscs, such as oysters and mussels, as sentinels for this type of contamination. Despite this, few initiatives in this regard have so far been carried out on the South American coast. Similarly, in the Santos estuary (Southeast Brazil), where there are well-documented chemical contamination gradients, no studies have yet been developed. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate concentrations of microplastics in soft tissues of Crassostrea brasiliana oysters along a contamination gradient of this estuarine system. Organism samples were obtained in three sites exposed to different levels of contamination in the final portion of the estuary: Balsa de Santos (S1), Praia do Góes (S2) and Ilha das Palmas (S3). Biometrics and the nutritional status of organisms were assessed using Condition Indexes (CI). Additionally, the concentrations of microplastics as well as the predominant forms were evaluated in soft tissue of each sample. A difference in shell lengths of the oysters at point S3 (less contaminated) was observed, an important factor to be evaluated due to the fact that the bioaccumulation capacity of MPs varies according to the size of the organism. Only two (out of thirty) organisms had a CI value that characterizes a good nutritional status, however, no significant differences were observed, considering the CI means at each site. The results revealed high concentrations of MPs in the tissues of C. brasiliana oysters, with values that follow the contamination gradient documented for other contaminants already known in the studied area, being higher in S1, and progressively lower in S2 and S3. In the sampled site S1, an average concentration of 16.1±14.2 particles/g (w.w.) was seen, being among the highest levels of MPs found around the world. Fibers were the most common type of MPs found in oyster tissues (between 92.3% and 100%), and their accumulation in bivalves was related to damage to growth, tissue, morphology and mortality. This study can serve as a basis for further monitoring studies of MPs contamination in different locations and reveals the importance of proper waste management.
GUESSE, Isabela Bezerra. Microplástico em ostras (Crassostrea brasiliana) ao longo de um gradiente de contaminação no estuário de Santos. 2022. 31 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.