Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar: segurança alimentar e pandemia
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A oferta de alimentação escolar é de extrema importância para promover o desenvolvimento
da educação em nossa sociedade, ainda sendo capaz de promover a alimentação saudável e
reduzir a defasagem nutricional que muitos alunos enfrentam em relação à alimentação
domiciliar. O presente trabalho apresenta, como um dos seus objetivos, o estudo detalhado a
respeito do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE), desde sua criação,
implantação, desenvolvimento inicial e ainda apresenta algumas das medidas adotadas a fim
de trazer melhorias em sua cobertura, adesão e desenvolvimento. Realiza-se também a
apresentação das mudanças excepcionais realizadas em sua estrutura frente à Pandemia de
Coronavírus (COVID-19), a fim de garantir segurança alimentar e qualidade nutricional. Para
desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa, adotaremos metodologia exploratória, sendo utilizada
a técnica de coleta de dados por documentação indireta (documental e bibliográfica) para
análise de documentos oficiais públicos. No que diz respeito à formação de professores, o
estudo aprofundado do programa, se torna um aliado, pois assim o torna capaz de identificar
defasagens relacionadas à alimentação, permitindo ao professor agir de forma participativa na
gestão de uma instituição de ensino, pensando na cobertura do Programa e sua melhor
utilização, a fim de buscar alternativas para minimizar os impactos quando a alimentação
domiciliar é insuficiente.
The provision of school meals is extremely important to promote the development of education in our society, still being able to promote healthy eating and reduce the nutritional gap that many students face in relation to home meals. The present work presents, as one of its objectives, the detailed study about the National School Feeding Program (PNAE), since its creation, implementation, initial development and also presents some of the measures adopted in order to bring about improvements in its coverage, membership and development. There is also a presentation of the exceptional changes made to its structure in the face of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19), in order to ensure food safety and nutritional quality. For the development of this research, we will adopt an exploratory methodology, using the technique of data collection by indirect documentation (documentary and bibliographic) for the analysis of official public documents. With regard to teacher training, an in-depth study of the program becomes an ally, as it becomes capable of identifying gaps related to food, allowing the teacher to act in a participatory manner in the management of an educational institution, thinking about the coverage of the Program and its best use, in order to seek alternatives to minimize the impacts when home food is insufficient.
The provision of school meals is extremely important to promote the development of education in our society, still being able to promote healthy eating and reduce the nutritional gap that many students face in relation to home meals. The present work presents, as one of its objectives, the detailed study about the National School Feeding Program (PNAE), since its creation, implementation, initial development and also presents some of the measures adopted in order to bring about improvements in its coverage, membership and development. There is also a presentation of the exceptional changes made to its structure in the face of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19), in order to ensure food safety and nutritional quality. For the development of this research, we will adopt an exploratory methodology, using the technique of data collection by indirect documentation (documentary and bibliographic) for the analysis of official public documents. With regard to teacher training, an in-depth study of the program becomes an ally, as it becomes capable of identifying gaps related to food, allowing the teacher to act in a participatory manner in the management of an educational institution, thinking about the coverage of the Program and its best use, in order to seek alternatives to minimize the impacts when home food is insufficient.