Gestação e pandemia: qual o impacto na alimentação das mulheres?
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A gestação é um período sensível a alterações físicas e comportamentais na mulher, em que a alimentação pode ser influenciada por diversos fatores. A pandemia de Covid-19 impactou a vida das pessoas a partir do isolamento social e do aumento do desemprego no Brasil, com influências diretas na alimentação. As gestantes são um dos grupos de risco para a Covid-19 e pesquisas nacionais apontam que, durante a pandemia, houve diminuição do número de consultas pré-natais e aumento de partos cesáreas, prematuridade, entre outros dados. Considerando as implicações que a gestação e a pandemia podem ter na alimentação das mulheres, este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar possíveis influências da pandemia e/ou da gestação na alimentação desse grupo, em relação à qualidade dos alimentos e ao hábito de cozinhar. Foi realizado estudo qualitativo por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinco mulheres que vivenciaram algum período da gestação durante a pandemia. A análise de dados resultou em categorias organizadas a partir das mudanças alimentares relacionadas à pandemia, à gestação (aos sintomas e à saúde) e à pandemia e à gestação simultaneamente. Com o início da crise sanitária, as mulheres relataram trabalho em home office o que levou à melhora da alimentação associada ao consumo de alimentos preparados em casa, com a indicação da dificuldade de sustentar a prática culinária, por serem as únicas responsáveis por essa função. Outras mulheres, universitárias, passaram a comer a comida preparada para a família, ao retornarem para a casa dos pais. Uma mulher, que manteve o trabalho presencial, relatou piora na alimentação com o consumo de fast food e uso de delivery. Nenhuma mulher relatou insegurança alimentar. Com a chegada da gestação, os sintomas referidos trouxeram algumas dificuldades para as mulheres, causando alterações e/ou restrições alimentares. As gestantes relataram maior consumo de frutas, maior ingestão hídrica e realização de refeições nos horários “certos”. O apoio familiar se mostrou importante tanto no cotidiano, quanto nas complicações da gestação, garantindo o preparo da comida. A gestante que trabalhava de forma presencial, ao entrar em home office, apontou melhora na alimentação. Esse estudo indicou que estar gestante no período de pandemia foi uma experiência positiva com relação à alimentação para as mulheres estudadas. A realidade da maioria das gestantes brasileiras, distantes das participantes, sugerem a necessidade de outras investigações sobre os impactos da pandemia e da gestação na alimentação.
Pregnancy is a sensitive period to physical and behavioral changes to a woman, in which eating can be influenced by several factors. Covid-19 pandemic has impacted people’s lives through social isolation and unemployment rise in Brazil, with direct influences on food consumption. Being pregnant is one of the risk factors for Covid-19 and national researches indicate that, during the pandemic, there has been a decrease in the number of prenatal appointments and an increase in cesarean deliveries, premature births, among other data. Considering the implications that gestation and pandemic may have on women's diet, this paper had the purpose to analyze possible pandemic and/or pregnancy influences on this group food consumption, regarding diet quality and cooking habits. A qualitative study was performed through semi structured interviews with five women that experienced any period of their pregnancy during the pandemic. Data analysis resulted in categories that were organized by pandemic, pregnancy and pandemic/pregnancy-related dietary changes. With the beginning of the health crisis, women related working from home led to an improvement in eating behaviors associated with home cooked meals consumption, but with an indication of difficulty in sustaining culinary practice, as they are the only responsible for that function. Other women, university students, began to consume the food their family prepared, when they returned to their parents' house. One woman, who kept working in person, related her diet got worse as she increased fast food consumption and food delivery requests. No women reported food insecurity. With the arrival of the pregnancy, related symptoms brought some difficulties to the women, causing changes and/or dietary restrictions. Pregnant women reported greater consumption of fruits, greater water intake and eating meals at the “right” times. Family support proved to be important both in daily life and in pregnancy complications, ensuring food preparation. The pregnant woman who worked in person, when began working from home, indicated an improvement in eating behaviors. This study indicated being pregnant during the pandemic was a positive experience regarding food consumption to the studied women. The reality of most Brazilian pregnant women, far from the participants, suggest the need for further investigations into the impacts of the pandemic and pregnancy on food.
Pregnancy is a sensitive period to physical and behavioral changes to a woman, in which eating can be influenced by several factors. Covid-19 pandemic has impacted people’s lives through social isolation and unemployment rise in Brazil, with direct influences on food consumption. Being pregnant is one of the risk factors for Covid-19 and national researches indicate that, during the pandemic, there has been a decrease in the number of prenatal appointments and an increase in cesarean deliveries, premature births, among other data. Considering the implications that gestation and pandemic may have on women's diet, this paper had the purpose to analyze possible pandemic and/or pregnancy influences on this group food consumption, regarding diet quality and cooking habits. A qualitative study was performed through semi structured interviews with five women that experienced any period of their pregnancy during the pandemic. Data analysis resulted in categories that were organized by pandemic, pregnancy and pandemic/pregnancy-related dietary changes. With the beginning of the health crisis, women related working from home led to an improvement in eating behaviors associated with home cooked meals consumption, but with an indication of difficulty in sustaining culinary practice, as they are the only responsible for that function. Other women, university students, began to consume the food their family prepared, when they returned to their parents' house. One woman, who kept working in person, related her diet got worse as she increased fast food consumption and food delivery requests. No women reported food insecurity. With the arrival of the pregnancy, related symptoms brought some difficulties to the women, causing changes and/or dietary restrictions. Pregnant women reported greater consumption of fruits, greater water intake and eating meals at the “right” times. Family support proved to be important both in daily life and in pregnancy complications, ensuring food preparation. The pregnant woman who worked in person, when began working from home, indicated an improvement in eating behaviors. This study indicated being pregnant during the pandemic was a positive experience regarding food consumption to the studied women. The reality of most Brazilian pregnant women, far from the participants, suggest the need for further investigations into the impacts of the pandemic and pregnancy on food.
LIMA, Juliana Bernardo Marcelino. Gestação e pandemia: qual o impacto na alimentação das mulheres? 2022. 48 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Nutrição) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.