A crise pandêmica da gripe asiática e Covid-19
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O principal objetivo da presente pesquisa é fazer um estudo comparativo entre as
pandemias de Gripe asiática, a qual ocorreu nos anos de 1957 e 1958 e tem, até então, os
mesmos efeitos sociais - de contágio, propagação, complicações e mortalidade - e
econômicos - a diminuição da capacidade produtiva, auxílios financeiros emergenciais,
injeção de capital para recuperação da economia global - se comparada com a pandemia do
novo coronavírus que aflige o mundo há praticamente 2 anos. Com base nesse estudo,
pretendo entender se há, de alguma forma, meios de amenizar os impactos durante as
pandemias. E também como as crises sanitárias alteram a dinâmica do sistema internacional.
The main objective of the present research is to make a comparative study between the Asian flu pandemics, which occurred in the years 1957 and 1958 and have, until then, the same social effects - of contagion, propagation, complications and mortality - and economic - the decrease in production capacity, emergency financial aid, injection of capital to recover the global economy - compared to the new coronavirus pandemic that has afflicted the world for almost 2 years. Based on this study, I intend to understand if there are, somehow, ways to mitigate the impacts during pandemics. And also how health crises alter the dynamics of the international system.
The main objective of the present research is to make a comparative study between the Asian flu pandemics, which occurred in the years 1957 and 1958 and have, until then, the same social effects - of contagion, propagation, complications and mortality - and economic - the decrease in production capacity, emergency financial aid, injection of capital to recover the global economy - compared to the new coronavirus pandemic that has afflicted the world for almost 2 years. Based on this study, I intend to understand if there are, somehow, ways to mitigate the impacts during pandemics. And also how health crises alter the dynamics of the international system.
GHAZARYAN, Harutyun. A crise pandêmica da gripe asiática e Covid-19. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Relações Internacionais) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022.