Avaliação do perfil de reações adversas a medicamentos em pacientes internados no Hospital do Rim pós-transplante renal nos anos de 2019 e 2020
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Objetivo: Conduzir uma avaliação do perfil de reações adversas nos anos de 2019 e 2020 em pacientes pós-transplante renal. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo corte transversal, com base de dados secundários, no intuito de conhecer as reações adversas que mais atingem pacientes pós-transplantados renais. A metodologia de busca de suspeita de reação adversa, foi realizada através da busca ativa pelos farmacêuticos do hospital. Critérios de inclusão: ser transplantado renal, estar internado no Hospital do Rim, apresentar suspeitas de reações adversas descritas no prontuário eletrônico do paciente e manifestar reações adversas nos primeiros 3 dias de tratamento. Não há critérios de exclusão. As reações adversas foram classificadas conforme o algoritmo de Naranjo para a causalidade e gravidade segundo Jeffrey K. Aronson e colaboradores. Análise estatística realziada pela correlação de Pearson. Os valores foram considerados estatisticamente significantes quando o valor de p<0,05. Resultados: Nos anos de 2019 e 2020 foram notificados 105 pacientes com reações adversas a medicamentos no Hospital do Rim. Dentre essas notificações, 35,2% (37) ocorreram ao longo do ano de 2019 e 64,7% (68) durante o ano de 2020. Na avaliação da gravidade das RAM’s, em 2019, 43,2% (16) das reações notificadas foram classificadas como leves, 29,7% (11) moderadas, 27% graves e não houve caso de reação adversa ao medicamento fatal. Em 2020, 67,6% (46) das reações notificadas foram classificadas como leves, 19,1% (13) moderadas, 11,7% graves e 1,5% (1) letal. Quanto à causalidade, em 2019, em um total de 37 notificações, se obteve 10,8% (4) das notificações classificadas como definida, 64,9% (24) provável, 24,3% (9) possível e não houve notificação classificada como duvidosa. No ano 2020, 68 notificações foram realizadas das quais 2,9% (2) foram classificadas como definidas, 83,8% (57) provável, 13,2% (9) possível, e novamente, não houve classificação considerada duvidosa. A correlação de gênero e reação adversa com 95% de confiança em 2019 foi p=0,8 e em 2020 p=0,8. Em relação a idade, com 95% de confiança em 2019 o valor p=0,7; em 2020 valor p=0,9. Conclusão: A análise do perfil de reações adversas a medicamentos em pacientes pós-transplante renal nos anos de 2019 e 2020 permitiu observar que a maioria das RAM’s observadas ocorrem em pacientes do sexo masculino, predominantemente adultos e idosos, embora não foi observado correlação estatística entre elas. Além disso, o estudo foi capaz de mostrar quais são as reações adversas que mais acontecem e quais os medicamentos relacionados a elas.
Objective: To evaluate the profile of adverse reactions in 2019 and 2020 in post kidney transplant patients. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, based on secondary data, in order to know the adverse reactions that most affect post renal transplant patients. The methodology to search for suspected adverse reactions was carried out through an active search by the hospital pharmacists. Inclusion criteria: being a kidney transplant, being admitted to the Kidney Hospital, having suspected adverse reactions described in the electronic medical record, and manifesting adverse reactions within the first 3 days of treatment. There are no exclusion criteria. Adverse reactions were classified according to Naranjo's algorithm for causality and severity according to Jeffrey K. Aronson et al. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson's correlation. Values were considered statistically significant when p value<0.05. Results: In the years 2019 and 2020, 105 patients with adverse drug reactions were reported at the Hospital do Rim. Among these notifications, 35.2% (37) occurred during the year 2019 and 64.7% (68) during the year 2020. In assessing the severity of ADR’s, in 2019, 43.2% (16) of the reported reactions were classified as mild, 29.7% (11) moderate, 27% severe, and there was no case of a fatal adverse drug reaction. In 2020, 67.6% (46) of reported reactions were classified as mild, 19.1% (13) moderate, 11.7% severe and 1.5% (1) lethal. As for causality, in 2019, out of a total of 37 notifications, there were 10.8% (4) of notifications classified as definite, 64.9% (24) probable, 24.3% (9) possible, and there were no notifications classified as doubtful. In the year 2020, 68 notifications were made of which 2.9% (2) were classified as definite, 83.8% (57) probable, 13.2% (9) possible, and again, there was no classification considered doubtful. The correlation of gender and adverse reaction with 95% confidence in 2019 was p=0.8 and in 2020 p=0.8. Regarding age, with 95% confidence in 2019 the p-value=0.7; in 2020 p-value=0.9. Conclusion: The analysis of the profile of adverse drug reactions in post renal transplant patients in the years 2019 and 2020 allowed us to observe that most ADR’s observed occur in male patients, predominantly adults and the elderly, although no statistical correlation was observed between them. In addition, the study was able to show which adverse reactions occur the most and which drugs are related to them.
Objective: To evaluate the profile of adverse reactions in 2019 and 2020 in post kidney transplant patients. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, based on secondary data, in order to know the adverse reactions that most affect post renal transplant patients. The methodology to search for suspected adverse reactions was carried out through an active search by the hospital pharmacists. Inclusion criteria: being a kidney transplant, being admitted to the Kidney Hospital, having suspected adverse reactions described in the electronic medical record, and manifesting adverse reactions within the first 3 days of treatment. There are no exclusion criteria. Adverse reactions were classified according to Naranjo's algorithm for causality and severity according to Jeffrey K. Aronson et al. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson's correlation. Values were considered statistically significant when p value<0.05. Results: In the years 2019 and 2020, 105 patients with adverse drug reactions were reported at the Hospital do Rim. Among these notifications, 35.2% (37) occurred during the year 2019 and 64.7% (68) during the year 2020. In assessing the severity of ADR’s, in 2019, 43.2% (16) of the reported reactions were classified as mild, 29.7% (11) moderate, 27% severe, and there was no case of a fatal adverse drug reaction. In 2020, 67.6% (46) of reported reactions were classified as mild, 19.1% (13) moderate, 11.7% severe and 1.5% (1) lethal. As for causality, in 2019, out of a total of 37 notifications, there were 10.8% (4) of notifications classified as definite, 64.9% (24) probable, 24.3% (9) possible, and there were no notifications classified as doubtful. In the year 2020, 68 notifications were made of which 2.9% (2) were classified as definite, 83.8% (57) probable, 13.2% (9) possible, and again, there was no classification considered doubtful. The correlation of gender and adverse reaction with 95% confidence in 2019 was p=0.8 and in 2020 p=0.8. Regarding age, with 95% confidence in 2019 the p-value=0.7; in 2020 p-value=0.9. Conclusion: The analysis of the profile of adverse drug reactions in post renal transplant patients in the years 2019 and 2020 allowed us to observe that most ADR’s observed occur in male patients, predominantly adults and the elderly, although no statistical correlation was observed between them. In addition, the study was able to show which adverse reactions occur the most and which drugs are related to them.
CALLEGARI, Italo Rufino. Avaliação do perfil de reações adversas a medicamentos em pacientes internados no Hospital do Rim pós-transplante renal nos anos de 2019 e 2020. 2022. 23 f.
Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Farmácia) - Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, 2022.