Matemática financeira no ensino médio: uma proposta de ensino contextualizada, utilizando planilhas eletrônicas
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A complexa situação financeira em que se encontra grande parte das pessoas no nosso país nos faz refletir sobre a necessidade de instruir melhor os nossos jovens para que eles tenham uma vida econômica mais saudável e equilibrada. Por sua vez, a docência desafia o professor a utilizar práticas pedagógicas que contribuam para o alcance da aprendizagem dos alunos. Dessa forma, os objetivos deste trabalho são: conscientizar os professores da necessidade de ensinar matemática financeira com foco na realidade do aluno; incentivar a inserção de novas tecnologias no ensino da matemática financeira; e fornecer material teórico e prático, com o intuito de ajudar o professor a alcançar a meta de ministrar esse conteúdo de forma que faça sentido no universo do estudante. Com o intuito de fornecer para os professores do ensino médio uma fonte de material teórico sobre cálculo financeiro, iniciamos o trabalho com um estudo sobre a origem e a evolução do dinheiro, depois fazemos algumas considerações sobre os principais pré-requisitos da matemática financeira, e em seguida apresentamos os conceitos específicos da área. Por fim, apresentamos uma sequência didática de quatro atividades voltadas para o cotidiano do aluno, tais como conversão de moeda, cálculo de impostos, cálculo de salário, e inflação e poupança, utilizando planilhas eletrônicas e metodologias ativas. Tais ferramentas colocam o aluno como protagonista do processo de ensino aprendizagem, visando proporcionar uma visão nova sobre a matemática financeira, que contribua para despertar o interesse em aprender e avançar nos estudos desse tópico da matemática que está tão presente no nosso dia a dia
The complex financial situation in which most people in our country find themselves makes us reflect on the need to better instruct our young people so that they have a healthier and more balanced economic life. In turn, teaching challenges the teacher to use pedagogical practices that contribute to the achievement of student learning. Thus, the objectives of this work are: make teachers aware of the need to teach financial mathematics focusing on the student's reality; encourage the inclusion of new technologies in the teaching of financial mathematics; and provide theoretical and practical material in order to help the teacher achieve the goal of teaching this content in a way that makes sense in the student's universe. In order to provide for high school teachers a source of theoretical material on financial calculus, we start the work with a study of the origin and evolution of money, later we make some considerations about the main prerequisites of financial mathematics, and then we present the specific concepts of the area. Finally, we present a didactic sequence of four activities, focused on the student's daily life, such as currency conversion, tax calculation, salary calculation, and inflation and savings, using electronic spreadsheets and active methodologies. Such tools put the student as the protagonist of the teaching-learning process, aiming to provide a new view on financial mathematics, that contributes to awaken interest in learning and advance in the studies of this topic of mathematics which is so present in our day to day
The complex financial situation in which most people in our country find themselves makes us reflect on the need to better instruct our young people so that they have a healthier and more balanced economic life. In turn, teaching challenges the teacher to use pedagogical practices that contribute to the achievement of student learning. Thus, the objectives of this work are: make teachers aware of the need to teach financial mathematics focusing on the student's reality; encourage the inclusion of new technologies in the teaching of financial mathematics; and provide theoretical and practical material in order to help the teacher achieve the goal of teaching this content in a way that makes sense in the student's universe. In order to provide for high school teachers a source of theoretical material on financial calculus, we start the work with a study of the origin and evolution of money, later we make some considerations about the main prerequisites of financial mathematics, and then we present the specific concepts of the area. Finally, we present a didactic sequence of four activities, focused on the student's daily life, such as currency conversion, tax calculation, salary calculation, and inflation and savings, using electronic spreadsheets and active methodologies. Such tools put the student as the protagonist of the teaching-learning process, aiming to provide a new view on financial mathematics, that contributes to awaken interest in learning and advance in the studies of this topic of mathematics which is so present in our day to day