Características clínicas de pacientes de aspergilose pulmonar associada à COVID-19
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A pandemia de COVID-19 se mostrou um grande problema para o mundo todo, não só por causa do vírus e a doença causada em si, mas também por causa de infecções oportunistas que podem piorar ainda mais o quadro já crítico dos pacientes. Uma dessas infecções é a aspergilose pulmonar causada por fungos do gênero Aspergillus. Esse trabalho de conclusão de curso baseia-se em artigos contendo dados retroativos obtidos em hospitais de diferentes localizações do mundo que mostram algumas características gerais da COVID-19, da aspergilose pulmonar e da associação entre essas doenças conhecida como “aspergilose pulmonar associada a COVID-19” ou APAC. O objetivo é analisar esses dados de forma crítica e tentar mapear um perfil comum dos pacientes acometidos por essa condição. Esse perfil foi construído por idade, sexo, condição imunológica, espécies de Aspergillus spp. mais frequentes, comorbidades ocorrentes, classificação da doença e o desfecho clínico. Os dados apresentados mostram que o perfil dos pacientes APAC são em sua maioria do sexo masculino, com hipertensão, diabetes, comorbidades cardiorespiratórias e/ou obesidade. O agente causador da aspergilose mais provável é o Aspergillus fumigatus e a doença na maioria dos casos é classificada como “provável”. O paciente tem grandes chances de ir a óbito, demonstrando a gravidade da doença. A maioria dos pacientes é imunocompetente, mas não se pode descartar que imunossupressões podem aumentar a ocorrência e piorar o quadro. Este estudo trouxe interessantes dados sobre o perfil do paciente APAC, mas ainda existem perguntas mais específicas a serem respondidas, como por exemplo a relação entre severidade da doença e condição imune dos pacientes.
The COVID-19 pandemic became a huge problem for the whole world, not only because of the virus and the disease itself, but also because of the opportunistic infections that may worsen an already critical conditidion. One of those infections is the pulmonary aspergillosis. This study is based on articles with retroactive data from hospitals from around the world that show some general characteristics of COVID-19, pulmonary aspergillosis and the association of those diseases known as “COVID-19 associated pulmonary aspergillosis”, or CAPA, for short. The goal is to analyze those data from a critical perspective and to map a common profile for patients affected. The profile is composed of age, sex, immunological status, most common Aspergillus spp., recurring underline conditions, CAPA classification and their outcome. The provided data indicates that most APAC patients are male, with hypertension, diabetes cardiopulmonary underlying conditions and/or obesity. The most common aspergillosis causative agent found is Aspergillus fumigatus and the disease in most cases is considered “probable”. The patient is at high risk of death, further showing how dangerous the disease is. Most patients are immunocompetent, but the possibility of immunological impairment may increase accurrence and severity is not to be descarded. The study brought interesting data about the profile of CAPA patients, but there are some more specific questions yet to be answered, such as the relation between the patient’s immunological status and the severity of the disease.
The COVID-19 pandemic became a huge problem for the whole world, not only because of the virus and the disease itself, but also because of the opportunistic infections that may worsen an already critical conditidion. One of those infections is the pulmonary aspergillosis. This study is based on articles with retroactive data from hospitals from around the world that show some general characteristics of COVID-19, pulmonary aspergillosis and the association of those diseases known as “COVID-19 associated pulmonary aspergillosis”, or CAPA, for short. The goal is to analyze those data from a critical perspective and to map a common profile for patients affected. The profile is composed of age, sex, immunological status, most common Aspergillus spp., recurring underline conditions, CAPA classification and their outcome. The provided data indicates that most APAC patients are male, with hypertension, diabetes cardiopulmonary underlying conditions and/or obesity. The most common aspergillosis causative agent found is Aspergillus fumigatus and the disease in most cases is considered “probable”. The patient is at high risk of death, further showing how dangerous the disease is. Most patients are immunocompetent, but the possibility of immunological impairment may increase accurrence and severity is not to be descarded. The study brought interesting data about the profile of CAPA patients, but there are some more specific questions yet to be answered, such as the relation between the patient’s immunological status and the severity of the disease.
ESTEVAM, Vinícius de Oliveira. Características clínicas de pacientes de aspergilose pulmonar associada à COVID-19. 2021. 66 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Farmácia) -Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, 2021.