Efeitos do uso do laser de baixa potência em indivíduos sem queixa de voz
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Introdução: A área de reabilitação de voz tem oferecido diversos recursos terapêuticos, o laser de baixa potência é apenas um deles. O seu uso em terapia tem sido difundido devido aos seus inúmeros benefícios como: cicatrização de tecidos, efeito anti-inflamatório, efeito analgésico, melhora na microcirculação, proliferação e migração celular. Em outras áreas da saúde o laser de baixa potência já tem sido utilizado e apresenta bons resultados. Contudo, em relação ao uso do laser de baixa potência como coadjuvante na reabilitação vocal os estudos são escassos. Portanto, faz-se necessário um estudo dos efeitos na voz promovidos por esse recurso terapêutico. Objetivo: Investigar o efeito do uso do laser de baixa potência em indivíduos sem queixa vocal e/ou alteração de laringe. Método: Em um estudo clínico, cego, prospectivo e randomizado, 18 adultos sem queixa vocal foram divididos em dois grupos, sendo o grupo estudo submetido a quatro sessões de laser de baixa potência durante o período de um mês com intervalo de uma semana entre elas e o grupo controle apenas as gravações. Esses serão submetidos à gravação de voz para análise perceptiva-auditiva e acústica e preenchimento de escala de autoavaliação vocal pré e pós laser de baixa potência. A escala utilizada foi a Escala Analógica Visual de conforto fonatório. Resultados: O grupo estudo não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante do grupo controle em relação aos parâmetros acústicos, perceptivos auditivos e de autopercepção da produção vocal, exceto no terceiro momento de gravação no qual o grupo estudo apresentou melhores valores de AVQI em relação ao grupo controle e avaliação perceptivo auditiva apresentou maior ocorrência de seleção como áudio com melhor qualidade vocal. Não foram observadas mudanças nos parâmetros acústicos, perceptivos e nos valores da EVA entre os momentos de avaliação nos dois grupos. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam que o laser de baixa potência não influenciou nos parâmetros acústicos, perceptivo auditivo e de autopercepção de produção vocal, refutando a hipótese de diferença entre grupos de intervenção proposta neste estudo. Entretanto, vale ressaltar a importância do fato de não ter sido evidenciada piora nos parâmetros após a aplicação do laser de baixa potência, trazendo segurança para a utilização deste recurso na clínica.
Introduction: The voice rehabilitation area has offered several therapeutic resources, low-power laser is just one of them. Its use in therapy has been widespread due to its numerous benefits such as: tissue healing, anti-inflammatory effect, analgesic effect, improvement in microcirculation, cell proliferation and migration. In other health areas low-power lasers have already been used and have shown good results. However, in relation to the use of low-power laser as an adjunct in vocal rehabilitation, studies are scarce. Therefore, a study of the effects promoted on the voice by this therapeutic resource is necessary. Objective: To investigate the effect of using low-power laser in individuals without vocal complaints and/or laryngeal changes. Method: In a clinical, blind, prospective and randomized study, 18 adults without vocal complaints were divided into two groups, with the study group undergoing four sessions of low-power laser during a period of one month with an interval of one week between them. The control group were recorded only. These will be submitted to voice recording for auditory-perceptual and acoustic analysis and completion of the vocal self-assessment scale before and after low-power laser. The scale used was the Visual Analog Scale of Phonatory Comfort. Results: The study group did not present a statistically significant difference from the control group in relation to acoustic, auditory perceptual and self-perceived vocal production parameters, except in the third moment of recording in which the study group presented better AVQI values compared to the control and auditory perceptual assessment showed a higher occurrence of selection as audio with better vocal quality. No changes were observed in the acoustic and perceptual parameters and in the values of the VAS between the moments of assessment in the two groups. Conclusion: The results indicate that the low-power laser did not influence the acoustic parameters, auditory perception and self-perception of vocal production, refuting the hypothesis of difference between intervention groups proposed in this study. However, it is worth emphasizing the importance of the fact that there was no evidence of worsening in the parameters after the application of low-power laser, providing security for the use of this resource in the clinic.
Introduction: The voice rehabilitation area has offered several therapeutic resources, low-power laser is just one of them. Its use in therapy has been widespread due to its numerous benefits such as: tissue healing, anti-inflammatory effect, analgesic effect, improvement in microcirculation, cell proliferation and migration. In other health areas low-power lasers have already been used and have shown good results. However, in relation to the use of low-power laser as an adjunct in vocal rehabilitation, studies are scarce. Therefore, a study of the effects promoted on the voice by this therapeutic resource is necessary. Objective: To investigate the effect of using low-power laser in individuals without vocal complaints and/or laryngeal changes. Method: In a clinical, blind, prospective and randomized study, 18 adults without vocal complaints were divided into two groups, with the study group undergoing four sessions of low-power laser during a period of one month with an interval of one week between them. The control group were recorded only. These will be submitted to voice recording for auditory-perceptual and acoustic analysis and completion of the vocal self-assessment scale before and after low-power laser. The scale used was the Visual Analog Scale of Phonatory Comfort. Results: The study group did not present a statistically significant difference from the control group in relation to acoustic, auditory perceptual and self-perceived vocal production parameters, except in the third moment of recording in which the study group presented better AVQI values compared to the control and auditory perceptual assessment showed a higher occurrence of selection as audio with better vocal quality. No changes were observed in the acoustic and perceptual parameters and in the values of the VAS between the moments of assessment in the two groups. Conclusion: The results indicate that the low-power laser did not influence the acoustic parameters, auditory perception and self-perception of vocal production, refuting the hypothesis of difference between intervention groups proposed in this study. However, it is worth emphasizing the importance of the fact that there was no evidence of worsening in the parameters after the application of low-power laser, providing security for the use of this resource in the clinic.