Gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos, legislação e gestão no Porto de Santos, SP/BR (período de 2013 a 2020)
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O Brasil possui uma costa de aproximadamente 8,5 mil quilômetros navegáveis e um setor portuário marítimo que se destaca na movimentação de carga, representando quase a totalidade do volume do comércio exterior do Brasil. Gerando uma quantidade de resíduos sólidos que acabam por ter grande impacto no meio ambiente, sendo portanto uma questão muito importante, tanto pela diversidade de tipos como pela quantidade de resíduos gerados, o que exige um complexo e integrado rol de práticas resultantes de normas definidas claramente e de iniciativas proativas. No Brasil há um conjunto de normas complexas em relação à gestão de resíduos sólidos portuários, controlado por normativas e leis de diversas instituições e órgãos que detêm influência direta e indireta sobre o setor. O presente trabalho analisa o conjunto de normas referentes à gestão de resíduos sólidos no porto de Santos na intenção de reconhecer possíveis obstáculos e pontos que possam ser melhorados; buscando analisar a gestão de resíduos sólidos no Porto de Santos, quanto ao panorama da geração de resíduos da maior autoridade portuária do país. Compreendendo o período desde 2013 até o presente momento, a partir da identificação dos resíduos gerados por essa autoridade portuária, suas arrendatárias e embarcações, referente a duas das principais preocupações: a quantidade de resíduos gerada dentro do Porto de Santos e a distância percorrida para destinação final. A pesquisa teve como base um levantamento bibliográfico, de diversas fontes, publicações de órgãos públicos, artigos científicos, documentos internos do porto, pesquisas junto à instituições de ensino e pesquisas especializadas no tema. Os resultados alcançados mostram que as atuais práticas de gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos não contribuem para uma adequada gestão na sua totalidade. Como resultados apresentam-se os tipos de resíduos gerados, os procedimentos adotados na gestão destes resíduos, o destino desses resíduos, demonstrando as dificuldades e desafios encontrados no gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos do maior porto da América Latina. Mesmo o Brasil tendo um quadro regulatório para gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos ele não é específico para ambiente portuário, ficando clara a necessidade de alinhamento do quadro regulatório com o quadro institucional, necessitando assim de uma regulamentação única sobre o tema, que contemple os diversos aspectos dos resíduos sólidos portuários e os diferentes olhares das Instituições envolvidas.
Brazil has a coastline of approximately 8,500 navigable miles and a maritime port sector that stands out in terms of cargo handling, representing almost the entire volume of Brazil's foreign trade. Generating a quantity of solid waste that ends up having a great impact on the environment, being therefore a very important issue, both due to the diversity of types and the amount of waste generated, which requires a complex and integrated list of practices with defined standards and proactive initiatives. In Brazil, there is a set of complex norms in relation to the management of solid waste in ports, controlled by norms and laws of several institutions and bodies that have direct and indirect influence on the sector. The present work analyzes the set of referential norms for solid waste management in the port of Santos in order to recognize possible obstacles and points that need improvement; looking to analyze the management of solid waste at the Port of Santos, regarding the panorama of solid waste generation of the largest port authority in the country. Including the period from 2013 to the present moment, from the identification of the waste generated by this port authority, its tenants and vessels, regarding two of the main concerns: the amount of waste generated within the Port of Santos and the distance traveled to the final destination. The research was based on a bibliographic survey, from multiple sources, publications by public bodies, scientific articles, internal documents from the port, research with educational institutions and specialized research on the subject. The results achieved show that current solid waste management practices do not contribute to an adequate management in its entirety. The results show the types of waste generated, the procedures adopted in the management of these wastes, the destination of these wastes, demonstrating the difficulties and challenges found in the management of solid waste in the largest port in Latin America. Even though Brazil has a regulatory framework for solid waste management, it is not specific to the port environment, making clear the need to align the regulatory framework with the institutional framework, thus requiring a single regulation on the subject, which covers the various aspects of port solid waste and the different views of the institutions involved.
Brazil has a coastline of approximately 8,500 navigable miles and a maritime port sector that stands out in terms of cargo handling, representing almost the entire volume of Brazil's foreign trade. Generating a quantity of solid waste that ends up having a great impact on the environment, being therefore a very important issue, both due to the diversity of types and the amount of waste generated, which requires a complex and integrated list of practices with defined standards and proactive initiatives. In Brazil, there is a set of complex norms in relation to the management of solid waste in ports, controlled by norms and laws of several institutions and bodies that have direct and indirect influence on the sector. The present work analyzes the set of referential norms for solid waste management in the port of Santos in order to recognize possible obstacles and points that need improvement; looking to analyze the management of solid waste at the Port of Santos, regarding the panorama of solid waste generation of the largest port authority in the country. Including the period from 2013 to the present moment, from the identification of the waste generated by this port authority, its tenants and vessels, regarding two of the main concerns: the amount of waste generated within the Port of Santos and the distance traveled to the final destination. The research was based on a bibliographic survey, from multiple sources, publications by public bodies, scientific articles, internal documents from the port, research with educational institutions and specialized research on the subject. The results achieved show that current solid waste management practices do not contribute to an adequate management in its entirety. The results show the types of waste generated, the procedures adopted in the management of these wastes, the destination of these wastes, demonstrating the difficulties and challenges found in the management of solid waste in the largest port in Latin America. Even though Brazil has a regulatory framework for solid waste management, it is not specific to the port environment, making clear the need to align the regulatory framework with the institutional framework, thus requiring a single regulation on the subject, which covers the various aspects of port solid waste and the different views of the institutions involved.
VIEIRA, Renata de Moraes. Gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos, legislação e gestão no Porto de Santos, SP/BR (período de 2013 a 2020). 2021. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Bioprodutos e Bioprocessos) - Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.