Acidentes de trabalho no Porto de Santos: o processo de reabilitação no membro superior dos trabalhadores portuários avulsos
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O Porto de Santos compreende em 13 Km de cais localizado entre as duas margens
do Estuário de Santos. Passam pelo porto de Santos 55% do PIB nacional, 49% da
produção nacional, a área de seus negócios concentra a maior parte da produção
agrícola de exportação e os mais importantes pólos industriais brasileiros. O
processo de modernização dos portos fez com que o transporte marítimo
internacional passasse por várias transformações, principalmente na organização
portuária, no transporte e na armazenagem de mercadorias (Machin,2009). A mão é
um instrumento de trabalho e é utilizado na maioria das atividades de vida diária
(Pardini,2000), é vulnerável a vários tipos de traumas, logo é a parte do corpo mais
lesionada (Leite 2008). Mais da metade das fraturas de mão ocorre no trabalho. O
objetivo dessa pesquisa é analisar o processo de reabilitação dos trabalhadores
portuários avulsos do Porto de Santos que sofreram acidente no ambiente de
trabalho que afetaram o membro superior. Este estudo faz parte da pesquisa
“Processo de Modernização Portuário em Santos: implicações na saúde e no
adoecimento dos trabalhadores. Foram entrevistados, na primeira fase da pesquisa,
71 trabalhadores portuários avulsos que referiram ter sofrido acidente de trabalho
envolvendo o membro superior. Na segunda fase da pesquisa foram entrevistados
39 trabalhadores, dos 71 iniciais. A partir dos dados desse estudo foi possível
observar que a maioria dos acidentados de membro superior são estivadores, tem
de 16 a 20 anos de trabalho no Porto de Santos. A maioria dos acidentes esta
relacionados a máquinas ou equipamentos e queda da própria altura. As partes do
corpo afetadas com maior freqüência foram as extremidades distais, mãos e punhos.
Poucos acidentados foram submetidos ao processo de reabilitação, o fato de possuir
ou não convênio médico na época do acidente não foi um fator determinante para
fazer a reabilitação. Um número maior de trabalhadores necessitavam passar por
esse processo, que teve um resultado satisfatório para aqueles que o fizeram.
The Port of Santos comprises 13 kilometers of quay located between the two shores of the Estuary of Santos. Pass through the port of Santos 55% of national GDP, 49% of national production, the area of business focus in agricultural production for export and the most important industrial centers of Brazil. The process of modernization of the ports has made international shipping pass through many transformations, especially in the port organization, transportation and storage of goods (Machin, 2009). The hand is a working tool and is used in most activities of daily living (Pardini,2000), is vulnerable to a lot of kinds of trauma, so is the body part that´s suffer more injure (Leite, 2008). More than half of the fractures in the hand happen at work. The objective of this research is to analyze the process of rehabilitation of the port workers loose from the Port of Santos that suffered accident in the work environment and affected the upper limb. This research is part of another study entitled "Process in Santos Port Modernization: Implications in health and illness among workers”. Were interviewed in the first phase of the research 71 unbundled port workers, which reported having suffered work injuries involving the upper limb. In the second phase of the study were interviewed 39 employees, 71 of those. The data from this study it was observed that most of the upper limb injured are longshoremen and have 16 to 20 years of work at the Port of Santos. Most accidents are related to machinery or equipment and simple falls. The body parts most frequently affected were the distal extremities, hands and wrists. Few accidents were submitted to the rehabilitation process, the fact of having or not health insurance at the time of the accident wasn´t a determining factor for rehabilitation.A greater number of workers needed to be subject to pass in this process, which had a satisfactory outcome for those who did
The Port of Santos comprises 13 kilometers of quay located between the two shores of the Estuary of Santos. Pass through the port of Santos 55% of national GDP, 49% of national production, the area of business focus in agricultural production for export and the most important industrial centers of Brazil. The process of modernization of the ports has made international shipping pass through many transformations, especially in the port organization, transportation and storage of goods (Machin, 2009). The hand is a working tool and is used in most activities of daily living (Pardini,2000), is vulnerable to a lot of kinds of trauma, so is the body part that´s suffer more injure (Leite, 2008). More than half of the fractures in the hand happen at work. The objective of this research is to analyze the process of rehabilitation of the port workers loose from the Port of Santos that suffered accident in the work environment and affected the upper limb. This research is part of another study entitled "Process in Santos Port Modernization: Implications in health and illness among workers”. Were interviewed in the first phase of the research 71 unbundled port workers, which reported having suffered work injuries involving the upper limb. In the second phase of the study were interviewed 39 employees, 71 of those. The data from this study it was observed that most of the upper limb injured are longshoremen and have 16 to 20 years of work at the Port of Santos. Most accidents are related to machinery or equipment and simple falls. The body parts most frequently affected were the distal extremities, hands and wrists. Few accidents were submitted to the rehabilitation process, the fact of having or not health insurance at the time of the accident wasn´t a determining factor for rehabilitation.A greater number of workers needed to be subject to pass in this process, which had a satisfactory outcome for those who did
VICTÓRIO, Vanessa. Acidentes de trabalho no Porto de Santos: o processo de reabilitação no membro superior dos trabalhadores portuários avulsos. 2011. 54 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Terapia Ocupacional) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2011.