Estudo da poluição atmosférica no estado de São Paulo associada ao material particulado a partir de satélite
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A poluição atmosférica gerada pelas atividades antrópicas, além da influência no clima, tem
efeitos diretos importantes na saúde pública por meio da degradação da qualidade do ar. O
Material Particulado (MP) é reconhecidamente o poluente com maior impacto na saúde
humana. No estado de São Paulo, foco do presente estudo, as principais fontes de poluição
atmosférica são as emissões veiculares, as industriais e a queima de biomassa.
O transporte de poluição vindo de áreas remotas é outra fonte importante de MP. Apesar de
apresentar a maior cobertura espacial nacional em termos de monitoramento da qualidade do
ar, São Paulo ainda possui a maioria dos seus municípios sem qualquer monitoramento. Sendo
assim, alternativas de monitoramento que mitiguem a limitada cobertura do monitoramento
convencional são necessárias. A aplicação de satélites no monitoramento da qualidade do ar
traz a possibilidade de atender uma ampla cobertura geográfica. Entretanto, por ser um método
novo e indireto de avaliar a qualidade do ar, avaliações e adequações regionais dos seus
produtos são necessárias. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo utiliza 11 anos de dados (2007 a
2017) da profundidade óptica do aerossol (AOD), um indicador da quantidade de MP na
atmosfera, derivada das medidas de sensores MODIS a bordo dos satélites Terra e Aqua, com
o objetivo de analisar a evolução temporal e espacial da poluição atmosférica associada ao MP
no estado de São Paulo na última década. Os resultados revelaram que os anos mais poluídos
estão relacionados principalmente com maior transporte de fumaça da região da Amazônia para
São Paulo. Quando a influência desse transporte é removida das medidas, as regiões mais
poluídas no estado compreendem as áreas metropolitanas de São Paulo, Campinas e Baixada
Santista e as porções central e norte estado dominadas pelas plantações de cana-de-açúcar. No
caso das áreas de queimadas no interior do estado, não se verificou tendência sistemática de
redução nos níveis de AOD nos 11 anos. Pelo contrário, nas áreas a oeste e noroeste do estado,
onde ocorreu expansão do cultivo de cana nos últimos anos, observou-se tendência significativa
de aumento da poluição.
Air pollution generated by anthropic activities, in addition to the influence on climate, has important direct effects on public health through the degradation of air quality. Particulate matter (PM) is recognized as the pollutant with the greatest impact on human health. In the state of São Paulo, the focus of the present study, the main sources of air pollution are vehicular emissions, industrial emissions and biomass burning. Transported plume of air pollution from remote areas is another important source of PM. Despite having the largest national space coverage in terms of air quality monitoring, São Paulo still has most of its municipalities without any monitoring. Therefore, monitoring alternatives that mitigate the limited coverage of conventional monitoring are necessary. The application of satellites in the monitoring of air quality brings the possibility of serving a wide geographic coverage. However, as it is a new and indirect method of assessing air quality, regional assessments and adjustments of its products are required. In this context, the present study uses 11 years of data (2007 to 2017) of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), which is an indicator of the amount of PM in the atmosphere derived from the measurements of MODIS sensors on the Terra and Aqua satellites, with the objective of analyzing the temporal and spatial evolution of the air pollution associated to the MP in the state of São Paulo in the last decade. The results showed that the most polluted years are mainly related to the greater transport of smoke from the Amazon region to São Paulo. When the influence of this transport is removed from the measures, the most polluted regions in the state comprehend the metropolitan areas of São Paulo, Campinas and Baixada Santista and the central and northern portions of the state that are dominated by sugarcane plantations. In the case of sugar cane burning areas in the interior of the state, there was no systematic trend of reduction in AOD levels in the 11 years. However, in the areas to the west and northwest of the state, where there has been expansion of sugarcane cultivation in recent years, there has been a significant trend towards increased pollution.
Air pollution generated by anthropic activities, in addition to the influence on climate, has important direct effects on public health through the degradation of air quality. Particulate matter (PM) is recognized as the pollutant with the greatest impact on human health. In the state of São Paulo, the focus of the present study, the main sources of air pollution are vehicular emissions, industrial emissions and biomass burning. Transported plume of air pollution from remote areas is another important source of PM. Despite having the largest national space coverage in terms of air quality monitoring, São Paulo still has most of its municipalities without any monitoring. Therefore, monitoring alternatives that mitigate the limited coverage of conventional monitoring are necessary. The application of satellites in the monitoring of air quality brings the possibility of serving a wide geographic coverage. However, as it is a new and indirect method of assessing air quality, regional assessments and adjustments of its products are required. In this context, the present study uses 11 years of data (2007 to 2017) of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), which is an indicator of the amount of PM in the atmosphere derived from the measurements of MODIS sensors on the Terra and Aqua satellites, with the objective of analyzing the temporal and spatial evolution of the air pollution associated to the MP in the state of São Paulo in the last decade. The results showed that the most polluted years are mainly related to the greater transport of smoke from the Amazon region to São Paulo. When the influence of this transport is removed from the measures, the most polluted regions in the state comprehend the metropolitan areas of São Paulo, Campinas and Baixada Santista and the central and northern portions of the state that are dominated by sugarcane plantations. In the case of sugar cane burning areas in the interior of the state, there was no systematic trend of reduction in AOD levels in the 11 years. However, in the areas to the west and northwest of the state, where there has been expansion of sugarcane cultivation in recent years, there has been a significant trend towards increased pollution.