Fatores associados à recorrência de tuberculose e óbito pós-tratamento no município de Carapicuíba
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Introdução: A recorrência da tuberculose (TB) dentre os indivíduos que completaram com sucesso o tratamento de TB e a mortalidade podem sugerir falhas potenciais no seu tratamento como também nas atividades de controle da doença. A eficácia dos Programas de Controle da TB podem ser avaliadas não só pelas taxas de cura ou óbito, como também pela taxa de recorrência. Pouco é conhecido sobre a mortalidade entre os pacientes que completaram o tratamento de TB com sucesso. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a taxa de recorrência da TB e da mortalidade pós alta do tratamento na cidade de Carapicuíba e seus fatores associados. Metodos: Estudos de coorte retrospectivo de base populacional, realizado no muncípio de Carapicuíba, estado de São Paulo. Todos os indivíduos que completaram com sucesso o tratamento de tuberculose, pulmonar exclusiva ou associado à extra pulmonar, entre 2000-2010 foram acompanhados até 31 de dezembro de 2012. As variáveis sócio-demográficas, comorbidades, sinais e sintomas, clínicas, equipamentos de saúde e acompanhamento do tratamento foram analisadas. A densidade de incidência para o estudo 1 e o de mortalidade para o estudo 2 foram calculados em pessoas ano de seguimento. Para os dois estudos foi utilizado o teste de Log-Rank a partir dos gráficos construídos pela técnica da análise de sobrevida, método de Kaplan-Meier. Para verificarmos os fatores associados com recorrência de tuberculose (estudo 1) ou óbito (estudo 2), a partir das variáveis com valor de significância p≤0,20 da análise uni-variada, calculamos os riscos proporcional ajustados (HRajd), com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) e significância de 5% (p≤0,05), em modelos de regressão múltipla de Cox hierarquizados. Resultados: Dos 1.790 casos de tuberculose, 975 casos preencheram os critérios de inclusão. 45 (4,88%) recorrências e 49 (5,09%) óbitos foram identificados durante o período de seguimento do estudo (792,6/100.000 pessoas-ano para recorrência e 798/100.000 pessoas-ano para óbito). Os fatores associados a recorrência foram: sexo masculino (HRajd=2,48. IC95%=1,17;5,27), faixa etária de 13 a 29 anos de idade (HRajd=3,39. IC95%=1,46;7,88), trabalhador da saúde (HRajd=5,28. IC95%=1,50;18,60), diabetes mellitus (HRajd= 2,80. IC95%=1,14;6,86), doença pulmonar crônica (HRajd=3,73. IC95%=1,29;10,82), consumo de álcool e tabaco (HRajd=2,75. IC95%=1,30;5,80), usuário de drogas (HRajd=8,78. IC95%=3,19;24,15), imagens sugestivas de cavidades (HRajd=2,57.
IC95%=1,40;4,72), ingestão de uma até 71 doses supervisionadas (HRajd=3,22. IC95%=1,38;7,54), escarro positivo na fase de ataque do tratamento (HRajd=2,04. IC95%=1,04;4,01), eventos adversos (HRajd=3,23. IC95%=1,76;5,91) e comunicantes domiciliares que desenvolveram tuberculose durante o tratamento dos casos índices (HRajd=5,48. IC95%=2,31;13,01). Os fatores associados para óbito foram: faixa etária de 45 anos de idade ou mais (HRajd=5,50. IC95%=2,43;14,48), apresentação espontânea ao tratamento de TB (HRajd=2,11. IC95%=1,16;3,98), pacientes que não aumentaram de peso na fase de ataque do tratamento (HRajd=2,31. IC95%=1,26;4,21). Conclusões: O risco de recorrência de tuberculose e de mortalidade nos indivíduos que completaram com sucesso o tratamento de tuberculose é maior do que na população geral. Identificando grupos populacionais com maior risco desses eventos podem ser beneficiados com cuidados médicos adicionais e intervenções específicas em saúde pública.
Background: The recurrence among patients who successfully completed treatment of tuberculosis and or their mortality may suggest potential failures in their treatment as well as the control activities. The effectiveness of the tuberculosis control program can be measured not only by the cure or death rates but also the recurrence rate. Little is known about the mortality rate among patients who completed treatment successfully. The aim of this study was to determine the tuberculosis recurrence rate and the mortality post treatment rate in Carapicuíba city and the risk factors associated with then. Methods: Population-based retrospective cohort studies, they were performed in Carapicuíba city, São Paulo state. All individuals who successfully completed tuberculosis treatment, pulmonary or extrapulmonary associated, between 2000 and 2010 were followed until December 31, 2012. The socio-demographic, co morbidities, signs and symptoms, clinics, health care unit and followup treatment variables were analyzed. The incidence rate for study 1 and mortality for study 2 were calculated in person-year of follow-up. For both studies we used the log-rank test from graphs constructed by survival analysis, Kaplan-Meier method. In order to verify the factors associated with TB recurrence (study 1) and death (study 2), from the variables with p≤0,20 value of univariate analysis, were calculated the adjusted proportional hazards ratios (ajdHR), with confidence interval of 95% (IC95%) and p=0.05, by hierarchical models of multiple Cox regression. Results: Of the 1,790 cases of tuberculosis, 975 cases met the inclusion criteria. 45 (4.88%) recurrences and 49 (5.09%) deaths were identified during follow-up period of the study (792.6 / 100,000 person-years for recurrence and 798 / 100,000 person-years for death). The associated factors for recurrence were male gender (ajdHR=2.48; IC95%=1.17;5.27), Aged 13-29 years old (ajdHR=3.39; CI95%=1.46;7.88), health worker (ajdHR=5.28; CI95%=1.50; 18.60), diabetes mellitus (ajdHR=2.80; CI95%=1.14;6.86), disease chronic pulmonary (ajdHR=3.73; CI95%1.29;10.82), alcohol and tobacco (ajdHR=2.75; CI95%=1.30;5.80), drug users (ajdHR=8.78; CI95%=3.19; 24.15), suggesting cavities images (ajdHR=2.57; CI95%=1.40;4.72), ingestion of up to 71 supervised doses (ajdHR=3.22; CI95%=1.38; 7.54), positive sputum in the attack phase of treatment (ajdHR=2.04; CI95%=1.04;4.01), adverse events (ajdHR=3.23; CI95%=1.76;5.91) and household contacts who developed TB during treatment of index cases (ajdHR=5.48; CI95%=2.31;13.01). The factors associated with death were: age 45 years or older (ajdHR=5.50; CI95%=2.43;12.48), spontaneous presentation to TB treatment (ajdHR=2.11; CI95%=1.16;3.98), patients who did not gain weight in the attack phase of treatment (ajdHR=. CI95%=1.26; 4.21).Conclusions: The risk of recurrent tuberculosis and mortality in individuals who have successfully completed treatment of tuberculosis is greater than in the general population. Identifying population groups at highest risk of these events may benefit about additional medical care and specific interventions in public health.
Background: The recurrence among patients who successfully completed treatment of tuberculosis and or their mortality may suggest potential failures in their treatment as well as the control activities. The effectiveness of the tuberculosis control program can be measured not only by the cure or death rates but also the recurrence rate. Little is known about the mortality rate among patients who completed treatment successfully. The aim of this study was to determine the tuberculosis recurrence rate and the mortality post treatment rate in Carapicuíba city and the risk factors associated with then. Methods: Population-based retrospective cohort studies, they were performed in Carapicuíba city, São Paulo state. All individuals who successfully completed tuberculosis treatment, pulmonary or extrapulmonary associated, between 2000 and 2010 were followed until December 31, 2012. The socio-demographic, co morbidities, signs and symptoms, clinics, health care unit and followup treatment variables were analyzed. The incidence rate for study 1 and mortality for study 2 were calculated in person-year of follow-up. For both studies we used the log-rank test from graphs constructed by survival analysis, Kaplan-Meier method. In order to verify the factors associated with TB recurrence (study 1) and death (study 2), from the variables with p≤0,20 value of univariate analysis, were calculated the adjusted proportional hazards ratios (ajdHR), with confidence interval of 95% (IC95%) and p=0.05, by hierarchical models of multiple Cox regression. Results: Of the 1,790 cases of tuberculosis, 975 cases met the inclusion criteria. 45 (4.88%) recurrences and 49 (5.09%) deaths were identified during follow-up period of the study (792.6 / 100,000 person-years for recurrence and 798 / 100,000 person-years for death). The associated factors for recurrence were male gender (ajdHR=2.48; IC95%=1.17;5.27), Aged 13-29 years old (ajdHR=3.39; CI95%=1.46;7.88), health worker (ajdHR=5.28; CI95%=1.50; 18.60), diabetes mellitus (ajdHR=2.80; CI95%=1.14;6.86), disease chronic pulmonary (ajdHR=3.73; CI95%1.29;10.82), alcohol and tobacco (ajdHR=2.75; CI95%=1.30;5.80), drug users (ajdHR=8.78; CI95%=3.19; 24.15), suggesting cavities images (ajdHR=2.57; CI95%=1.40;4.72), ingestion of up to 71 supervised doses (ajdHR=3.22; CI95%=1.38; 7.54), positive sputum in the attack phase of treatment (ajdHR=2.04; CI95%=1.04;4.01), adverse events (ajdHR=3.23; CI95%=1.76;5.91) and household contacts who developed TB during treatment of index cases (ajdHR=5.48; CI95%=2.31;13.01). The factors associated with death were: age 45 years or older (ajdHR=5.50; CI95%=2.43;12.48), spontaneous presentation to TB treatment (ajdHR=2.11; CI95%=1.16;3.98), patients who did not gain weight in the attack phase of treatment (ajdHR=. CI95%=1.26; 4.21).Conclusions: The risk of recurrent tuberculosis and mortality in individuals who have successfully completed treatment of tuberculosis is greater than in the general population. Identifying population groups at highest risk of these events may benefit about additional medical care and specific interventions in public health.
VIEIRA, Amadeu Antonio. Fatores associados à recorrência de tuberculose e óbito pós-tratamento no município de Carapicuíba. 2015. 195 f. Tese (Doutorado em Saúde Coletiva) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2015.