¿Es Posible la Determinación de la Afinidad Racial a Partir del Análisis Biométrico de Cráneos Humanos?

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Galdames, Ivan Claudio Suazo [UNIFESP]
Matamala, Daniela Zavando [UNIFESP]
Smith, Ricardo Luiz [UNIFESP]
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Starting from human skulls, metric data are obtained for the sex diagnosis, age and racial affinity. The purpose of this study was to determine, by means of facial and cranial lineal dimensions, a discriminant function and to identify those more useful dimensions to predict the skin color starting from skulls. 208 skulls of the collection of the Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo were analyzed, belonging to individuals with racial affinity for white, black and mulatto, according to the registration. The following dimensions were determined: Right Eurion- left Eurion, Glabella-Opisthocranion, Basion - Bregma, Nasion - Prosthion, Bizigomatic, Maximum width of the Piriform Aperture and the Nasion-Spinal distance. It was carried out a statistical analysis with ANOVA one way, Bonferroni and Schaffe test and the discriminant function was calculated. The maximum width of the piriform aperture only presented statistical differences in the groups according to skin color. To the analysis for sex, to the group of males skulls the Nasion -Prostion dimension was added. The discriminant function built with the maximum width of the piriform aperture, only allowed to classify 53,8% of the skulls correctly. The discriminant function calculated in this sample has a limited utility and it becomes necessary the analysis of other dimensions for Brazilian population.
International Journal Of Morphology. Temuco: Soc Chilena Anatomia, v. 27, n. 3, p. 643-648, 2009.