Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire: tradução para língua portuguesa, adaptação cultural e validação
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Introdução: A validação de instrumentos para a triagem da saúde mental em crianças e adolescentes que buscam procedimentos em cirurgia plástica é importante. Objetivo: Traduzir para a língua portuguesa, adaptar ao contexto cultural brasileiro e testar as propriedades de medidas, a reprodutibilidade, a confiabilidade e a validade de face, de conteúdo e de construto do Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (SMFQ). Métodos:
Seguindo orientação padrão da literatura, o questionário foi traduzido para
o português, adaptado culturalmente e testado em relação à
reprodutibilidade, validade de face, conteúdo e construto. Nas etapas de
adaptação cultural e validação foram entrevistados 124 crianças e
adolescentes alfabetizados, entre 8 e 17 anos e respectivos pais ou
responsável. Para a validação de construto foram utilizados os
questionários: Escala de autoestima Rosenberg (EPM/ Rosenberg) e
Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ). Resultados: O SMFQ apresentou
consistência interna (α=0,77) para crianças e adolescentes, para pais ou
responsável (α=0,81) e mostrou-se reprodutível. Verificou-se correlação
inter-observador para crianças e adolescentes (cci=0,757; p<0,001) e para
pais ou responsáveis (cci=0,853; p<0,001), bem como correlação
intraobservador para crianças e adolescentes (cci=0,738; p<0,001) e para
pais ou responsável (cci=0,796; p<0,001). Identificou-se correlação do
SMFQ com a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EPM/Rosenberg)
(r=0,495; p<0,001) e com o SDQ (r=0,295; p=0,044) para as crianças e
adolescentes. Para os pais, observou-se uma correlação significante entre
SMFQ e SDQ (r=0,581; p<0,001). Conclusão: O SMFQ foi traduzido para
o português, adaptado culturalmente no Brasil e validado nas versões
crianças/adolescentes e pais/responsávelvalidado, para a triagem da saúde
xxii mental de crianças e adolescentes que buscam tratamento em cirurgia
plástica, sendo denominado SMFQ-EPM/UNIFESP.
Introduction: In the evaluation of feelings and humor state, trustful instruments are essentials. Very few instruments are as specific as they should be in measuring adequately the feelings and humor state of children’s and adolescents. The Short mood and Feelings Questionnaire (SMFQ) it’s an specific instrument for parents and children of strong unidimensionality and high internal consistency, sensitivity and sensibility. Composed by 13 items focused exclusively in affective and cognitive symptoms. It’s succinct and objective in the evaluation of these domains that are directly related to depression. Objectives: Translate the SMFQ to Portuguese, culturally adapt it to Brazil and test its reproducibility, reliability and validity of content and construct. Methods: According to the guidelines found in the literature the questionnaire was translated to Portuguese, culturally adapted and tested according to reproducibility, reliability and validity of content and construct. A translated version was applied to 124 Brazilian literate children and adolescents between 8 and 17 years old as well as their respective parents. Criterion validity was tested along with Rosenberg self-steem scale (EPM/ Rosenberg) and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire(SDQ) for child version and child and parents forms with SDQ. Results: Internal consistency was determined by calculating Cronbach’s alpha for children and teens (α=0,77) as well for the parents (α=0.81). The reproducibility was verified by the interclass correlation coefficient with significant results between the moments of the interviews and the analysis of the reproducibility. Inter-observer correlation coefficient was (cci=0,757; p<0,001) for children, teens, and 0.85 for parents. As for the intra-observer was (cci=0,738; p<0,001) for children, Abstract | 98 teens, and (cci=0,796; p<0,001) for parents. Construct validity was demonstrated with the correlation of the SMFQ with Rosenberg self –steem scale (EPM/ Rosenberg) (r=0,495; p<0,001), and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) (r=0,295; p=0,044) for children and adolescents. For the parents, a significant correlation between SMFQ and SDQ (r=0,581; p<0,001) was disclosed. Conclusion: The SMFQ was translated to Portuguese and culturally adapted to Brazil. It was also validated and show an adequate internal consistency useful in children and adolecescents for plastic surgery. It was then called SMFQ-EPM/UNIFESP.
Introduction: In the evaluation of feelings and humor state, trustful instruments are essentials. Very few instruments are as specific as they should be in measuring adequately the feelings and humor state of children’s and adolescents. The Short mood and Feelings Questionnaire (SMFQ) it’s an specific instrument for parents and children of strong unidimensionality and high internal consistency, sensitivity and sensibility. Composed by 13 items focused exclusively in affective and cognitive symptoms. It’s succinct and objective in the evaluation of these domains that are directly related to depression. Objectives: Translate the SMFQ to Portuguese, culturally adapt it to Brazil and test its reproducibility, reliability and validity of content and construct. Methods: According to the guidelines found in the literature the questionnaire was translated to Portuguese, culturally adapted and tested according to reproducibility, reliability and validity of content and construct. A translated version was applied to 124 Brazilian literate children and adolescents between 8 and 17 years old as well as their respective parents. Criterion validity was tested along with Rosenberg self-steem scale (EPM/ Rosenberg) and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire(SDQ) for child version and child and parents forms with SDQ. Results: Internal consistency was determined by calculating Cronbach’s alpha for children and teens (α=0,77) as well for the parents (α=0.81). The reproducibility was verified by the interclass correlation coefficient with significant results between the moments of the interviews and the analysis of the reproducibility. Inter-observer correlation coefficient was (cci=0,757; p<0,001) for children, teens, and 0.85 for parents. As for the intra-observer was (cci=0,738; p<0,001) for children, Abstract | 98 teens, and (cci=0,796; p<0,001) for parents. Construct validity was demonstrated with the correlation of the SMFQ with Rosenberg self –steem scale (EPM/ Rosenberg) (r=0,495; p<0,001), and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) (r=0,295; p=0,044) for children and adolescents. For the parents, a significant correlation between SMFQ and SDQ (r=0,581; p<0,001) was disclosed. Conclusion: The SMFQ was translated to Portuguese and culturally adapted to Brazil. It was also validated and show an adequate internal consistency useful in children and adolecescents for plastic surgery. It was then called SMFQ-EPM/UNIFESP.
PINTO, Eduardo Rodrigues Sucupira. Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire: tradução para língua portuguesa, adaptação cultural e validação. 2014. 115 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2014