Retrato epidemiológico da violência domiciliar associada ao uso de álcool: um levantamento nas 108 maiores cidades brasileiras
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Objetivo: Este estudo teve por objetivo descrever, através de um levantamento nacional domiciliar, as situações de violência doméstica ocorridas sob efeito do álcool em comparação às situações de violência sem o uso do álcool. Métodos: O universo estudado correspondeu à população entre 12-65 anos de idade, residente nas 108 cidades brasileiras com mais de 200 mil habitantes. Foi composta uma amostra de conglomerados, estratificada, probabilística e autoponderada. O questionário, aplicado em entrevista, incluiu perguntas sobre situações de violência domiciliar (freqüência, duração e tipos de violência), o estado do agressor no momento da violência (usado álcool ou sóbrio) e características dos agressores e vítimas (idade, sexo, grau de parentesco e busca de ajuda em serviços de saúde e/ou segurança). Para análise estatística, foi utilizado o Teste Z. Resultados: Foram pesquisados 7.939 domicílios, entre os quais 34,9% houve relato de algum tipo de violência, sendo que 17,4% tinham histórico de violência com agressores alcoolizados. As agressões que envolveram o uso de álcool ocorreram em proporção significativamente maior para quase todos os tipos de violência estudados. Entre os domicílios com agressores embriagados foi observada maior proporção de domicílios de classe baixa, agressores do sexo masculino, vítimas do sexo feminino e um período maior de reincidências das situações de violência. Quanto ao grau de parentesco, a proporção de esposas entre as vítimas de agressores alcoolizados foi o dobro em comparação às vítimas de agressores sóbrios. Mais de 75% das vítimas e agressores de ambos os grupos nunca haviam procurado por qualquer tipo de ajuda. Conclusões: Os resultados deste levantamento apontam considerável prevalência de situações de violência domiciliar com agressores embriagados nas cidades brasileiras, bem como várias especificidades que merecem atenção das políticas públicas. Sugere também a importância dos serviços de dependência na detecção prevenção e/ou tratamento da violência familiar.
Objective: This study aimed at describing, by means of a national household survey, alcohol-related situations of domestic violence, and compare them with situations of violence that did not involve alcohol. Methods: The universe studied corresponded to the Brazilian population between 12 and 65 years old, living in the 108 largest cities of the country with over 200 thousand inhabitants. It was comprised by means of a conglomerate, stratified, probability and self-weighted sample. The questionnaire, applied during the interview, included questions on domestic violence situations (frequency; duration and type of violence), the state of the perpetrator at the moment of the violent act (having used alcohol or not) and questions on the characteristics of the perpetrator and the victims (age, gender and kinship with the perpetrator, and search for help at health services and/or the police). We used the Z Test to perform the statistical analyses. Results: Among the 7.939 households surveyed, 34,9% reported some kind of violence, among which 17,4% had a history of violence involving intoxicated perpetrators. There were significantly higher proportions of almost all the types of violence studied in households where the perpetrator was under the effect of alcohol. Among the households with intoxicated offenders, we observed a higher prevalence of lower class, male perpetrators, female victims and a longer period of recurrent violent situations. As regards kinship, the proportion of wives among the victims of intoxicated offenders was two times higher when compared with victims of sober offenders. More than 75% of the victims and perpetrators had never searched for any kind of help. Conclusions: The results of this survey point to a considerable prevalence of domestic violence involving intoxicated perpetrators in the Brazilian cities, as well as to many specificities that should be taken into account by public policies. They also stress the importance of dependence services in the detection, prevention and/or treatment of domestic violence.
Objective: This study aimed at describing, by means of a national household survey, alcohol-related situations of domestic violence, and compare them with situations of violence that did not involve alcohol. Methods: The universe studied corresponded to the Brazilian population between 12 and 65 years old, living in the 108 largest cities of the country with over 200 thousand inhabitants. It was comprised by means of a conglomerate, stratified, probability and self-weighted sample. The questionnaire, applied during the interview, included questions on domestic violence situations (frequency; duration and type of violence), the state of the perpetrator at the moment of the violent act (having used alcohol or not) and questions on the characteristics of the perpetrator and the victims (age, gender and kinship with the perpetrator, and search for help at health services and/or the police). We used the Z Test to perform the statistical analyses. Results: Among the 7.939 households surveyed, 34,9% reported some kind of violence, among which 17,4% had a history of violence involving intoxicated perpetrators. There were significantly higher proportions of almost all the types of violence studied in households where the perpetrator was under the effect of alcohol. Among the households with intoxicated offenders, we observed a higher prevalence of lower class, male perpetrators, female victims and a longer period of recurrent violent situations. As regards kinship, the proportion of wives among the victims of intoxicated offenders was two times higher when compared with victims of sober offenders. More than 75% of the victims and perpetrators had never searched for any kind of help. Conclusions: The results of this survey point to a considerable prevalence of domestic violence involving intoxicated perpetrators in the Brazilian cities, as well as to many specificities that should be taken into account by public policies. They also stress the importance of dependence services in the detection, prevention and/or treatment of domestic violence.
Retrato epidemiológico da violência domiciliar associada ao uso de álcool: um levantamento nas 108 maiores cidades brasileiras. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências). São Paulo: Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2008. 76 f.