Avaliação diagnóstica da tomografia de coerência óptica no glaucoma e sua aplicação clínica
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Objetivo: Este estudo foi realizado para caracterizar o dano estrutural no glaucoma pré-perimétrico com o tomógrafo de coerência óptica de domínio espectral (SD-OCT) e foi dividido em em três fases: 1) avaliação da capacidade do SD-OCT em detectar o dano glaucomatoso pré-perimétrico por meio de medidas da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina (CFNR) e compará-la à capacidade diagnóstica do oftalmoscópio confocal de varredura a laser (CSLO); 2) comparação da capacidade de detecção do dano glaucomatoso pré-perimétrico de medidas da espessura da CFNR, medidas topográficas da cabeça do nervo óptico (CNO) e medidas da espessura macular fornecidas pelo SD-OCT e 3) estimativa da razão de verossimilhança para valores contínuos da espessura da CFNR fornecidos pelo SD-OCT em uma coorte de pacientes com glaucomas pré-perimétrico e perimétrico. Métodos: Na primeira fase foram incluídos 134 olhos de 88 suspeitos de glaucoma, fundamentado na aparência da CNO. Todos os pacientes tinham campo visual normal e foram classificados como possuidores ou não de glaucoma pré-perimétrico com base na presença de dano glaucomatoso progressivo anterior aos exames de imagem. Na segunda fase, foram incluídos 142 olhos de 91 pacientes suspeitos de glaucoma, como descrito na primeira fase. Na terceira fase foram incluídos 262 olhos de 187 pacientes com glaucoma e 190 olhos de 100 indivíduos controle. Olhos com danos glaucomatoso perimétrico e pré-perimétrico foram incluídos. Uma metodologia que estima as tangentes da curva ROC foi utilizada para calcular razões de verossimilhança para valores contínuos da espessura da CFNR. Resultados: Na primeira fase, o parâmetro da CFNR obtido com o SD-OCT com maior área abaixo da curva ROC (receiver operating characteristic) foi a espessura temporal superior. Este parâmetro apresentou uma área abaixo da curva ROC maior do que o melhor parâmetro do CSLO (área da rima) (0.88 vs. 0.72; P = 0.008). Na segunda fase, o melhor parâmetro da CFNR (espessura média da CFNR) apresentou uma área abaixo da curva ROC maior que o melhor parâmetro topográfico da CNO (relação escavação-disco vertical) (0.89 vs. 0.74; P = 0.007) e o melhor parâmetro macular (espessura média do complexo de células ganglionares) (0.89 vs. 0.79; P = 0.015). Na terceira fase, razões de verossimilhança para valores contínuos da espessura da CFNR foram calculados. Um nomograma de Fagan modificado foi proposto para auxiliar no cálculo da probabilidade pós-teste de glaucoma. Conclusões: As medidas da CFNR apresentaram boa capacidade em detectar dano glaucomatoso pré-perimétrico, apresentando áreas abaixo da curva ROC superiores às medidas da CNO e da mácula. O nomograma de Fagan modificado proposto pode ser utilizado de forma simples na prática diária em glaucoma com o objetivo de agregar a informação diagnóstica fornecida pela espessura da CFNR.
Purpose: This study was conducted to characterize the structural damage in preperimetric glaucoma and was divided in three steps with the following purposes: 1) evaluate the capability for detection of preperimetric glaucomatous damage of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) obtained with the spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and compare it with the performance of the confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (CSLO); 2) compare the diagnostic accuracy for preperimetric glaucomatous damage of RNFL thickness measurements, topographic measurements of the optic nerve head (ONH) and macular measurements obtained with the SD-OCT; and 3) estimate likelihood ratios for continuous values of RNFL thickness provided by the SD-OCT in a cohort of patients with preperimetric or perimetric glaucoma. Methods: In the first step 134 eyes of 88 glaucoma suspects based on the appearance of the optic disc were included. All patients had normal visual fields at the time of the imaging and were classified as preperimetric glaucomatous patients on the basis of history of documented stereophotographic evidence of progressive glaucomatous damage before the imaging sessions. In the second step 142 eyes from 91 patients suspected of having the disease as described previously were included. The third step included 262 eyes of 187 patients with glaucoma and 190 eyes of 100 control subjects. Eyes with perimetric and preperimetric glaucomatous damage were included. A methodology that estimates the tangents of the ROC curve was applied in order to calculate likelihood ratios for continuous values of RNFL thicknesses. Results: In the first step, the RNFL parameter obtained with the SD-OCT with largest area under the ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve was the temporal superior RNFL thickness. This parameter had a larger area under the ROC curve then the best performing CSLO parameter (rim area) (0.88 vs. 0.72; P = 0.008). In the second step, the best RNFL parameter (RNFL average thickness) had a larger area under the ROC curve than the best ONH parameter (vertical cup-to-disc ratio) (0.89 vs. 0.74; P = 0.007) and the best macular parameter (ganglion cell average thickness) (0.89 vs. 0.79; P = 0.015). In the third step, likelihood ratios for continuous values of RNFL thickness could be calculated. A modified Fagan nomogram was proposed to assist the calculation of the posttest probability of the disease. Conclusions: RNFL thickness measurements provided by the SD-OCT performed well in detecting preperimetric glaucomatous damage. RNFL measurements performed better than topographic ONH measurements and macular measurements. Diagnostic information obtained with RNFL measurements can be included in the decision-making process in the clinical practice using the modified Fagan nomogram.
Purpose: This study was conducted to characterize the structural damage in preperimetric glaucoma and was divided in three steps with the following purposes: 1) evaluate the capability for detection of preperimetric glaucomatous damage of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) obtained with the spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and compare it with the performance of the confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (CSLO); 2) compare the diagnostic accuracy for preperimetric glaucomatous damage of RNFL thickness measurements, topographic measurements of the optic nerve head (ONH) and macular measurements obtained with the SD-OCT; and 3) estimate likelihood ratios for continuous values of RNFL thickness provided by the SD-OCT in a cohort of patients with preperimetric or perimetric glaucoma. Methods: In the first step 134 eyes of 88 glaucoma suspects based on the appearance of the optic disc were included. All patients had normal visual fields at the time of the imaging and were classified as preperimetric glaucomatous patients on the basis of history of documented stereophotographic evidence of progressive glaucomatous damage before the imaging sessions. In the second step 142 eyes from 91 patients suspected of having the disease as described previously were included. The third step included 262 eyes of 187 patients with glaucoma and 190 eyes of 100 control subjects. Eyes with perimetric and preperimetric glaucomatous damage were included. A methodology that estimates the tangents of the ROC curve was applied in order to calculate likelihood ratios for continuous values of RNFL thicknesses. Results: In the first step, the RNFL parameter obtained with the SD-OCT with largest area under the ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve was the temporal superior RNFL thickness. This parameter had a larger area under the ROC curve then the best performing CSLO parameter (rim area) (0.88 vs. 0.72; P = 0.008). In the second step, the best RNFL parameter (RNFL average thickness) had a larger area under the ROC curve than the best ONH parameter (vertical cup-to-disc ratio) (0.89 vs. 0.74; P = 0.007) and the best macular parameter (ganglion cell average thickness) (0.89 vs. 0.79; P = 0.015). In the third step, likelihood ratios for continuous values of RNFL thickness could be calculated. A modified Fagan nomogram was proposed to assist the calculation of the posttest probability of the disease. Conclusions: RNFL thickness measurements provided by the SD-OCT performed well in detecting preperimetric glaucomatous damage. RNFL measurements performed better than topographic ONH measurements and macular measurements. Diagnostic information obtained with RNFL measurements can be included in the decision-making process in the clinical practice using the modified Fagan nomogram.
LISBOA, Renato Dichetti dos Reis. Avaliação diagnóstica da tomografia de coerência óptica no glaucoma e sua aplicação clínica. 2014. 65 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2014.