Estudo dos níveis e da administração de ômega-3 na dependência de nicotina
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Objetivo: Inicialmente avaliar os efeitos da exposicao em longo prazo a fumaca do cigarro na peroxidacao lipidica, em especial aos acidos graxos da serie omega-3 de tabagistas saudaveis, atraves da quantificacao plasmatica dos principais representantes destes acidos graxos. Em um segundo momento, investigar os efeitos do tratamento da compulsao e dependencia de nicotina de tabagistas saudaveis por meio de um suplementacao alimentar com omega-3. Metodos: Esta pesquisa compreendeu dois estudos. O primeiro estudo consistiu em uma avaliacao transversal no qual comparou-se os niveis de omega-3 de uma amostra de 171 fumantes e nao fumantes, pareada para idade, sexo, altura, peso e indice de massa corporal. O tratamento consistiu em um estudo clinico, duplo-cego, randomizado, placebo controlado, no qual 39 tabagistas saudaveis receberam tratamento diario (capsulas com 3g de oleo de peixe (fonte de omega-3) ou oleo mineral (como placebo) por 90 dias. A avaliacao do efeito do tratamento foi realizada utilizando medidas psicometricas e biologicas, incluindo auto-relato de consumo. As avaliacoes foram realizadas no inicio do tratamento e mensalmente. Resultados: A avaliacao do perfil lipidico da serie omega-3 demonstrou que os fumantes possuem concentracoes inferiores de um dos representantes da serie omega-3, o acido docosahexaenoico, um dos principais lipidios com acao no Sistema Nervoso Central. Apos o termino da intervencao clinica o grupo tratado com omega-3 apresentou reducao significativa nas avaliacoes dos niveis de dependencia, contudo sem alteracoes nas demais avaliacoes utilizadas ao longo do tratamento. Conclusao: Tabagistas possuem concentracoes perifericas reduzidas de omega-3, o que pode refletir alteracoes dos niveis deste composto em todo o organismo e comprometer o funcionamento normal de diferentes sistemas, tendo como um exemplo o sistema de neurotransmissao dopaminergica. Por sua vez, o tratamento com 3g/dia de omega-3 por 90 dias ocasionou reducao no nivel da dependencia de nicotina, contudo nao apresentou melhoras nos demais parametros analisados, bem como nao resultou na cessacao do consumo de cigarros
Objective: The first objective was to compare the levels of fatty acids of the omega-3 series between smokers and non-smokers.The second objective was to investigate the effects of a treatment for nicotine dependence and craving through the supplementation with capsules of fish oil (rich in omega-3). Methods: This research comprised two studies. The first one consisted of a cross-sectional evaluation in which the levels of omega-3 were compared between smokers and non-smokers in a sample of 171 individuals, matched by age, gender, height, weight, and body mass index.The other study was clinical, double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled, in which 39 smokers received daily treatment with capsules of fish oil (a source of omega-3/3g per day) or mineral oil (used as placebo, also 3g per day), taken three times a day for 90 days. The outcome was evaluated by means of psychometric and biological measures as well as self-reports of tobacco use. The evaluations were carried out at the beginning of treatment and once a month thereafter. Results: The evaluation of the lipidic profiles of omega-3 showed that smokers present lower concentrations of docosahexaenoicacid, one of the main lipids found in the Central Nervous System. At the end of the clinical intervention we observed that the group treated with omega-3 showed a significant reduction in the levels of dependence, but no difference was observed on the other outcomes. Conclusion: Smokers showed lower peripheral levels of omega-3, which might interfere in the normal function of different systems, including the dopaminergic system. On the other hand, the treatment with 3g of omega-3/day for 90 days brought about reduction in nicotine dependence without, however, resulting in the cigarette consumption.
Objective: The first objective was to compare the levels of fatty acids of the omega-3 series between smokers and non-smokers.The second objective was to investigate the effects of a treatment for nicotine dependence and craving through the supplementation with capsules of fish oil (rich in omega-3). Methods: This research comprised two studies. The first one consisted of a cross-sectional evaluation in which the levels of omega-3 were compared between smokers and non-smokers in a sample of 171 individuals, matched by age, gender, height, weight, and body mass index.The other study was clinical, double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled, in which 39 smokers received daily treatment with capsules of fish oil (a source of omega-3/3g per day) or mineral oil (used as placebo, also 3g per day), taken three times a day for 90 days. The outcome was evaluated by means of psychometric and biological measures as well as self-reports of tobacco use. The evaluations were carried out at the beginning of treatment and once a month thereafter. Results: The evaluation of the lipidic profiles of omega-3 showed that smokers present lower concentrations of docosahexaenoicacid, one of the main lipids found in the Central Nervous System. At the end of the clinical intervention we observed that the group treated with omega-3 showed a significant reduction in the levels of dependence, but no difference was observed on the other outcomes. Conclusion: Smokers showed lower peripheral levels of omega-3, which might interfere in the normal function of different systems, including the dopaminergic system. On the other hand, the treatment with 3g of omega-3/day for 90 days brought about reduction in nicotine dependence without, however, resulting in the cigarette consumption.
ZAPAROLI, Juçara Xavier. Estudo dos níveis e da administração de ômega-3 na dependência de nicotina. 2014. 135 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2014.