Reincidência de gestação na adolescência em Montes Claros.
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Objetivos: Dimensionar a ocorrencia de partos durante a adolescencia em Montes Claros, considerando as sinalizacoes de diminuicao de sua ocorrencia, assim como as implicacoes associadas aos desfechos perinatais. Metodos: A partir das Declaracoes de Nascidos Vivos (DN), as informacoes foram registrados por ocorrencia, ano a ano, no periodo de 2000 a 2009. Foram calculadas as proporcoes de partos de adolescentes (12 a 19 anos) e adultas, distinguindo-as das parturientes com maternidade tardia ( a 35 anos de idade). Buscando relacao com a idade e a paridade, procedeu-se a caracterizacao das parturientes segundo, estado civil, escolaridade, frequencia ao pre-natal e a via de parto, bem como a idade gestacional, peso ao nascer e o Apgar do 5º minuto. Resultados: O levantamento evidenciou diminuicao da proporcao de parturientes adolescentes no periodo, acompanhada da melhoria da escolaridade e dos niveis de adequacao do pre-natal. Ao lado do aumento generalizado da realizacao de cesareas, independente da idade, foi reiterada a associacao dos resultados perinatais desfavoraveis com a idade, pesando neste conjunto de relacoes o pre-natal inadequado e a realizacao de cesareas. A proporcao de parturientes com mais de 35 anos aumentou progressivamente na decada sendo evidenciada, entretanto, a proximidade dos resultados perinatais com as proporcoes observadas entre os adolescentes. Os baixos niveis de escolaridade foram mais prevalentes nas multiparas, chamando a atencao a inexistencia de associacao da recorrencia de gravidez na adolescencia com resultados perinatais desfavoraveis. Conclusao: A gravidez na adolescencia, assim como a maternidade tardia , constituem grupos de oriscoo quanto aos resultados perinatais, na vigencia de pre- natal inadequado e realizacao de cesarianas. A recorrencia de gestacao na adolescencia, mais prevalente entre parturientes com baixos niveis de escolaridade, nao implicou, necessariamente, em piores resultados perinatais. Tais resultados, em que pese os limites do desenho do estudo, aponta para a necessidade de diferenciacao das medidas de intervencao no ambito da atencao a Saúde
Objectives: Scaling the occurrence of births during adolescence Montes clear, considering the signs of diminishing their occurrence as well as the implications associated with perinatal outcomes. Methods: From Live Birth Certificates (DN), the information was recorded per occurrence, year by year, from 2000 to 2009. We calculated the proportions of births to adolescents (12- 19 years) and adult disinguindo to those of pregnant women aged over 35 years old. Seeking relation with age and parity, we proceeded to characterize the mothers second, marital status, education, frequency of prenatal care and delivery route, as well as gestational age, birth weight and Apgar score at 5 minutes. Results: The survey showed a reduction in the proportion of pregnant adolescents in the period, accompanied by the improvement of education and levels of adequacy of prenatal care. Beside the general increase in cesarean sections, independent of age, was reiterated the association of adverse perinatal outcomes with age, weighing this set of relationships the inadequate prenatal care and cesarean sections. The proportion of mothers over 35 years increased steadily in the decade being evidenced, however, the proximity of the perinatal outcomes with the proportions observed among adolescents. Low levels of education were more prevalent in multiparous, calling attention to the lack of association of recurrence of teenage pregnancy with adverse perinatal outcomes. Conclusion: The teenage pregnancy, as well as late motherhood, are groups of "risk" as perinatal outcomes, in the presence of inadequate prenatal care and cesarean sections. Recurrence of teenage pregnancy were more prevalent among mothers with low education levels, did not result necessarily in worse perinatal outcomes. These results, despite the limitations of the study design, points to the need for differentiation of intervention measures in the context of health care.
Objectives: Scaling the occurrence of births during adolescence Montes clear, considering the signs of diminishing their occurrence as well as the implications associated with perinatal outcomes. Methods: From Live Birth Certificates (DN), the information was recorded per occurrence, year by year, from 2000 to 2009. We calculated the proportions of births to adolescents (12- 19 years) and adult disinguindo to those of pregnant women aged over 35 years old. Seeking relation with age and parity, we proceeded to characterize the mothers second, marital status, education, frequency of prenatal care and delivery route, as well as gestational age, birth weight and Apgar score at 5 minutes. Results: The survey showed a reduction in the proportion of pregnant adolescents in the period, accompanied by the improvement of education and levels of adequacy of prenatal care. Beside the general increase in cesarean sections, independent of age, was reiterated the association of adverse perinatal outcomes with age, weighing this set of relationships the inadequate prenatal care and cesarean sections. The proportion of mothers over 35 years increased steadily in the decade being evidenced, however, the proximity of the perinatal outcomes with the proportions observed among adolescents. Low levels of education were more prevalent in multiparous, calling attention to the lack of association of recurrence of teenage pregnancy with adverse perinatal outcomes. Conclusion: The teenage pregnancy, as well as late motherhood, are groups of "risk" as perinatal outcomes, in the presence of inadequate prenatal care and cesarean sections. Recurrence of teenage pregnancy were more prevalent among mothers with low education levels, did not result necessarily in worse perinatal outcomes. These results, despite the limitations of the study design, points to the need for differentiation of intervention measures in the context of health care.
FIGUEIREDO, Maria do Carmo Tolentino. Reincidência de gestação na adolescência em Montes Claros. 2013. 151 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2013.