A percepção das vivências de violência relacionadas ao trabalho: um estudo com as trabalhadoras do Programa Saúde da Família nos municípios de Betim e Sarzedo – Minas Gerais
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Esta pesquisa buscou apreender como as trabalhadoras do Programa de Saúde da Familia dos Municipios de Sarzedo e Betim u Minas Gerais, se relacionam com os/as usuarios/as, em momentos em que a relacao e perpassada por situacoes de violencia. O referencial teorico e a Psicodinamica do trabalho, as teorias sociologicas sobre violencia relacionada ao trabalho no setor de Saúde e as teorias das sociologas feministas sobre as Relacoes Sociais de Sexo e a Divisao Sexual do Trabalho. Pretendeu-se conhecer nesse estudo o processo de trabalho das profissionais do PSF; identificar a existencia de violencia na relacao profissional de Saúde / usuarios/as dos servicos de Saúde; identificar as estrategias de defensivas que as trabalhadoras constroem para lidar com essa violencia; identificar os recursos subjetivos mobilizados pelas trabalhadoras para retornarem ao trabalho apos sofrerem um ato de violencia na relacao com os usuarios. A metodologia utilizou observacao e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Participaram do estudo 18 trabalhadores/as das cinco equipes do PSF do municipio de Sarzedo. No municipio de Betim, a pesquisa realizou-se na regional PTB, contando com a participacao de 24 trabalhadores/as das seis unidades de PSF desta regional. As entrevistas foram gravadas e posteriormente, submetidas a analise tematica.Nesse tipo de analise, trabalham-se os temas que sao esperados, bem como aqueles que emergem no campo. Para compreender os relatos dos profissionais sobre suas vivencias nos valemos tambem dos estudos teoricos da Psicodinamica do Trabalho que nos permitiram perceber as mediacoes existentes no encontro do trabalhador com a organizacao do trabalho. Os resultados sinalizaram a existencia de diversas formas de violencia perpassando a relacao entre as trabalhadoras e os/as usuarios. Destacaram-se a violencia institucional, a violencia da delinquencia e a violencia de genero. A violencia de genero se apresentou em Sarzedo, com a atitude de reproducao das profissionais, que naturalizacao suas praticas profissionais, transformando as competencias profissionais do cuidar, em dons femininos e por isto sem valor aparente. Em Betim, onde existe um enfrentamento mais exacerbado da violencia urbana, nega-se a diferenca de genero em relacao a violencia, demonstrando a existencia de estrategias coletivas de defesa. Observamos as construcoes de estrategias defensivas tanto individuais quanto coletivas nos dois municipios. Entendemos que essas, ainda sao eficazes para lidar com o sofrimento desencadeado pela violencia relacionada ao trabalho, pois, as trabalhadoras atribuem sentido no trabalho realizado e sentem orgulho do mesmo. Consideramos que todas essas formas de violencia desveladas se processam com um carater de violencia relacional, onde tanto os/as usuarios/as quanto as trabalhadoras, reproduzem-na em algum momento. A existencia da naturalizacao e da banalizacao da violencia, nesse cenario, tem como efeito um nao-reconhecimento do outro como sujeito. E nesse naoreconhecimento mutuo que a violencia encontra suas brechas. A equipe de trabalho foi vista como fundamental para sustentar a mobilizacao subjetiva das trabalhadoras no retorno ao trabalho, uma vez que, pode-se considerar que a violencia impacta negativamente sobre a construcao identidade social construida no trabalho
This research sought to identify how the female workers of Family Health Program in Sarzedo and Betim - Minas Gerais, relate to the users, at times when the relationship is permeated by violence. The theoretical reference is Work Psychodynamics, the sociological theories on work-related violence in the health sector, and the theories of feminist sociologists on the Social Relations of Gender and Sexual Division of Labor. We intended to know, in this study, the working process of the PSF, identifying the existence of violence against health professionals / users of health services, identifying the defensive strategies that workers create to deal with this violence; identifying subjective resources mobilized by the workers to return to work after suffering an act of violence in the relationship with users. The methodology used non-participant observation and semi-structured interviews. The study included 18 male and female workers of the five teams in Sarzedo PSF. In Betim, the research took place in regional PTB, with 24 employees from 6 units of the PSF of this region. The interviews were recorded and subsequently submitted to a theme analysis. In this type of analysis we work the themes that are expected as well as those emerging in the field. In order to understand the professional stories about their experiences of we also used theoretical studies of Work Psychodynamics, which allowed us to understand the existing mediations at the meeting of the worker to work organization. The results indicate that existence of several forms of violence permeate the relationship between workers and the users. Institutional violence, crime violence and gender violence Stood out. Gender violence is presented in Sarzedo, with the attitude of the professionals who naturalized their professional practices, transforming the professional skills of care into feminine gifts and, therefore, of no apparent value. In Betim, where there is a stronger confrontation urban violence, refuses the gender difference in relation to violence, demonstrating the existence of a collective defensive strategy. We can observe the construction of defensive strategies both individually and collectively in the two towns. As we see it, they are still effective in dealing with the suffering triggered by violence related to labor, because workers attribute sense to the work and feel proud of it. We believe all these forms of violence take place as an unveiled relational violence character, where either users or workers reproduce it in some time. The existence of naturalization and the trivialization of violence, in this scenario, has as effect the failure to recognize the other as subject. It is in this non-recognition that violence finds its gaps. The work team was seen as essential to underpin the subjective mobilization of workers in returning to work, since we can consider that violence negatively impacts on the built in social identity construction work.
This research sought to identify how the female workers of Family Health Program in Sarzedo and Betim - Minas Gerais, relate to the users, at times when the relationship is permeated by violence. The theoretical reference is Work Psychodynamics, the sociological theories on work-related violence in the health sector, and the theories of feminist sociologists on the Social Relations of Gender and Sexual Division of Labor. We intended to know, in this study, the working process of the PSF, identifying the existence of violence against health professionals / users of health services, identifying the defensive strategies that workers create to deal with this violence; identifying subjective resources mobilized by the workers to return to work after suffering an act of violence in the relationship with users. The methodology used non-participant observation and semi-structured interviews. The study included 18 male and female workers of the five teams in Sarzedo PSF. In Betim, the research took place in regional PTB, with 24 employees from 6 units of the PSF of this region. The interviews were recorded and subsequently submitted to a theme analysis. In this type of analysis we work the themes that are expected as well as those emerging in the field. In order to understand the professional stories about their experiences of we also used theoretical studies of Work Psychodynamics, which allowed us to understand the existing mediations at the meeting of the worker to work organization. The results indicate that existence of several forms of violence permeate the relationship between workers and the users. Institutional violence, crime violence and gender violence Stood out. Gender violence is presented in Sarzedo, with the attitude of the professionals who naturalized their professional practices, transforming the professional skills of care into feminine gifts and, therefore, of no apparent value. In Betim, where there is a stronger confrontation urban violence, refuses the gender difference in relation to violence, demonstrating the existence of a collective defensive strategy. We can observe the construction of defensive strategies both individually and collectively in the two towns. As we see it, they are still effective in dealing with the suffering triggered by violence related to labor, because workers attribute sense to the work and feel proud of it. We believe all these forms of violence take place as an unveiled relational violence character, where either users or workers reproduce it in some time. The existence of naturalization and the trivialization of violence, in this scenario, has as effect the failure to recognize the other as subject. It is in this non-recognition that violence finds its gaps. The work team was seen as essential to underpin the subjective mobilization of workers in returning to work, since we can consider that violence negatively impacts on the built in social identity construction work.
COSTA, Rosemary Pereira. A percepção das vivências de violência relacionadas ao trabalho: um estudo com as trabalhadoras do Programa Saúde da Família nos municípios de Betim e Sarzedo – Minas Gerais. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2011.