A configuração da rede social de mulheres em situação de violência doméstica
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Esta pesquisa objetiva configurar a rede social das mulheres que vivem em situacao de violencia domestica, por meio da identificacao das estruturas e dinamicas relacionais presentes. Tal configuracao foi delineada a partir da analise de entrevistas e de observacoes dos espacos institucionais: Centro de Referencia u Casa Beth Lobo, na Delegacia Especializada de Atendimento a Mulher e na Casa Abrigo 1, para mulheres com risco de morte. Todos esses servicos estao localizados no municipio de Diadema, Estado de São Paulo, cenario da pesquisa. Para realizar a analise, utilizam-se os pressupostos teoricos de redes sociais formulados por Paulo Henrique Martins e a concepcao de violencia domestica que figura na Lei 11.340/06, segundo o seu artigo 5º. Participaram do estudo nove mulheres que sofreram violencia domestica, atendidas no Centro de Referencia, e sete profissionais que realizam o atendimento a estas mulheres em servicos especializados. A analise das entrevistas permitiu conhecer as repercussoes da violencia vivenciada por essas mulheres na configuracao de sua rede social. Verificou-se que a violencia impingida a mulher pelo parceiro impossibilita a manutencao dos vinculos que ela mantinha antes da vida conjugal e impede que esta estabeleca novas relacoes, colocando-a em uma situacao de isolamento e fragilidade. Alem disso, identificou-se que o cotidiano das mulheres e constituido de inumeras estrategias para superacao e enfrentamento das situacoes de ameaca e violencia. Observou-se tambem que as instituicoes e os profissionais podem exercer um papel fundamental para que a mulher saia do ciclo de violencia, a medida que estes se articulem em uma rede em que o fluxo possibilite o compartilhamento da oferta de servicos e conhecimentos. Vislumbra-se o estudo das redes sociais com o enfoque na natureza dos vinculos e das trocas entre os atores, como uma ferramenta capaz de ampliar o conhecimento sobre as dinamicas relacionais dos sujeitos e contribuir na organizacao dos servicos de assistencia
This paper aims to frame the social network of women, who are victims of domestic violence, by identifying their structures and dynamics. The study was done by taking observations and interviews from institutional women´s shelters, such as Casa Beth Lobo (a Reference Center), a Police Office for Battered Women and Casa Abrigo 1 (Shelter 1)-for women running the risk of death. All of them placed in Diadema, São Paulo State, Brazil. It was followed the theoretical presumptions of social networks by Paulo Henrique Martins and the domestic violence conception under the Law N.11.340/06, article 5. Nine battered women were recruited from Casa Beth Lobo, besides seven care professionals who assisted those women. Interviews and analyzes showed the violence repercussion that women experience throughout their social network. Battered women are not able to keep their marital life and neither can establish new social relationships, tending to face isolation and fragility. Moreover, it was noticed that those women´s daily life is based on overcoming and coping with the threat and the violence itself. Women´s shelters, special institutions for battered women and also care professionals play an important role for taking women out of this violence cycle as they provide knowledge, services and support. Further studies on social network, focusing on the nature of the links and exchanges among actors, are welcome as a tool for broadening the dynamics of the subjects and contributing for the services assistance.
This paper aims to frame the social network of women, who are victims of domestic violence, by identifying their structures and dynamics. The study was done by taking observations and interviews from institutional women´s shelters, such as Casa Beth Lobo (a Reference Center), a Police Office for Battered Women and Casa Abrigo 1 (Shelter 1)-for women running the risk of death. All of them placed in Diadema, São Paulo State, Brazil. It was followed the theoretical presumptions of social networks by Paulo Henrique Martins and the domestic violence conception under the Law N.11.340/06, article 5. Nine battered women were recruited from Casa Beth Lobo, besides seven care professionals who assisted those women. Interviews and analyzes showed the violence repercussion that women experience throughout their social network. Battered women are not able to keep their marital life and neither can establish new social relationships, tending to face isolation and fragility. Moreover, it was noticed that those women´s daily life is based on overcoming and coping with the threat and the violence itself. Women´s shelters, special institutions for battered women and also care professionals play an important role for taking women out of this violence cycle as they provide knowledge, services and support. Further studies on social network, focusing on the nature of the links and exchanges among actors, are welcome as a tool for broadening the dynamics of the subjects and contributing for the services assistance.
DUTRA, Maria de Lourdes. A Configuração da Rede Social de Mulheres em Situação de Violência Doméstica. 2011. 90 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2011.