A formação didático-pedagógica dos docentes da graduação em medicina, na perspectiva dos coordenadores.
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O objeto do trabalho constituiu-se na investigação referente à formação didáticopedagógica inicial e
continuada dos docentes médicos do curso de graduação em Medicina, sob a ótica dos coordenadores
de curso, no Estado de São Paulo. Os procedimentos metodológicos compreenderam três modalidades
de pesquisa: a revisão de literatura e análise documental, complementadas por um pequeno recorte
na realidade empírica, visando ao confronto do proposto com o pretendido e com o real concreto.
A abordagem foi quanti-qualitativa. Os dados obtidos foram interpretados por meio da técnica de
análise temática de conteúdo. A interpretação resultou no agrupamento em cinco categorias: perfil
dos coordenadores dos cursos de graduação em Medicina; a formação didáticopedagógica inicial
e continuada dos docentes médicos no curso de graduação em Medicina; a relação teoria-prática;
a relação ensino-pesquisa e os desafios para obtenção da formação didático-pedagógica. A reflexão
dos dados revela as bases em que os docentes vêm construindo sua carreira docente. Constatou-se a
ausência de uma formação didático-pedagógica inicial e de um projeto de formação continuada nas
instituições, destacando-se que somente cursos de formação didático-pedagógica não trazem mudanças
na prática cotidiana. As relações teoria-prática e ensino-pesquisa também não foram contempladas no âmbito de alguns cursos de Medicina, demonstrando a prevalência do ensino tradicional. Entre
os desafios para obtenção da formação didático-pedagógica, foram apontados: a docência como
atividade secundária, a escassez de tempo e a ausência de sensibilização para as questões do ensino.
The aim of this study is to investigate the initial and continuing didacticpedagogical education of medical professors in the graduation course of Medicine under the course coordinators’ point of view, in the state of São Paulo. The methodological procedures involved three research modalities: review of the literature and documental analysis complemented by a small delineation in the empirical reality, aiming to compare the proposed with the expected and with the real world. It was a quantitative and qualitative approach. The obtained data were analyzed by means of a thematic analysis of the content. The interpretation resulted in a group divided into five categories: profile of the coordinators of the medical graduation course; initial and continuing didactic-pedagogical education of the medical professors; the theoretical-pedagogical relationship; the teachingresearch relationship and the challenges to obtain a didactic-pedagogical education. Data analysis revealed on which basis the academic professors are building their career. It was observed the lack of an initial didactic-pedagogical education and project for the continuing education in the Institutions. It is worth emphasizing that didactic-pedagogical courses alone do not bring changes in the daily practice. The theoretical-practice and the teaching-research relationships in some of Medical courses were not here contemplated, showing the prevalence of a traditional course. Among the challenges to obtain a didactic-pedagogical formation, the following facts were mentioned: the academic teaching as a secondary activity, lack of time and the absence of sensibilizing process regarding the teaching questions.
The aim of this study is to investigate the initial and continuing didacticpedagogical education of medical professors in the graduation course of Medicine under the course coordinators’ point of view, in the state of São Paulo. The methodological procedures involved three research modalities: review of the literature and documental analysis complemented by a small delineation in the empirical reality, aiming to compare the proposed with the expected and with the real world. It was a quantitative and qualitative approach. The obtained data were analyzed by means of a thematic analysis of the content. The interpretation resulted in a group divided into five categories: profile of the coordinators of the medical graduation course; initial and continuing didactic-pedagogical education of the medical professors; the theoretical-pedagogical relationship; the teachingresearch relationship and the challenges to obtain a didactic-pedagogical education. Data analysis revealed on which basis the academic professors are building their career. It was observed the lack of an initial didactic-pedagogical education and project for the continuing education in the Institutions. It is worth emphasizing that didactic-pedagogical courses alone do not bring changes in the daily practice. The theoretical-practice and the teaching-research relationships in some of Medical courses were not here contemplated, showing the prevalence of a traditional course. Among the challenges to obtain a didactic-pedagogical formation, the following facts were mentioned: the academic teaching as a secondary activity, lack of time and the absence of sensibilizing process regarding the teaching questions.
CASTRO, Nazaré Portilho Amaral. A formação didático-pedagógica dos docentes da Graduação em Medicina, na perspectiva dos coordenadores. 2006. 124 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2006.