Solução glicosada hipertônica no mesentério e no peritônio de rato: estudo macroscópico e microscópico
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Objetivo: detectar as alterações macroscópicas e microscópicas do mesentério e do peritônio parietal, quando se administra a solução aquosa de glicose hipertônica a 10% e a 25% na cavidade peritoneal de rato. Métodos: Utilizou-se as amostras de 90 ratas (n=90) “Wistar”, adultas jovens, variando entre 180 – 250 g e enumeradas de 1 a 90, constituindo grupo único e distribuído aleatoriamente em três sub-grupos: A, B e C, contendo cada sub-grupo 30 animais com procedimentos idênticos diferindo apenas no período de observação: 6h; 24h; 48h. Em todos os animais praticou-se incisão longitudinal de pele na linha média ventral. As ratas do sub-grupo A ou grupo-controle, receberam 2 ml de uma solução de cloreto de sódio a 0,9% (NaCl 0,9%) distribuída diretamente na cavidade peritoneal. Usou-se, para isso, seringas descartáveis de 3 ml e posteriormente, seguiu-se de uma síntese em massa da parede abdominal anterior com fio de mononylon 3-0 e excluiu-se o peritônio parietal. Para as ratas dos grupos B e C, (grupo-glicose 10% e grupo-glicose 25%) respectivamente, realizou-se a introdução de 2 ml de soluções de glicose a 10% e 25% na cavidade peritoneal com síntese em massa das paredes abdominais, semelhantes a do grupo A. Resultados: Esses animais foram reoperados nas 6h, 24h e 48h e definiu-se a avaliação macroscópica. Na cavidade peritoneal, observou-se a presença de líquido com uniformidade da serosa e com coloração rósea em toda extensão da área e local estudado. Evidenciou-se presença de congestão vascular. Completou-se a retirada de 90 fragmentos de mesentério e 90 fragmentos de peritônio parietal bilateralmente, totalizando 180 fragmentos. Nenhum animal apresentou necrose e na microscopia do mesentério, as alterações histológicas foram assim distribuídas: 16 casos (17,8%) com inflamação crônica inespecífica; 30 casos (33,4%) com linfonodos hiperplásicos; 10 casos (11,1%) com intensa congestão vascular; 6 casos (6,6%) com fibrose reacional e 28 casos (31,1%) sem alteração, além de ausência de células gigantes, comprovouse uma reação inflamatória de leve intensidade. Nas alterações microscópicas do peritônio parietal, apenas 6 casos apresentaram fibrose reacional (3,3%). Os demais, sem alteração histológica (96,7%). Na análise estatística, não há existência de diferença significativa entre os grupos analisados e as alterações observadas (p>0,05). Conclusões: Concluiu-se, portanto, com base na presente pesquisa, que o uso das soluções de glicose hipertônica e de cloreto de sódio a 0,9% no mesentério e no peritônio parietal não causa necrose tecidual e que o processo inflamatório é de igual intensidade.
Purpose: The objective is to detect the macroscopic and microscopic alterations of the mesenterium and parietal peritoneum when hypertonic glucose aqueous solution 10%- 25% is administrated into the peritoneal cavity of the rat. Methods: Were used 90 Wistar females young rats with weight between 180-250 g, enumerated of 1 to 90, establishing unique group and divided in three groups (A, B, C) of 30 animals chosen aleatory manner. Was used 0,9% saline solution called control group, or group A, 10% glucose solution named group B, and in the others 30 was used 25% glucose solution named group C, differing as soon as in the observation period, (06h, 24h and 48h), but with the same procedure. Was realized a midline abdominal laparotomy wall and in the animals of the control group was injected 2 ml of a 0,9% saline solution into the peritoneal cavity. After, we made a suture in mass without to include the peritonium for the others groups (B, C) the rats received 10% glucose solution and 25% glucose solution injected into the peritoneal cavity respectively. Results: A new surgery was realized in 6h, 24h and 48h, and we observed in macroscopic avaluation presence of fluid and serous uniforme and rosy in all over the cavity. The vascular congestion was present. We made dry out of 90 fragments of mesenterium and 90 fragments of parietal peritonium bilateral. In the microscopic study necrosis doesn´t was present. For the mesenterium histological study we observed 16 cases (17,8%) unspecific chronic inflammation, 30 cases (33,4%) hiperplasic linfonod, 10 cases (11,1%) high vascular congestion, 6 cases (6,6%) reaction fibrosis and 28 cases (31,1%) no alteration. For the parietal peritonium histological study we observed 6 cases (3,3%) reaction fibrosis and 174 cases (96,7%) no alteration. Giant cell was not present. In the analisys statistic there is no significance between the groups (p>0,05). Conclusions: So, we concluded, according to the present research, that hypertonic glucose solution and NaCl 0,9% on the mesenterium and parietal peritonium don´t produce tissue necrosis in a rat`s model and the inflammation process has the same intensity
Purpose: The objective is to detect the macroscopic and microscopic alterations of the mesenterium and parietal peritoneum when hypertonic glucose aqueous solution 10%- 25% is administrated into the peritoneal cavity of the rat. Methods: Were used 90 Wistar females young rats with weight between 180-250 g, enumerated of 1 to 90, establishing unique group and divided in three groups (A, B, C) of 30 animals chosen aleatory manner. Was used 0,9% saline solution called control group, or group A, 10% glucose solution named group B, and in the others 30 was used 25% glucose solution named group C, differing as soon as in the observation period, (06h, 24h and 48h), but with the same procedure. Was realized a midline abdominal laparotomy wall and in the animals of the control group was injected 2 ml of a 0,9% saline solution into the peritoneal cavity. After, we made a suture in mass without to include the peritonium for the others groups (B, C) the rats received 10% glucose solution and 25% glucose solution injected into the peritoneal cavity respectively. Results: A new surgery was realized in 6h, 24h and 48h, and we observed in macroscopic avaluation presence of fluid and serous uniforme and rosy in all over the cavity. The vascular congestion was present. We made dry out of 90 fragments of mesenterium and 90 fragments of parietal peritonium bilateral. In the microscopic study necrosis doesn´t was present. For the mesenterium histological study we observed 16 cases (17,8%) unspecific chronic inflammation, 30 cases (33,4%) hiperplasic linfonod, 10 cases (11,1%) high vascular congestion, 6 cases (6,6%) reaction fibrosis and 28 cases (31,1%) no alteration. For the parietal peritonium histological study we observed 6 cases (3,3%) reaction fibrosis and 174 cases (96,7%) no alteration. Giant cell was not present. In the analisys statistic there is no significance between the groups (p>0,05). Conclusions: So, we concluded, according to the present research, that hypertonic glucose solution and NaCl 0,9% on the mesenterium and parietal peritonium don´t produce tissue necrosis in a rat`s model and the inflammation process has the same intensity
CARVALHO, Jose Cicero Ferreira de. Solução glicosada hipertônica no mesentério e no peritônio de rato: estudo macroscópico e microscópico 2005. 67 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2005.