Disfunção sexual após infarto agudo do miocárdio

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Vacanti, Luciano Janussi [UNIFESP]
Carvalho, Antonio Carlos [UNIFESP]
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Este estudo foi realizado com 32 pacientes do sexo masculino, sem disfunção sexual prévia. Foi analisada a ocorrência de disfunção sexual após o segundo e sexto mês do IAM, e três variáveis; a idade, o uso de beta-bloqueador e a presença de distúrbios psicológicos como eventuais fatores desencadeantes da disfunção sexual. A ocorrência de disfunção sexual esteve presente, respectivamente, em 46,8 % e 34,4% dos pacientes após o 2. e 6. mês do IAM. No 2. mês os pacientes com distúrbios psicológicos apresentaram significativamente mais disfunção sexual (85,7%) do que aqueles sem distúrbios (36%) (p=0,03), e no 6. mês após o IAM com as respectivas incidências; de 100% versus 22,2% (p=0,002). No 2. mês os pacientes com sessenta anos ou mais apresentaram também significativamente mais distúrbios sexuais (88,9%) do que aqueles com menos de sessenta anos (30,4%) (p=0,004) , semelhantemente no 6. mês após o IAM, com as respectivas incidências de; 66,7% versus 21,5% (p=0,02). Os indivíduos em uso de beta-bloqueador tiveram mais distúrbios sexuais (55%), do que aqueles sem o medicamento (33,3%) porém sem diferença estatisticamente significativa (p=3,8), tanto no 2. mês, quanto no 6. mês após o IAM, com as respectivas incidências de; 45% versus 16,7% (p=0,1). Os pacientes com disfunção sexual eram significativamente mais insatisfeitos com o atual relacionamento sexual, que os indivíduos sem disfunção. O reinício da atividade sexual neste grupo ocorreu de forma segura, sem a presença de eventos cardíacos como reinfarto, óbito ou insuficiência cardíaca, até o sexto mês de estudo.
This study was done with 32 male patients without previous sexual dysfunction. The incidence of sexual dysfunction was analyzed after the second and the sixth month of the Myocardial Infarction (MI). Tree possible risk factors for sexual dysfunction were analyzed: the patient’s age, the use of beta-blockers and the psychologic disturbs. The incidence of sexual dysfunction was respectively 46,8% and 34,4% after the second and the sixth month of the MI. The incidence of sexual dysfunction was significantly higher among the patients with psychologic disturbs (85,7%) than the patients without psychologic disturbs (36%) (p=0,03) after the second month and after the sixth month of the MI the incidence of sexual dysfunction was too significantly higher among the patients with psychologic disturbs (100%) than the patients without psychologic disturbs (22,2%) (p=0,002). It was also observed that after the second month the incidence of sexual dysfunction was significantly higher among the older patients (with sixty years or more) (88,9%) than the younger patients (30,4%) (p=0,004) and after the sixth month of the MI the incidence of sexual dysfunction was too significantly higher among the older patients (66,7%) than the younger patients (21,5%) (p=0,02). After the second month the incidence of sexual dysfunction was higher but not significant among the patients that were with beta-blocker therapy (55%) than the patients without (33,3%) (p=3,8) and after the sixth month of the MI the incidence of sexual dysfunction was too higher but not significant among the patients that were with beta-blocker therapy (45%) than the patients without (16,7%) (p=0,1). The patients with sexual dysfunction were significantly more insatisfied with the sexual activity (54,5%) than the ones without sexual dysfunction (14,3%) (p=0,02).In this study the begning of the sexual activity after the MI was safe, without reinfarction,death or heart failure until the sixth month.
VACANTI, Luciano Janussi. Disfunção sexual após infarto agudo do miocárdio. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 1997.