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- ItemSomente MetadadadosAcoustic and perceptual analyses of Brazilian male actors' and nonactors' voices: Long-term average spectrum and the Actor's Formant(Elsevier B.V., 2008-03-01) Master, Suely; De Biase, Noemi [UNIFESP]; Chiari, Brasilia Maria [UNIFESP]; Laukkanen, Anne-Maria; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Univ TampereThis study investigates the possible differences between actors' and nonactors' vocal projection strategies using acoustic and perceptual analyses. A total of 11 male actors and 10 male nonactors volunteered as subjects, reading an extended text sample in habitual, moderate, and loud levels. the samples were analyzed for sound pressure level (SPL), alpha ratio (difference between the average SPL of the 1-5 kHz region and the average SPL of the 50 Hz-1 kHz region), fundamental frequency (F0), and long-term average spectrum (LTAS). Through LTAS, the mean frequency of the first formant (171) range, the mean frequency of the actor's formant, the level differences between the F1 frequency region and the F0 region (L1-L0), and the level differences between the strongest peak at 0-1 kHz and that at 3-4 kHz were measured. Eight voice specialists evaluated perceptually the degree of projection, loudness, and tension in the samples. the actors had a greater alpha ratio, stronger level of the actor's formant range, and a higher degree of perceived projection and loudness in all loudness levels. SPL, however, did not differ significantly between the actors and nonactors, and no differences were found in the mean formant frequencies ranges. the alpha ratio and the relative level of the actor's formant range seemed to be related to the degree of perceived loudness. From the physiological point of view, a more favorable glottal setting' providing a higher glottal closing speed, may be characteristic of these actors' projected voices. So, the projected voices, in this group of actors, were more related to the glottic source than to the resonance of the vocal tract.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise perceptivo-auditiva, acústica computadorizada e laringológica da voz de adultos jovens fumantes e não-fumantes(ABORL-CCF Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial, 2003-12-01) Figueiredo, Daniele C. de; Souza, Paula R. F. de; Gonçalves, Maria Inês Rebelo [UNIFESP]; De Biase, Noemi Grigoletto [UNIFESP]; Hospital do Câncer A. C. Camargo; Centro de Estudos da Voz; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Faculdade de FonoaudiologiaAIM: The goal of this study was to make the laryngological, auditory perceptual and acoustic computer analyses of young adults' (smokers and non-smokers) voices, without vocal complaint, compare them and verify the incidence of vocal alterations. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical comparative. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The voices of 80 individuals with age range from 20 to 40 years were analyzed. These individuals were divided in four groups: 20 male smokers, 20 male non-smokers, 20 female smokers and 20 female non-smokers. This analysis involved laryngoscopy, which was performed and interpreted by an otolaryngologist, and cassette tape recordings of the sustained vowels /a/, /m/, /i/ e /u/, number counting from 1 to 20, speech of the days of the week, months of the year and singing of Happy Birthday. The cassette tape recordings were edited for further spectrographic analysis and auditory perceptual evaluation made by four speech therapists experienced in the major of voice. RESULTS: After the analysis, a slight reduction of the fundamental frequency of the voice of smokers of both sexes was noticed, as well as higher incidence of hoarseness and laryngeal alterations among the smokers.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação da voz em pacientes submetidos à cordectomia com laser de CO2(ABORL-CCF Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial, 2006-06-01) Haddad, Leonardo [UNIFESP]; Abrahão, Márcio [UNIFESP]; Cervantes, Onivaldo [UNIFESP]; Ceccon, Fabio Pupo [UNIFESP]; Gielow, Ingrid [UNIFESP]; Carvalho, Jomar Rezende [UNIFESP]; Leonhardt, Fernando Danelon [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)AIM: To evaluate voice outcomes in patients with early glottic carcinoma treated by CO2 laser cordectomy. METHOD: 15 patients with glottic Tis and T1 squamous cell carcinoma treated with CO2 laser were analyzed. The assessment consisted of perceptual voice analysis, objective voice evaluation and video-laryngo-stroboscopic exam. In addition, patients rated their voices and completed the Voice related Quality of Life (VR-QOL) questionnaire. The results were compared with those obtained in a matched control group. RESULTS: Most of the patients presented some degree of hoarseness on perceptual voice analysis, mainly rough and breathy voices. Their acoustic evaluation compared with the control group showed a small increase in fundamental frequency, but with no statistically significant difference, and the values of jitter, shimmer and noise to harmonic ratio were worse and statistically significant. As regards to videolaryngo- stroboscopic findings, better results were achieved in the less extensive resection group. Patients have had minimal repercussion in their life quality in respect to voice. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of voice alterations in patients submitted to cordectomy by CO2 laser, functional results are acceptable, with minimal repercussion in their quality of life. Avaliação da voz em pacientes submetidos à cordectomia com laser de CO2.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Parâmetros do LTAS que identificam o envelhecimento vocal em idosas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2008) Silva, Paula Torres da [UNIFESP]; Ramos, Luiz Roberto [UNIFESP]; Ramos, Luiz Roberto [UNIFESP]A população idosa no Brasil está crescendo rapidamente. E como qualquer outra função biológica, a voz tende a mudar com a idade, perdendo força e resistência, podendo afetar negativamente a vida social da pessoa idosa. Existem poucos estudos que utilizaram análise acústica a fim de identificar o envelhecimento vocal possibilitando assim reabilitação quando necessário. O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar os parâmetros de envelhecimento vocal no Long Term Average Spectrum (LTAS) nas mulheres, em duas intensidades. Foram gravados 30 idosos e 30 jovens do sexo feminino na leitura de um texto em intensidades habitual (LH) e forte (LF). Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: Nível de pressão sonora médio (NPS), freqüência fundamental (f0) e através do LTAS, a proporção alpha e as amplitudes de 50 pontos marcados ao longo da faixa de freqüências de 0-8k Hz. As diferenças entre os grupos foram analisadas por estatística paramétrica. Comparadas às mulheres jovens, as idosas apresentaram valores significativamente menores do NPS no LH e menores valores de f0 em ambas LH e LF. No LTAS das idosas, os valores de alfa foram proporcionalmente menores do que as jovens, indicando uma maior inclinação das curvas, e menores valores de amplitude espectral nas faixas de freqüências de 480 a 4640 Hz e de 6720 a 8000 Hz em LH, e 480 a 4800 Hz e de 6560 a 8000 em LF. Além de uma incapacidade para aumentar o NPS em LF, as diferenças na proporção alfa e amplitude nas regiões entre o primeiro e o quarto formantes do LTAS podem ser vistos como parâmetros acústicos do envelhecimento vocal em ambas as intensidades.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosQualidade vocal de pacientes submetidos à tireoidectomia com monitorização do nervo laríngeo inferior(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-06-25) Takimoto, Roberto Massao [UNIFESP]; Cervantes, Onivaldo Cervantes [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: An attempt was made to estimate the inferior laryngeal nerves monitoring impact on thyroidectomized patient?s vocal quality. Study Design: Prospective clinic randomized double-blind trial. Methods: Eighty-five patients were evaluated, men and women, median age 48,19 yrs., with no thyroid hormone dysfunctions. They were operated without (group A ? 40 patients) or with (group B ? 45 patients) inferior laryngeal nerves monitoring. The groups were controlled by gender, age, tobacco, thyroid volume, surgery extent, post-op hypoparathyroidism, type of disease (benign or malignant), TNM classification, ASA classification, laryngeal trauma and difficulty during the intubation. Patients were excluded because: severe alteration in grade (perceptive evaluation) before surgery, previous neck surgery, previous laryngoscopic alterations , previous neck radiotherapy , neck dissection and the ones that did not come to the post-op appointment. All the patients went through perceptive evaluation (Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia, Strain and Instability), laryngoscopy, acoustic vocal analysis (F0, jitter, shimmer, GNE and hoarseness diagram) and voice-related quality of life (V-RQOL). These evaluations were performed before and after surgery (1st and 4th week). Results: Group A had 8.57% of paralysis versus 7.5% in group B in the first week post-op (p=1.000) and 4.29% versus 6.25% in the fourth week post-op (p=0.865). In the perceptive evaluation, only breathiness in the fourth week post-op, showed significant difference between the groups (25% of altered evaluations in group A versus 6.7% in group B, p=0,041). However, when the patients were compared with themselves, evaluating the status before versus after the surgery, none of the evaluated parameters, not even the breathiness showed any significant difference. Twenty seven (27.05%) percent of all patients (both groups) showed worse grade (perceptive evaluation) in the first week post-op and 28.23% in the fourth week postop. In the vocal acoustic analysis, none of the parameters showed significant difference between the groups. The median F0 (Hz) in women was 202.62 (before surgery), 198.19 (1st week post-op) and 191.90 (4th week post-op) in group A, and 193.48 (before surgery), 190.63 (1st week post-op) and 186.81 (4th week post-op) in group B. In the V-RQOL, there was not any significant difference, nether between the groups nor before versus after surgery. The median total scores were 91.25 (before surgery), 91.69 (1st week post-op) and 92.19 (4th week post-op) in group A, and 93.78 (before surgery), 96.22 (1st week post-op) and 98.39 (4th week post-op) in group B. Conclusion: At the present study, there was no impact, nether improvement nor worsening, in vocal quality of thyroidectomized patients under inferior laryngeal nerves monitoring.