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- ItemSomente MetadadadosClinical diagnostic criteria for premenstrual syndrome and guidelines for their quantification for research studies(Informa Healthcare, 2007-03-01) Halbreich, Uriel; Backstrom, Torbjorn; Eriksson, Elias; O'Bren, Shawn; Calil, Helena [UNIFESP]; Ceskova, Eva; Dennerstein, Lorraine; Douki, Saida; Freeman, Ellen; Genazzani, Andrea; Heuser, Isabella; Kadri, Nadia; Rapkin, Andrea; Steiner, Meir; Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich; Yonkers, Kimberly; SUNY Buffalo; World PSychiat Assoc; Noorland Univ Hosp; Univ Gothenburg; Keele Univ; Royal Coll Obstetricians & Gynaecologists; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Masaryk Univ; Fac Hosp; Univ Melbourne; Hosp Razi; Univ Penn; Univ Pisa; Charite; Idn Rushd Univ PSychiat Ctr; Univ Calif Los Angeles; McMaster Univ; Max Planck Inst Psychiat; Tech Univ Dresden; Yale Sch MedPremenstrual syndrome (PMS) encompasses a variety of symptoms appearing during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Although PMS is widely recognized, the etiology remains unclear and it lacks definitive, universally accepted diagnostic criteria. To address these issues an international multidisciplinary group of experts evaluated the current definitions and diagnostic criteria of PMS and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Following extensive correspondence, a consensus meeting was held with the aim of producing updated diagnostic criteria for PMS and guidelines for clinical and research applications. This report presents the conclusions and recommendations of the group. It is hoped that the criteria proposed by the group will become widely accepted and eventually be incorporated into the next edition of the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). It is also hoped that the proposed guidelines for quantification of criteria will be used by clinicians and investigators to facilitate diagnostic uniformity in the field as well as adequate treatment modalities when warranted.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A escolarização de crianças crônicas ou gravemente enfermas: (in)visibilidades(Cadernos de Pesquisa, 2021-03-11) Freitas, Marcos Cezar de; Santos, Cristiane Flores dos; artigo apresenta reflexão resultante da pesquisa sobre grupos de pesquisa dedicados ao tema da escolarização de crianças crônica ou gravemente enfermas. Mais do que um levantamento de base quantitativa, o objetivo central foi o de apresentar um questionamento à estrutura universit ária brasileira quanto ao lugar da questão no âmbito do tripé ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Foram considerados aspectos históricos para possibilitar compreender a presença do tema na tradição da educação especial brasileira. Foram abordados autores, obras e categorias analíticas que têm configurado as redes e repert órios acadêmicos desse campo. O quadriênio de avalia ção da CAPES foi utilizado como critério para levantar grupos de pesquisa no CNPQ e a abrangência foi nacional, uma vez que as plataformas de busca das agências de fomento à pesquisa serviram de base para obtenção de dados. As referências ao ensino de graduação e a projetos de extensão se restringiram ao Estado de São Paulo, considerando a inviabilidade de obter dados nacionais a respeito, nos limites de um único artigo. A análise demonstrou onde, o quê e quem produziu a respeito entre 2013 e 2016. Nas considerações finais a fragmentação universitária sobre o objeto foi abordada e a predominância de dados de pesquisa sobre dados relacionados à presença do tema nos universos da formação de professores e dos projetos de extensão foi analisada.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Evaluation of scientific periodicals and the brazilian production of nursing articles(Univ Sao Paulo, Escola De Enfermagem De Ribeirao Preto, 2009-05-01) Erdmann, Alacoque Lorenzini; Marziale, Maria Helena Palucci; Pedreira, Mavilde da Luz Gonçalves [UNIFESP]; Lana, Francisco Carlos Félix; Pagliuca, Lorita Marlena Freitag; Padilha, Maria Itayra; Fernandes, Josicelia Dumet; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC); Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG); Univ Fed Ceara; Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)This study aimed to identify nursing journals edited in Brazil indexed in the main bibliographic databases in the areas of health and nursing. It also aimed to classify the production of nursing graduate programs in 2007 according to the QUALIS/CAPES criteria used to classify scientific periodicals that disseminate the intellectual production of graduate programs in Brazil. This exploratory study used data from reports and documents available from CAPES to map scientific production and from searching the main international and national indexing databases. The findings from this research can help students, professors and coordinators of graduate programs in several ways: to understand the criteria of classifying periodicals; to be aware of the current production of graduate programs in the area of nursing; and to provide information that authors can use to select periodicals in which to publish their articles.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosMapping the Cochrane evidence for decision making in health care(Blackwell Publishing, 2007-08-01) El Dib, Regina P.; Atallah, Alvaro N.; Andriolo, Regis B.; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Rationale and aim Over the past 12 years, thousands of authors working with the Cochrane Collaboration around the world have produced systematic reviews to reduce uncertainty in health care decision making. We evaluated the conclusions from Cochrane systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials in terms of their recommendations for clinical practice and research.Methods in our cross-sectional study of systematic reviews published in the Cochrane Library, we randomly selected and analysed completed systematic reviews published across all 50 Cochrane Collaborative Review Groups.Results We analysed 1016 completed systematic reviews. of these, 44% concluded that the interventions studied were likely to be beneficial, of which 1% recommended no further research and 43% recommended additional research. Also, 7% of the reviews concluded that the interventions were likely to be harmful, of which 2% did not recommend further studies and 5% recommended additional studies. in total, 49% of the reviews reported that the evidence did not support either benefit or harm, of which 1% did not recommend further studies and 48% recommended additional studies. Overall, 96% of the reviews recornmended further research.Conclusions Cochrane systematic reviews were about evenly split between those in which the authors concluded that at least one of the interventions was beneficial and those ill which the evidence neither supported nor refuted the intervention tested. the Cochrane Collaboration needs to include clinical trial protocol summaries with a study design optimized to answer the relevant research questions.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A pesquisa nas classificações de enfermagem: a experiência brasileira(Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2002-12-01) Michel, Jeanne Liliane Marlene [UNIFESP]; Barros, Alba Lucia Bottura Leite de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This is an evaluation of Brazilian scientific production on nursing classifications, presented during the 6th National Symposium on Nursing Diagnosis and 1st International Symposium on Nursing Classifications, held in São Paulo city on August 2002. Four different types of research studies were identified being developed in the country, and the participation of Brazilian nurses at NANDA's last five biennial conferences was measured, as an indicator of this production.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Psicanálise e antropologia: diálogos possíveis(Assoc Univ Pequisa Psicopatologia Fundamental, 2011-03-01) Barbieri, Natália Alves [UNIFESP]; Sarti, Cynthia Andersen [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Based on a concrete experience of research, this text proposes a dialogue between psychoanalysis and anthropology, especially in terms of the relationships between researchers and their objects in ethnographical work: in fieldwork, in analyses and in the interpretation of data. These relationships are seen on the basis of transference. They showed the possibility for dialogue on an analytical and methodological level, between two fields of interest, both of which conceive reality as mediated by language.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Questionário de auto-avaliação vocal: instrumento epidemiológico de controle da síndrome disfônica ocupacional em professores(Fundação Otorrinolaringologia, 2010-09-01) Almeida, Sandra Irene Cubas de [UNIFESP]; Pontes, Paulo [UNIFESP]; Bussacos, Marco Antonio; Neves, Luciano [UNIFESP]; Zambon, Fabiana; MTE Setor de Relações do Trabalho; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); SINPRO/SPINTRODUCTION: The dysphonic syndrome is an occupational disease of high prevalence in the professor population. OBJECTIVE: In order to broach preventively the vocal aggression, it was tried to standardize a self assessment questionnaire to professors of all educational level, including beyond the clinical symptoms also the factors of the work organization. METHOD: It was performed a study of transversal cut in 328 professors of 4 educational institutions of the northern of São Paulo, which it was applied a self assessment questionnaire elaborated by TRipartite Commission of Standardization for Professional Voice. RESULTS: It was determined the prevalence of clinical symptoms that compound the dysphonic syndrome, as well as it was delineate the work organization and the quality of life of this population. CONCLUSION: The questionnaire applied was showed itself satisfactory en the description and elaboration of parameters with the aim of to implement preventive programs to populations exposed to professional overload of the voice use. Case study.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosRevolução tecnológica, inovação e seu impacto em pesquisa científica e saúde(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-12-31) Capobianco, Dirce Maria [UNIFESP]; Prado, Gilmar Fernandes Do Prado [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: we live in a Technological World, with exponential growth of information, population, life expectancy, and also chronic diseases. The Scientific Research and Health System must be adapted to the world changes/trends, learning to use giant databases, new technologies, new tools to streamline research and new systems of information, storage and use of data. General Objective: to describe the global context on Technology, Health (emphasis in Chronic Diseases) and Scientific Research, to generate future hypotheses/actions of intersection between these three areas (Technological Innovation, Health Care and Research Processes). Specific objectives were to analyze: 1). surgical treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS), on an American database; 2). the evolution of scientific research in bariatric surgery, as chronic disease model, and its popular perception; 3). the effective participation of researchers in data availability through publications of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). Method: To address these goals, we held: Article 1 - the association between surgeon/hospital volume with the treatment outcomes of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a representative sample of the American Population. Article 2 - which used the technology of Text Mining (algorithm developed) for extraction of information from the PubMed database. Article 3 - the availability of scientific data in studies of NEJM, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) since 2003, when the policy of data sharing emerged. Results: description of the global context of the aforementioned areas and the following results: Article 1. Validations of the hypothesis that surgeons and hospitals with lower volumes of patients have: higher mortality rates, longer hospital stays, higher rates of complications and higher hospital costs.Article 2. It demonstrates that: 2A). all types of classified study design have shown prevalence increase over the years; 2B). the prevalence of terms representing the Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases within PubMed database has increased over the years; 2C). searches of these terms, done by the general population through Google, declined over time. Article 3. It demonstrates low percentage (4.3%) of data availability, low adherence of the authors to the data sharing policy and, as a consequence, low reproducibility of research. Conclusion: Innovation is a reality of today's world and should be used for the benefit of Scientific Research and the Health Care. Text Mining Techniques, as exemplified in Article 2, are able to translate large amounts of scientific data into knowledge. In our study, despite the great advances of science in Bariatric Surgery, we have found that the popular perception of the risk factors for chronic diseases may be less than expected, raising an important alert about maximizing social value promoted by Science. Furthermore, we have identified in our sample (Article 3), low adherence to data sharing policy and low reproducibility of research. Added to this, we have raised the question of how the experience of a surgeon, and the hospital structure, may impact the results of their treatment (surgery for OSA, Article 1), a factor that may also alerts us about policy changes needed to improve the quality of Health Care.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Situação da pesquisa em enfermagem em hospitais do município de São Paulo(Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo, 1996-01-01) Adami, Nilce Piva [UNIFESP]; Salzano, Sonia Della Torre; Castro, Rosa Apparecida Pimenta De [UNIFESP]; Stefanelli, Maguida Costa; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal do ParanáThe objective of this study is to show nursing research situation in public and private hospitals in the city of São Paulo, form 1989 to 1993. It is an exploratory and descriptive research. The questionnaire was answered by nursing directors of 14 hospitals - 7 public and private. 114 researches were developed in public hospitals and 40 in private hospitals. The results demonstrated that the majority of studies were developed by four or more authors and most of them were presented in scientific events. The facilities and difficulties to develop research and to implement the results in nursing practice were also pointed out. Research centers, faculty-practice nursing, and admission of nurses researcher were registered ad strategies to develop research in some of these institutions.