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- ItemSomente MetadadadosAging as a Related Factor of the Nursing Diagnosis Impaired Memory: Content Validation(Wiley-Blackwell, 2010-01-01) Brandao Chaves, Enaura Helena; Barros, Alba Lucia Bottura Leite de [UNIFESP]; Marini, Maiko; Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE. the purpose of this study was to conduct a content validation for the elements of the nursing diagnosis Impaired Memory and include aging as a related factor.METHOD. Fehring's (1987) model of diagnosis content validation was used, with the participation of 18 experts.FINDING. the definition, defining characteristics, and related factors of NANDA-I were evaluated by experts, as was the proposed related factor aging.CONCLUSIONS. Elements of the NANDA-I diagnosis Impaired Memory and the proposed related factor of aging were validated in the Brazilian context. A clinical validation of this related factor will be necessary to build evidence for this relationship.IMPLICATIONS for NURSING PRACTICE. NANDA-I diagnoses should be tested and validated in the elderly, in order to take their specific needs into account, thus contributing to quality nursing care for these patients.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Atuação da enfermeira obstetra na Comunidade Anhanguera, Campo Grande (MS), na prevenção do câncer cérvico-uterino(Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo, 1998-04-01) Freitas, Sandra L. Felix de; Arantes, Sandra Lúcia; Barros, Sonia Maria Oliveira de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This is a transversal study, developed between women of the Anhanguera community, with the objectives of knowing the demographic, sociocultural, gynecological and obstetric profile and of assessing health preventive behaviors in order to elaborate a plan of obstetric nursing assistance. The research tool was a form applied at home during visits to 104 women. Our results showed that 23,08% did not know about cancer prevention, 50,00% never performed it, 77,88% presented gynecological complaints but, 62,96% of these never looked for health services. Based on nursing diagnoses a plan of nursing care and health education was elaborated for the women from this community.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosClinical Validation of Nursing Diagnosis Parental Role Conflict in Mothers of Hospitalized Newborns(Wiley-Blackwell, 2013-10-01) Carmona, Elenice Valentim; Vale, Iane Nogueira do; Silva Ohara, Conceicao Vieira da [UNIFESP]; Freitas de Vilhena Abrao, Ana Cristina [UNIFESP]; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)ObjectiveTo clinically validate the nursing diagnosis, parental role conflict, in mothers of hospitalized newborns.MethodFehring's Clinical Validation Model was used, focusing on mothers, using a sample of 83. Major defining characteristics have been defined as the main indicators of the presence of a diagnosis, whereas minor are secondary indicators.ResultsFour minor defining characteristics were identified: (a) anxiety, (b) expresses concerns about changes in maternal role, (c) expresses concerns about family, and (d) fear. Major defining characteristics did not occur.ConclusionMothers who spent less time with their infants were the ones that presented a major number of defining characteristics; therefore, they should have more opportunities for being with their babies. Other studies on subjective phenomena are needed.ObjetivoValidar clinicamente o Diagnostico de Enfermagem Conflito no papel de mAe em mAes de recem-nascidos hospitalizados.MetodoFoi utilizado o Modelo de ValidacAo Clinica de Fehring, com foco no paciente, usando uma amostra de 83 mAes. As caracteristicas definidoras maiores sAo definidas como indicadores principais da presenca de um diagnostico, enquanto as menores como indicadores secundarios.ResultadosForam identificadas quatro caracteristicas definidoras menores (com indice de ValidacAo Clinica menor que 0,80): (a) Ansiedade, (b) MAe expressa preocupacoes em relacAo a mudancas no papel materno, (c) MAe expressa preocupacAo(oes) em relacAo a familia (p. ex., funcionamento, comunicacAo, saude), e (d) Medo. NAo ocorreram caracteristicas definidoras maiores.ConclusAoMAes que passaram menos tempo com os filhos foram as que apresentaram maior numero de caracteristicas definidoras, portanto, devem ter mais oportunidades para estar junto a eles. SAo necessarios mais estudos sobre fenomenos subjetivos de enfermagem.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosConsensual Validation of the Nursing Diagnoses Fear and Anxiety Identified at the Immediate Preoperative Period in Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery(Wiley-Blackwell, 2011-07-01) Fernandez Suriano, Maria Lucia [UNIFESP]; Michel, Jeanne Marlene [UNIFESP]; Zeitoun, Sandra Salloum; Herdman, Trace Heather; Barros, Alba Lucia Bottura Leite de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE. To identify the most frequent defining characteristics (DCs) for the diagnoses fear and anxiety in Brazilian patients in the immediate preoperative period following elective cardiac surgery; to develop conceptual and operational definitions for the DCs; to develop consensual validation.METHODS. Clinical and observational, descriptive study developed in two phases.FINDINGS. Forty DCs were identified for fear and 19 for anxiety. One expert judged it necessary to include altered bowel motility as a DC for fear. There was 100% agreement among the five experts in relation to the DCs.CONCLUSIONS. To add altered bowel motility to the DCs for the nursing diagnosis fear.IMPLICATIONS for PRACTICE. To enable nurses to more accurately assess patients for these diagnoses.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Construção e implementação de ações de enfermagem em ambulatório de gastroenterologia(Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo, 2003-12-01) Kubo, Cristina Hitomi [UNIFESP]; Ribeiro, Patrícia de Jesus [UNIFESP]; Aguiar, Luciane Aparecida Köpke de [UNIFESP]; Toledo, Carlos Fischer de [UNIFESP]; Barros, Sonia Maria Oliveira de [UNIFESP]; Borges, Durval Rosa [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The reorganization of the Schistosomiasis Sector of Gastroenterology at UNIFESP started in 1998, when the Nursing Service was implanted. Objective: to develop administrative nursing actions, systematization of care and orientation program for the schistosomic patient. Method: a descriptive study carried out at the Gastroenterology Outclinic, which attends schistosomic patients of different clinical types. Results and Discussion: the reorganization of activities in this Sector resulted in the creation of an organizational structure and the implantation of the nursing visit; creation and distribution of explanatory leaflets and development of the Schistosomiasis Education Program; beginning of the database pilot project with all outpatients and an electronic register of the collection of biologic material. Conclusion: this initiative opens up a new opportunity for nursing actions and contributes to quality improvement in ambulatory care.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosConstruction and Validation of an Instrument for Assessment of the Nursing Diagnosis, Risk for Infection, in Patients Following Cardiac Surgery(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014-06-01) Filippi Schulz, Carla Ethel [UNIFESP]; Lopes, Camila Takao [UNIFESP]; Herdman, Trace Heather; Lopes, Juliana de Lima [UNIFESP]; Barros, Alba Lucia Bottura Leite de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP); NANDA Int Inc; Univ WisconsinPurpose To construct and validate a data collection instrument (DCI), and a corresponding instructional guide, for assessment of the nursing diagnosis, risk for infection, in patients following cardiac surgery. Methods Construction of conceptual and operational definitions for risk factors based on literature, content validation by experts, and clinical validation by clinical nurses. Findings There were significant internal consistency and reproducibility in the content validation. in the clinical validation, agreement among nurses was higher than 70% for all risk factors. Conclusions the DCI was constructed and validated. Implications for Nursing Practice This DCI could be used for assessment of adult patients after cardiac surgeries worldwide because of its detailed cues for risk factors, which facilitate clinical reasoning and diagnostic judgment. Objetivo Construir e validar um instrumento de coleta de dados (ICD) e seu roteiro instrucional (RI) para avaliacAo do diagnostico de enfermagem Risco de infeccAo em pacientes pos-cirurgia cardiaca. Metodos ConstrucAo de definicoes conceituais e operacionais dos fatores de risco baseada na literatura, validacAo de conteudo por experts e validacAo clinica por enfermeiras assistenciais. Resultados Consistencia interna e reprodutibilidade significativas na validacAo de conteudo. Na validacAo clinica, a concordancia foi maior que 70% para todos os fatores de risco. Conclusoes O ICD foi construido e validado. Implicacoes Para Pratica de Enfermagem O ICD poderia ser utilizado para avaliacAo de adultos pos-cirurgia cardiaca internacionalmente devido as suas pistas detalhadas sobre os fatores de risco, que facilitam o raciocinio clinico julgamento diagnostico.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Consulta de enfermagem a gestantes com anemia ferropriva(Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo, 1999-10-01) Barros, Sonia Maria Oliveira de [UNIFESP]; Costa, Cláudia Aparecida Ribeiro [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This study was carried out with the following objectives: to set up a protocol of data survey and nursing diagnosis, and to detect the most frequent nursing diagnosis among pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia. The protocol was applied in 52 nursing visits to pregnant women who presented hemoglobin values lower than 11.0g/dl.The most frequent nursing diagnosis were: altered nutrition, risk to infection, impaired maintenance of the home; knowledge deficit on adequate feeding; risk to fetal injury regarding decrease in uteroplacental perfucion; non-compliance risk. Based on nursing diagnoses, interventions and nursing expected results with its application were planned.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosContent Validation of the Operational Definitions of the Nursing Diagnoses of Activity Intolerance, Excess Fluid Volume, and Decreased Cardiac Output in Patients With Heart Failure(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014-06-01) Souza, Vanessa de [UNIFESP]; Zeitoun, Sandra Salloum; Lopes, Camila Takao [UNIFESP]; Dias de Oliveira, Ana Paula [UNIFESP]; Lopes, Juliana de Lima [UNIFESP]; Barros, Alba Lucia Bottura Leite de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Univ Estadual Paulista; Universidade de São Paulo (USP)Objectives To consensually validate the operational definitions of the nursing diagnoses activity intolerance, excessive fluid volume, and decreased cardiac output in patients with decompensated heart failure. Method Consensual validation was performed in two stages: analogy by similarity of defining characteristics, and development of operational definitions and validation with experts. Results A total of 38 defining characteristics were found. Operational definitions were developed and content-validated. One hundred percent of agreement was achieved among the seven experts after five rounds. Ascites was added in the nursing diagnosis excessive fluid volume. Conclusion the consensual validation improves interpretation of human response, grounding the selection of nursing interventions and contributing to improved nursing outcomes. Implications for Practice Support the assessment of patients with decompensated heart failure. Objetivos Realizar a validacAo consensual das definicoes operacionais dos diagnosticos de enfermagem Intolerancia a atividade, Volume de liquidos excessivo e Debito cardiaco diminuido em pacientes com insuficiencia cardiaca descompensada. Metodo ValidacAo consensual em duas etapas: Analogia de semelhanca das caracteristicas definidoras e desenvolvimento de definicoes operacionais e validacAo com expertst. Resultados Foram encontradas 38 caracteristicas definidoras para os diagnosticos de enfermagem. Suas definicoes operacionais foram desenvolvidas e seu conteudo validado. Os resultados mostram que houve 100% de concordancia entre os sete experts apos cinco rodada. As definicoes operacionais foram classificadas com base no nivel de concordanica. Ascite foi acrescentada ao diagnostico Volume de liquidos excessivo. ConclusAo A validacAo consensual melhora a interpretacAo das respostas humanas, embasando a selecAo de intervencoes de enfermagem e contribuindo para melhorar os resultados. Implicacoes Para A Pratica Apoio a avaliacAo dos pacientes com insuficiencia cardiaca descompensada.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Controlar líquidos: uma intervenção de enfermagem para o paciente com excesso de volume de líquidos(Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo, 2003-12-01) Guimarães, Heloísa Cristina Quatrini Carvalho Passos; Barros, Alba Lucia Bottura Leite de [UNIFESP]; Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The objective of this research is to identify which nursing activities contained in the fluid management intervention proposed by the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) are realized and considered important by nurses, to attend patients who received fluid volume excess as a nursing diagnosis, as proposed by the North American Nursing Diagnoses Association (NANDA). Data were collected in three hospitals. The sample included 77 nurses, who chose the best alternative on a Likert scale, to indicate the realization of which of those actives they considered important and which activities are realized in their daily care practice. It was concluded that most of the nursing activities were always considered important and were always performed by the nurses. These activities were classified as independent and dependent.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosDefining Characteristics and Related Factors of Decreased Cardiac Tissue Perfusion: Proposal of a New Nursing Diagnosis(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Santos, Vinicius Batista [UNIFESP]; Atallah, Alvaro Nagib [UNIFESP]; Lopes, Camila Tako; Lopes, Juliana de Lima [UNIFESP]; Bottura Leite de Barros, Alba Lucia [UNIFESP]PURPOSE: To identify the possible defining characteristics (DCs) and related factors of the nursing diagnosis (ND) decreased cardiac tissue perfusion. METHODS: Cross-sectional study using medical charts of adults admitted to an emergency department with the chief complaint of chest pain in a hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. FINDINGS: DCs identified: crushing chest pain, elevated markers of myocardial necrosis, ischemic electrocardiogram changes, sweating, nausea, and vomiting. Related factors identified: interruption of arterial blood flow and coronary spasm. CONCLUSION: This ND was clinically identified due to significant differences in the DCs of patients with and without the diagnosis. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The clinical indicators identified in this study can be the starting point for the DCs for this ND.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosExperts for Validation Studies in Nursing: New Proposal and Selection Criteria(Wiley, 2016) Carvalho Passos Guimaraes, Heloisa Cristina Quatrini [UNIFESP]; Pena, Silvana Barbosa [UNIFESP]; Lopes, Juliana de Lima [UNIFESP]; Lopes, Camila Takao [UNIFESP]; Bottura Leite de Barros, Alba Lucia [UNIFESP]OBJECTIVE: To propose new criteria for expert selection for validation studies in nursing in Brazil. METHODS: (a) Literature review on terms related to expertise and criteria for expert selection
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Identificação das características definidoras do diagnóstico de enfermagem excesso de volume de líquidos(Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo, 2000-04-01) Guimarães, Heloísa Cristina Quatrini Carvalho Passos; Barros, Alba Lucia Bottura Leite de [UNIFESP]; Rivero De Gutierrez, Maria Gaby [UNIFESP]; Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia do Estado de São Paulo; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This study aimed at verifying the defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis Fluid Volume Excess proposed by NANDA. Data collection was carried out within a specialized Cardiology health care setting where the 29 patients were selected by two expert nurses. The conclusion showed consonance of opinions between the two professionals in regard to the identification of nine patients with diagnosis and 20 without this type of diagnosis. The identified defining characteristics appeared in different percentages considering the studied patients.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosIneffective Health Management in People With Heart Failure: A Pilot Study(Wiley, 2018) Carneiro, Camila de Souza; Lopes, Camila Takao [UNIFESP]; Lopes, Juliana de Lima [UNIFESP]; Santos, Vinicius Batista [UNIFESP]; Bachion, Maria Marcia; Bottura Leite de Barros, Alba Lucia [UNIFESP]OBJETIVO: Investigar a aplicabilidade clínica das definiçõs conceituais e operacionais das características definidoras (CD) e fatores relacionados (FR) de Controle ineficaz da saúde em pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca. MÉTHODS: Estudo piloto transversal. A presença das CD e FRfoi investigada com base nas definiçõses conceituais e operacionais. As frequênciasforam utilizadas para análise. RESULTADOS: Dos 33 participantes, 32 (97%) tinham Controle ineficaz da saúde.A principal CD foi Escolhas na vida diária ineficazes para atingir as meta de saúde, e oprincipal FR foi Impotência. CONCLUSÂO: As definições conceituais e operacionais foram aplicáveis à prática clínica, com exceçâo de Benefício percebido, Suscetibilidade percebida e Gravidade da condiçâo percebida, as quais devem ser modificadas.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosNursing Diagnoses in Pemphigus Vulgaris: A Case Study(Wiley-Blackwell, 2013-10-01) Pena, Silvana B.; Guimaraes, Heloisa C. Q. C. P.; Bassoli, Sidineia R. B.; Casarin, Santina N. A.; Herdman, Trace Heather; Barros, Alba L. B. L. de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS); ILSL; Med Clin & Surg ILSL; Univ Paulista UNIP; Publ Heath ILSL; NANDA Int; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PurposeThis case study illustrates the use of the nursing process based upon the standardized nursing diagnoses approved by NANDA International (NANDA-I), and using the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) in the care of a patient with pemphigus vulgaris (PV).Data SourcesThe published literature on PV and the experience and expertise of the authors in working with people with impaired skin integrity and PV were used to develop this case study.Data SynthesisThe accuracy of nursing diagnoses and appropriateness of the nursing interventions were supported by the positive health outcomes of the patient.ConclusionImpaired skin integrity is a human response diagnosed by nurses, and early treatment is important due to the vulnerability of these patients.Implications for Nursing PracticeThe case study contributes to nursing knowledge for professionals who care for patients with PV.ObjetivoEste estudo de caso ilustra o uso do processo de enfermagem baseado na padronizacAo dos diagnosticos de enfermagem aprovados pela NANDA International (NANDA-I), e da classificacAo de resultados de enfermagem (NOC) e da classificacAo de intervencoes de enfermagem (NIC) na assistencia ao paciente com penfigo vulgar.RevisAo de literaturaAs publicacoes na literatura sobre penfigo vulgar e a experiencia e expertise dos autores na assistencia a pessoas com integridade da pele prejudicada e penfigo vulgar foram utilizadas para o desenvolvimento deste estudo de caso.Analise de dadosA acuracia dos diagnosticos de enfermagem e as intervencoes apropriadas foram suportes positivos nos resultados na saude do paciente.ConclusAoIntegridade da pele prejudicada e uma resposta humana diagnosticada por enfermeiros, e o tratamento precoce e importante devido a vulnerabilidade destes pacientes.Implicacoes para a pratica de enfermagemO estudo de caso contribui para o conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem que cuidam de pacientes com penfigo vulgar.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosNursing Interventions for Adult Intensive Care Patients With Risk for Corneal Injury: A Systematic Review(Wiley-Blackwell, 2013-02-01) Werli-Alvarenga, Andreza; Ercole, Flavia Falci; Heather Herdman, T.; Machado Chianca, Tania Couto; Risoleta Tolentino Neves Univ Hosp; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG); NANDA Int; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: Sedated patients in induced comas may experience ineffective eyelid closure, presenting higher risk for corneal ulcer. the objective was to identify evidence-based practice for corneal ulcer prevention within the intensive care unit. METHODS: A systematic literature review of nine articles was performed. CONCLUSIONS: Questions remain about which care practice is most effective, although most studies consider a humidity chamber with polyethylene film to be the best practice. IMPLICATIONS for NURSING PRACTICE: A proposed NANDA-I nursing diagnosis, risk for corneal injury, reflects this human response that demands nursing assessment and intervention. This study provides evidence toward developing nursing interventions and practice guidelines for the care of these patients.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosRespiratory Nursing Diagnoses: Presenting Evidence for Identification of the Defining Characteristics in Neonatal and Pediatric Populations(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Avena, Marta Jose [UNIFESP]; Pedreira, Mavilde da Luz Gonçalves [UNIFESP]; Herdman, T. Heather; Gutiérrez, Maria Gaby Rivero de [UNIFESP]PURPOSE: To identify and summarize clinical data supporting selection of nursing diagnoses related to the respiratory system for pediatric and neonatal populations. METHOD: A literature review conducted in indexed publications was used. FINDINGS: The final sample consisted of 13 studies conducted in children with cardiac disease, respiratory infection, and asthma with nursing diagnoses such as ineffective breathing pattern, impaired gas exchange, and ineffective airway clearance. CONCLUSION: The higher frequency defining characteristics were dyspnea, abnormal breathing pattern, use of accessory muscle to breathe, change in frequency and respiratory rate, decreased SaO(2), and agitation. IMPLICATION FOR NURSING KNOWLEDGE: This literature review may provide a basis for consideration of important diagnostic criteria in the pediatric population
- ItemSomente MetadadadosValidação clínica dos diagnósticos de enfermagem intolerância à atividade, volume de líquido excessivo e débito cardíaco diminuído nos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-07-31) Souza, Vanessa de [UNIFESP]; Barros, Alba Lucia Bottura Leite de Barros [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)It is a descriptive, cross-sectional quantitative study which aimed to develop and validate the operational definitions of the defining characteristics (DC) of the nursing diagnoses (ND) Decreased cardiac output, Activity intolerance and Excessive fluid volume; to clinically validate these DC in patients with heart failure (HF) classes III and IV; to assess if the presence of the DC of Activity intolerance and Excessive fluid volume are related in the presence of Decreased cardiac output; to assess the association between the ND Activity intolerance and Excessive fluid volume in the presence of ND Decreased cardiac output; to verify if there is association between the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of patients with decompensate HF with the DC and the ND. The study was conducted in three stages: performance of a similarity analogy of the DC and development of operational definitions for the DC; content validation of the operational definitions; clinical validation. The statistical analysis was descriptive, using the Kappa coefficient, Spearman correlation coefficient, Fisher's exact test and Wilcoxon. For the content validation of 38 operational definitions, there were five successive assessments until 100% of agreement among the experts was reaching, resulting in addition of a new operational definition. For the clinical validation, after removal of the DC related to the pulmonary artery, 29 DC were validated in 25 patients of an emergency unit of a hospital in São Paulo. Data collection was conducted from June 2011 to September 2012, using an instrument developed and implemented by two nurses simultaneously. Nine DC were considered major: fatigue (100%), change in breathing pattern (100%), decreased ejection fraction (100%), crackles and rales (96%), pulmonary congestion (96%), changes in EKG (92%), electrolytes changed (88%), distention of the jugular vein (84%) and azotemia (80%). Five DC were identified when assessing the association of the DC with ND: changes in breathing pattern (p=0.002), decreased ejection fraction (p=0.002), positive hepatojugular reflex (p=0.006), ascites (p=0.03) and change in mental status (p=0.05). There was no significant association among the ND. Regarding the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics, hypertension was the main co morbidity; dyspnea was the most frequent cause for seeking healthcare; the educational level and the following DC were the most frequently ones related to the ND: fatigue (p=0.01), change in breathing pattern (p=0.01), decreased ejection fraction (p=0.01) and cough (p=0.03). Thereby, 38 operational definitions of the DC of the ND Decreased cardiac output, Activity intolerance and Excessive fluid volume were developed, to which was added the CD "ascites". Twenty-nine DC were clinically validated. The DC were only associated to ND Excessive fluid volume in the presence of ND Decreased cardiac output. The most common etiologies and co morbidities were hypertension and ischemic heart disease.