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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Concreto sobre areia e sal: A (re)invenção da Comunidade de Caraguatatuba/SP (1950-2010) – Territórios e Identidades, Transformações e Permanências(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-05-20) Fonseca, Alex Sandro Santos [UNIFESP]; Welch, Clifford Andrew [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The conception of Caiçara culture - the lifeways of beachcombers and watermen - suffered importants transformations during twentieth century. Those changes affected the relationship between the traditional communities and public authorities and, in this sense, the way these communities were contemplated in public policy over time. Those changes of conception also guided the production of different narratives of Caiçara culture, in the wake of these changes the Caiçara community of Camaroeiro in Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, faced the appropriation of their territory and their culture, at the same time experiencing the decline of their customs and traditions. This research seeks to analyze the trajectory of this community through different narratives and temporalities, temporalities that were marked by intense deterritorialization processes and the repossession of Camaroeiro Community. Parallel to these structural and material changes, the thesis also sought to chartchanges of perspective in relation to the community?s role and centrality in policies of tourism, culture and heritage. To accomplish these objectives, the project articulated theoretical and methodological approaches from History, Geography and other social sciences producing aninterdisciplinary analysis of the development of different narratives about Caiçara culture and the Camaroeiro Community of Caraguatatuba between the 1950s and 2010.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A construção da identidade em adolescentes: um estudo exploratório(Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2003-04-01) Schoen-ferreira, Teresa Helena [UNIFESP]; Aznar-farias, Maria [UNIFESP]; Silvares, Edwiges Ferreira De Mattos; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)According to Erikson's psychosocial theory, the most important task during adolescence is identity construction. Based on this assertion, this study, undertaken with 25 high school students (15 to 17 years old), compared the Groningen Identity Development Scale (GIDS), a identity evolution scale, with the Youth Self-Report (YSR), a screening mental problems checklist. Most of the teenagers were on two initial identity phases: diffusion and foreclosure. A significant relationship between low commitment and behavior problems was also found.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Docência na creche: contradições e enfrentamentos(Revista Periferia, 2021-09) Nascimento, Ana Paula Santiago do [UNIFESP]; Rodrigues, Claudia Meire; Silva, Dilma Antunes [UNIFESP]; como as pesquisas da área de educação vêm tratando as funções docentes nas creches do país. Resulta de um levantamento de trabalhos (teses, dissertações e artigos publicados em revistas e em anais de congresso) produzidos entre os anos de 2015 e 2021, que objetivou identificar questões referentes à identidade, formação docente (inicial e continuada) e à relação entre educação e cuidado, entendendo que essas três categorias podem revelar como a área vem trabalhando com a existência de diferentes profissionais, com e sem formação específica, responsáveis por garantir o direito à educação de bebês e crianças pequenas em instituições educacionais. A Como resultado, identifica-se que a temática aqui abordada não é focalizada na maioria dos estudos. Embora haja significativo número de trabalhos que indiquem a coexistência de profissionais sob diferentes cargos atuando na educação infantil, estes não problematizam aspectos como: possível hierarquização do trabalho pedagógico, divisão de tarefas, consequências para as crianças; clima escolar; valorização das autoimagens profissionais etc. São poucos os trabalhos que tratam explicitamente da coexistência, no mesmo ambiente, de docentes e outras profissionais “não docentes”, evidenciando assim, a necessidade de mais estudos nesse campo, a fim de ampliar a visibilidade e reconhecimento do trabalho desenvolvido junto a crianças bem pequenas, em creches.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEstados de identidade de adolescentes em situação de acolhimento institucional(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-04-03) Brito, Eduardo Sales [UNIFESP]; Oliveira-Monteiro, Nancy Ramacciotti de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Along every human development shed, the identity development emerges from interactions with the environment, culture and historical time. Such development is one of the main evolutionary tasks from adolescence. The study of identity possesses important parameters in the contributions of James Marcia, who systematized elements of psychosocial theory from Erikson, presented two different essential dimensions for identity formation: exploration and commitment. Starting with inter-relations of these dimensions, Marcia proposes a four identity status classification: diffusion of identity, foreclosure, moratorium and achievement. The present study had the objective to evaluate identity status of adolescents living in foster care. The adolescents? insertion at foster care indicates a condition of social vulnerability, special related to losses and damage in familiar contexts. Eighty seven adolescents were evaluated, from 12 to 17 years old, males and females, that lived at foster care centers at Baixada Santista (SP), using EOMEIS II, tool developed from contributions of Marcia. The data analysis considered: gender, age group (12- 14 and 15-17 years old), educational level (before and after 7th grade of elementary school) and time living in a shelter (less or more than two years). For a descriptive data analysis, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used; an inferential analysis was performed with the exact Fisher?s method. The results indicated general trends of prevalence for diff status of identity, diffusion of identity, followed by moratorium, foreclosure, and achievement, at both domains assessed (interpersonal and ideological). There was significant difference (p=0.033) between the older adolescents and the younger ones, in the identity status results. The data showed problems in the identity development of older adolescents that presented 83 more frequently a passive and immature identity status (diffusion of identity). The adolescents from the sample showed unpreparedness for performing tasks of adulthood (including struggle for surviving) which they will be submitted in a short time, when they will complete 18 years old, leaving the foster care.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA experiência social de aprendizagem da criança e do (a) adolescente gravemente enfermo (a) que estuda no hospital(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-09-21) Torres, Hanik Righi [UNIFESP]; Covic, Amalia Neide Covic [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This study intends to reveal singularities of the schooling process and the social experience of children's learning and the seriously ill teenager who studies at the hospital, from the web of social relations that sustains and means their life trajectories. For this, were analyzed the narrative of life oral history from two student paciente who study at Escola Móvel/Aluno Específico do Instituto de Oncologia Pediátrica- Grupo de Apoio ao Adolescente e à Criança com Câncer/Universidade Federal de São Paulo; under qualitative guidance from the experiences shared in their narratives, this research sought the meanings attributed by the subjects themselves, the phenomena relating to time at the hospital. The method applied to narrative, was the discourse analysis developed by the french stream, mainly represented by Patrick Charaudeau. This author guide us on the systematization of narratives about the perception of internal and external pressures that compose the speeches. Thus, the oral narrative of life history assumed to speeches, allowed emerge the meanings constructed in the field of inter-subjectivity. This is because, although it is not possible to absolutely distinguish the different situational and linguistic pressures that make them up, leading us to the sensitive perception about child and / or seriously ill teenager as social being and historically situated, that during treatment, continues to build stories and identities; individual and collective. The analyzes are founded on theoretical frameworks of Phenomenology and Critical Theory; primordially the contributions of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Axel Honneth. They guided us, his assertions about the body as a phenomenon that been constitute in the field of intersubjectivity; and that, the tool of relationship between organism and world, allows us to take it as a space of identity construction of the subjects; common place of health and learning. Realizing the body that relates to the world as the same body who learns, we must understand that with the new hospital routine, these subject seriously ill, as their families, and the necessity to redraw the relationships that weave with the social environment; and also with the school. This, needs to be re-signified in the ways that is been thought and experienced. And in order to let emerge such reinterpretation from the experiences of the subjects, the epistemological basis afforded by Phenomenology extrapolates the reflections in the direction of the analysis. However, working with children and adolescents narratives is an exciting challenge, and despite being common to find studies on cognition and diction in childhood, few is the content of their speech, about their signs and meanings, elements of the concern of this research. Through discourse analysis method applied to Oral Narratives of Life History, we believe contribute to the reflections and practices in the care of these children and adolescents who continue to study times of sick body; place of relationships and concerns in health and education; space of care and learning.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A expressão mulher-macho: história e disputas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-08-19) Santos, Letícia; Oliveira, Maria Luiza Ferreira de;; objetivo deste trabalho é investigar os sentidos do uso da expressão mulher-macho em objetos culturais no Brasil do século XX. Selecionamos a obra literária Luzia Homem (1903) de Domingos Olímpio, a letra da música Paraíba cuja autoria é de Luiz Gonzaga e Humberto Teixeira, gravada primeiramente na voz de Emilinha Borba em 1946 e depois por Gonzaga em 1952 e a radionovela Jerônimo, o Herói do Sertão criada por Moysés Weltman para a Rádio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro em 1953. A pesquisa surgiu de inquietações sobre a expressão mulher-macho frequentemente mobilizada pela minha família e nas produções culturais do país, expressões como esta e cabra-macho ou cabra da peste são utilizadas ao se falar em Nordeste e/ou de “nordestinos”. Nordeste e/ou os nordestinos que foram / são historicamente atravessados por imagens ligadas à violência e virilidade, utilizadas enquanto categorias identitárias para se referir às pessoas da região. Para a análise busquei saber em quais momentos a expressão apareceu e como ganhou projeção também nos jornais de cada contexto abordado. Considera-se aqui a influência que tais linguagens culturais tiveram na elaboração da representação do sertanejo e da sertaneja, e posteriormente, na emergência da expressão mulher-macho para designar as mulheres do Nordeste, sobretudo, do sertão. Não se trata de buscar a origem da expressão, ou designar qual seria a original, mas analisar discursos que vão influenciar na construção de uma referência identitária, de maneira que as particularizam em detrimento de mulheres de outras regiões. A expressão não tem um significado intrínseco, mas sentidos construídos social e historicamente, desse modo, este trabalho metodologicamente pretende analisar o discurso presente na linguagem literária, musical e no gênero da radionovela, considerando sua produção, circulação e recepção, em três períodos da história.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosIdentidade do docente hospitalar de crianças e adolescentes gravemente doentes e suas significações na literatura científica(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-09-25) Oddone, Hugo Ramon Barbosa [UNIFESP]; Covic, Amalia Neide Covic [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This research focuses on the construction of a Hospital teacher's identity. Its goal is to learn and discuss the meanings produced about the identity of the hospital teacher of children and teenagers severely ill, hospitalized or not, by the bibliographic references of scientific articles published in the last five years. Through this deconstruction in search of meaning and subsequent reconstruction, intends to unveil representative figures in the area of education and health, as well as aspects of ethical vulnerability, political and anthropological and empowerment. Foundations from Gestalt Therapy are based theoretically. The methodology described by phenomenological: for the treatment of the information, we used the prospect of documentary method. It is guided in a systematic reading plan, which purpose is to identify the process of construction of teacher identity, generating a qualifying basis sheds to guide their respective authors. To this end, the proposal intends to research the apprehension of subjects for understanding the components of their worldview in their social practices. Thus, guiding the following research question: in what way the scientific literature means the identity of the hospital teacher of children and teenagers severely ill, hospitalized or not? The paucity of systematic studies that address the topic justifies the search. It is concluded that the professor made a stateless person seeks refuge in the hospital, looking for better working conditions and status; the anthropological model of a teacher is still the conventional hospital for not empowering the conquered spaces; a professor of hospital based education who rescues elementary teacher craft habits: that loveliness freiriana that gives meaning to the encounter between master and apprentice; prioritizes a individualized attention, with curricula specific to your student-patient. This teacher rescues, anthropologically, the careful how student interaction scheme-patient, with the families and with schools of origin, modeling so affectively your identity.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Migrantes Nordestinas em São Paulo: trajetórias, interseccionalidades e identidades na migração contemporânea de mulheres nordestinas para São Paulo.(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2020-10-06) Freitas, Larissa Lima de [UNIFESP]; Albuquerque, José Lindomar Coelho [UNIFESP];; Não possuiA pesquisa busca investigar as trajetórias migratórias de mulheres nordestinas que emigraram da região Nordeste para São Paulo, e que tenham sido elas próprias agentes do seu deslocamento. A partir de uma abordagem das interseccionalidades de gênero, raça e classe, a investigação analisa os processos identitários presentes nas trajetórias de mulheres migrantes. Para pensar os percursos e as identidades dessas mulheres em deslocamento interregional, a pesquisa dialoga com os conceitos de imigrante, identidade, diferença e interseccionalidade desenvolvidos pelos autores Abdelmalek Sayad (1998) e Avtar Brah (2011). A investigação parte, também, das noções de Nordeste, presentes em Albuquerque Junior (2018), e segue à luz da metodologia da história oral, como a apresentada por Gabriele Rosenthal (2014).
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)"Periferia é periferia": O processo de construção das identidades juvenis na música rap e o contexto de formação da periferia em São Paulo.(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-03-04) Nunes, Ester Dantas Reis; Silva, José Carlos Gomes da;; presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar como é construída as identidades juvenis através do rap, procurando entender como ocorre o processo de formação da periferia paulistana, principal palco para a consolidação do gênero em âmbito nacional. A partir dessa perspectiva, vamos abordar o contexto histórico da cidade de São Paulo tomando como ponto de partida a formação da periferia em meados de 1940, período em que começou o descentramento da cidade; a música como um fator determinante para a construção de uma identidade entre os jovens da periferia; as origens do movimento Hip-Hop em São Paulo; as transformações espaciais em São Paulo entre 1980-90 e como o rap se consolida como voz da juventude periférica através do grupo Racionais MC’s.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O que ou quem eu sou, afinal de contas? Sou brasileiro ou uruguaio, professor?(UNICAMP - Faculdade de Educação, 2010-12-01) Souza, Regina Maria De; Carvalho, Alexandre Filordi de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The aim of the present paper is to bring about a reflection on the uneasiness of two children, Alicia and João, regarding their nationalities, that is, on their ambiguous feeling of belonging regarding their own identities. Dialogues based on philosophical thinking will be carried out about the frontier as a place where the naturalization of equality is extinguished, and naturalization, in which identity is perceived as a cohesive and impenetrable monolithic piece. The opposite is actually what we stand up for: identity is the effect of a never-ending, always unfinished process of subjective transformation, through miscellany, through anguish for not being ONE with oneself or with others. In short, we believe in the multiple and immeasurable universe of the identity process, which makes every subject unique concerning his or her dilemmas.