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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise dos sintomas de overtraining durante os períodos de treinamento e recuperação: estudo de caso de uma equipe feminina da Superliga de Voleibol 2003/2004(Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina do Exercício e do Esporte, 2011-12-01) Noce, Franco [UNIFESP]; Costa, Varley Teoldo da; Simim, Mário Antônio de Moura; Castro, Henrique de Oliveira; Samulski, Dietmar Martin; Mello, Marco Tulio de [UNIFESP]; Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte Laboratório de Psicologia do Esporte; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Laboratório de Psicologia do EsporteOvertraining is a process involving progressively increased training to a high absolute level that is in excess of more routine training undertaken to maintain performance. However, its excessive increase may impair the physical and mental health of the athlete. The aim of this study was to keep up with levels of stress and recovery of volleyball athletes during the Brazilian Super League 2003/2004. 16 athletes (23,63 ± 6,40 years) were evaluated during two periods, training and rest by answering a stress and recovery questionnaire (RESTQ-Sport-76). Stress levels were measured through the scales 1 to 7 (general stress) and 13 to 15 (stress sports). Its results showed significant differences between perceptions of athletes in all scales (p<0,05) during training and rest. Levels of sports and general recoveries are known through nine scales. In five of them (9, 10, 11, 12 and 16) there were significant differences (p<0,05) and in four, (8, 13, 14 and 15) there were low recovery by the athletes. The conclusion is that RESTQ-Sport-76 was able to assess stress and recovery levels in volleyball athletes and this group demonstrated low recovery during training period.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Edge effect and phenology in Erythroxylum tortuosum (Erythroxylaceae), a typical plant of the Brazilian Cerrado(Instituto Internacional de Ecologia, 2012-08-01) Ishino, Mn.; De Sibio, Pr.; Rossi, Marcelo Nogueira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The edge of a forest fragment can be considered a zone of transition between the interior of the fragment and the surrounding habitat matrix. Plants along the edge are more exposed to disturbance and microclimate variation than interior plants, resulting in the so-called edge effect. In this study, we compared leaf area, fluctuating asymmetry and chemical (water, nitrogen and tannins) leaf traits between Erythroxylum tortuosum plants inhabiting the edge with those growing in the interior of a cerrado fragment in Brazil. We also describe the temporal variation in the vegetative and reproductive phenological events of E. tortuosum plants throughout the season. Nitrogen, leaf area and fluctuating asymmetry did not differ between the two plant groups. Young leaves of the edge plants had significantly higher levels of tannins and lower levels of water than those of interior plants. We suggest that differences in leaf chemical concentrations between edge and interior plants may occur due to factors such as light intensity, wind, temperature and leaf age rather than plant stress. With respect to plant phenology, most reproductive events occurred during the spring. Leaf buds and young leaves prevailed during the rainy season. In the dry season, however, the vegetative events decreased due to leaf senescence followed by leaf abscission.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEfeito da orientação de enfermagem no estresse da aplicação das medicações em pacientes submetidas a ciclos de estimulação ovariana em reprodução humana assistida(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-01-15) Lacerda, Natalicia Aparecida da Silva [UNIFESP]; Fraietta, Renato Fraietta [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objetivo: Verificar se o acompanhamento e a orientação de enfermagem na fase de estimulação ovariana diminuem os níveis de estresse e estado de ansiedade, relacionado à aplicação das medicações subcutâneas e interferem na assimilação da orientação das medicações. Método: foi realizado um estudo observacional prospectivo com a participação de 107 mulheres com infertilidade conjugal primária que foram submetidas a ciclos de estimulação ovariana no programa de Reprodução Humana Assistida da UNIFESP. Os critérios de inclusão considerados foram: primeiro ciclo de estimulação ovariana e sem conhecimento na técnica de aplicação de medicações subcutâneas. Aplicados questionários e testes de autoaplicação inventário de sintomas de stress para adultos de Lipp (ISSL) e inventário de Ansiedade traço-estado (IDATE), consulta com enfermeira (orientação das medicações ) avaliando as fases pré e pós-orientação de enfermagem. Resultados: os escores obtidos das mulheres, relacionados aos níveis de estresse e estado de ansiedade foram estatisticamente significantes (p<0, 001) ao compararmos a fase pré e pós-orientação. Na auto avaliação do nível de estado de ansiedade (IDATE) pré orientação de enfermagem, as mulheres apresentaram p<0,001 com 63,6% em estado de ansiedade (média alta) , diminuindo para 24,3% na fase pós orientação. Na escala de estresse (LIPP) observamos que 73,9% mulheres apresentavam estresse relacionado à auto-aplicação das medicações na fase pré-orientação, apresentando uma redução significante 14% mulheres com estresse pós- orientação das medicações. Relacionado ao estresse e dificuldades com as medicações na fase pré-orientação p<0,033 e na fase pós-orientação p<0,110. Não foi observada relação significativa ao relacionarmos estado de ansiedade com as variáveis sócio-demográficas. Conclusão: A intervenção educacional (orientação e acompanhamento) das mulheres, em estimulação ovariana pela enfermeira contribuiu para a diminuição do estresse e do estado de ansiedade relacionados à aplicação das medicações. A presença do estresse interferiu na assimilação sobre a orientação das medicações usadas durante a estimulação ovariana, entretanto o estado de ansiedade não comprometeu a aprendizagem das medicações.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Efeitos da privação de sono paradoxal sobre a implantação e a progressão de metástases experimentais em modelo de melanoma murino(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-04-30) Marchioro, Laís de Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Suchecki, Deborah [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Deprivation of REM sleep (PSP) is a stress induction model because it results in a increased concentrations of glucocorticoids (GCs) in humans (cortisol) and rodents (corticosterone) and others neurotransmitters stress-response-related via activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which is able to produce many disorders resulting from prolonged and/or increased secretion of these hormones. Stress is associated with functional reduction of cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells (NK), processes such as immune surveillance against tumors, the mainly role performed by these populations, genomic stability mechanisms and somatic mutations are affected. Thus, persistent activation of the HPA axis by sleep deprivation (PS) may contribute to the development and progression of some cancers. Melanoma is considered one of the hightest type of angiogenic and aggressive cancers in the world and remains in the lead of deaths from skin cancer in industrialized countries. It has a high capacity to escape from mechanisms that protect the body against it and has a high affinity for vital organs like lungs, liver and brain. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of PSP in the development of melanoma lung metastases and the immunological mechanisms involved in the development of this cancer. Therefore, C57BL/6 male mice were inoculated with B16F10 melanoma murine strain cells and subjected to PSP protocol for 72 h after inoculation. Starting at day 8 until day 15 postinoculation, established through pilot experiments the will be show in sequence, the monitoring of metastasis and pulmonary immune populations and the analysis of pulmonary production of interferon gamma (IFN- ?), the main pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in inflammatory processes, and the functional activity of T cells began. Mice from the PSP group had decreased of lung metastases in all the days of evaluation when compared to the control group (CTL), a higher percentage of NK cells and higher concentrations of IFN-?. NK cells are an essential population of killer cells against mutagenic processes and it was the mainly responsible for the restraining metastases in the PSP group showed here. In addition, mice of the CTL group showed a higher percentage of CD8 + CD25 + Foxp3 + lymphocytes (T8reg), which indicated a process of "immune brake" in those animals that had released of metastases. Together, the results point to an important role of NK cells, stimulated by a stressor, presented in greater quantities in the tumor microenvironment of PSP animals.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Efeitos da privação materna, associada ou não ao isolamento social juvenil, no comportamento e na ativação neuronal em ratos Wistar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2022-02-07) Barreiro, Letícia Namie [UNIFESP]; Girardi, Carlos Eduardo Neves [UNIFESP]; Santos, José Eduardo Peixoto [UNIFESP];;;á foi demonstrado que a privação materna neonatal (PM9) e o isolamento social juvenil (IND) podem acarretar prejuízos neurobiológicos e comportamentais a longo prazo. Portanto, esse estudo analisou os efeitos da PM9, associada ou não ao isolamento social pós-desmame, sobre a preferência por estímulos sociais e sobre a ativação neuronal do circuito mesocorticolímbico, através da versão social do teste de condicionamento de preferência ao lugar (sCPP) e de imuno-histoquímica para a proteína Fos em ratos adolescentes. Fêmeas submetidas à PM9 tiveram aumento na atividade locomotora durante a exploração inicial da arena do sCPP, enquanto machos IND tiveram menor tempo de imobilidade na fase de teste. Isso demonstra um resultado sexo-dependente em que fêmeas, frente a situações de novidade, apresentam mais hiperatividade no aparato do sCPP. Essa diferença entre sexos também apareceu no tempo de permanência nos compartimentos na fase de teste comparada à habituação, em que houve aumento da permanência no compartimento pareado com interação social em todos os grupos de ambos os sexos, especialmente em fêmeas IND, demonstrando que o isolamento é fundamental para motivar os animais a interagir socialmente. O isolamento social também foi responsável pelo aumento na frequência de todos os comportamentos sociais avaliados durante a fase de condicionamento do sCPP. Em contrapartida, nenhuma diferença significativa entre grupos de machos foi encontrada para imunopositivadade para cfos nas estruturas do circuito mesocorticolímbico avaliadas. Sendo assim, não foi verificado nenhum efeito da privação materna neonatal associada ao isolamento social juvenil na motivação por interação social ou na ativação neuronal do circuito envolvido na codificação dessa motivação, embora tenha ficado evidente que os efeitos de estressores na infância são sexo-dependentes, sendo que fêmeas aparentam ser mais sensíveis do que machos em relação à privação materna, ressaltando a importância de se envolver mais análises separadas por sexo nos estudos.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEfeitos de um programa de redução de estresse, fundamentado em mindfulness, em profissionais de enfermagem brasileiros: avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-10-29) Santos, Teresa Maria dos [UNIFESP]; Martins, Luiz Antonio Nogueira Martins [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdution: mindfulness has been shown to effectively mitigate the negative effects of stress among nursing professionals, but in countries like Brazil, these practices are relatively unexplored. Objective: to evaluate the effects of a Stress Reduction Program (SRP) including mindfulness meditation among nursing professionals working in a Brazilian hospital setting. Study Design: in this longitudinal study, we used a mixed model with quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate a group of participants at three different time points: pre-intervention, post-intervention and throughout. Setting: this study was conducted at Hospital São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil). Participants: the sample consisted of 13 nursing professionals employed at the hospital. Intervention: participants underwent attention and concentration practices, mindfulness meditation: body scan, breathing anchor and informal meditation, and loving kindness meditation during a period of six weeks and an additional six-week follow-up. Instruments: the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Self-Compassion Scale (SCS), WHOQOL-BREF quality of life assessment, and Work Stress Scale (WSS). Qualitative data were collected via a group interview following participation in the SRP. Results: the quantitative analyses revealed a significant reduction between pre- and post-intervention scores for BDI, PSS, MBI, STAI (trait) and a significant increase in the physical and psychological domains of the WHOQOL-BREF (p <0.05). Except for those last two domains of the WHOQOL-BREF (which decreased significantly six weeks after the end of the intervention), all other variables were maintained at the last follow-up. The remaining variables showed no significant differences between post-intervention and follow-up scores. Qualitative results showed improvement in the reactivity to inner experience; a more attentive perception of internal and external experiences; greater attention and awareness of actions and attitudes at every moment; and a positive influence of the SRP in nursing activities.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Escala de depressão, ansiedade e estresse (DASS): adaptação e validação para o português do Brasil(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-02-27) Vignola, Rose Claudia Batistelli [UNIFESP]; Tucci, Adriana Marcassa [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Depression and anxiety are very common emotional disorders currently being stress increasingly pointed in the literature as a risk factor for these states. Although the relationship between depression, anxiety and stress is complex, studies show that phenomena are interconnected: transit between negative affect, emotional distress and physiological changes in the HPA axis. The objective of this study was to adapt and validate to the Portuguese of Brazil - DEPRESSION, ANXIETY AND STRESS SCALE, a 21-item short scale, The DASS-21 is a self-report scale with three subscales (depression, anxiety and stress). The DASS was administered to a sample of 242 outpatients (18 and 75 years), who was submitted to the Beck Inventory of Depression and Anxiety, and the Lipp Inventory too. The factorial analysis and distribution among the subscales indicated that the structure of three distinct factors is quite adequate, approaching more than originally proposed model, and legitimizing the nature of the scale, which is to evaluate three different emotional states. The KMO test (0.949) indicated a high model fit. The Internal Consistency - Cronbach Alpha - obtained for the Depression subscale was 0.92, for Stress was 0.90 and 0.86 for anxiety. The correlation of DASS21 with other scales was also high: DassDepressão / BDI 0.86; DassAnsiedade / BAI 0.80 and DassEstresse / Lipp 0.74. Thus, the values of Cronbach's alpha reliability of the DASS guarantee, as well as their correlations with the other scales studied also testify in favor of its validity. It can be used by different health professionals (physicians, nurses, social workers, nutritionists, physiotherapists), eliminating the use of multiple recurrent and different instruments to assess these states, reducing time and emotional investment of the subjects, as well as facilitating seeking earlier treatment. Questionnaire access link:
- ItemEmbargoEstudo da relação entre sensibilização comportamental ao etanol e estresse de restrição de movimentos: associação com níveis de corticosterona(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2006-04-26) Trindade, Ágatha Asano [UNIFESP]; Souza-Formigoni, Maria Lucia Oliveira de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The relationship between drugs of abuse and stress has been demonstrated in several studies. On one hand, there are reports on cross sensitization between drugs of abuse and stressful evens. On the other hand, exposure to a stressor may induce sensitized behavioral response to a drug. Repeated administration of drugs may, however, induce a neuroendocrine sensitization of the hypothalamus-pituitaryadrenal axis (HPA) leading to a marked increase in the release of stress-related hormones. The objectives of the present study were to assess whether mice highly sensitized to the stimulant effect of ethanol presented high levels of corticosterone (CORT) after exposure to acute restraint stress (1 h) and whether an acute or repeated (7 days) exposure to this kind of stressor would affect the behavioral response to ethanol administration (acute and repeated). In the first experiment, mice were treated with 2.2 g/kg of ethanol or with saline and submitted to 1 h restraint stress. Blood samples were collected for determination of corticosterone (CORT) plasma levels. Exposure to stress increased CORT levels, but pre-treatment with ethanol or saline did not affect the hormone response. In Experiment 2, mice were first submitted to a 1 h restraint stress and 24 h later a 14-day treatment with ethanol or saline began. The pre-exposure to stress did not alter locomotor response to ethanol or saline, acute or repeatedly administered. On the 14th day of treatment, ethanol-treated mice presented higher CORT levels than saline-treated ones (p<0,05). In Experiment 3, mice were initially submitted to 1 h restraint stress for 7 days. After 24 h, the treatment with 2.2 g/kg of ethanol or saline started. Previous exposure to repeated (7 days) stress did not alter the mice’s locomotor response to ethanol or saline (acute or repeatedly administered). In a challenge carried out 4 days after the end of the treatment, ethanol-treated mice presented higher CORT levels than saline-treated ones (p<0,05). In addition, animals previously submitted to stress presented higher levels of CORT than non-stressed animals (p<0,05). These results suggest that sensitization to the stimulant effect of ethanol did not induce sensitization of the CORT response to restraint stress and that the acute or repeated exposure to restraint stress is not sufficient to alter the mice’s locomotor response to ethanol (acute or repeatedly). In summary, we did not observe cross sensitization between ethanol and 1 h restraint stress.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Influence of personality traits in coping skills in individuals with bipolar disorder(Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, 2014-08-01) Souza, Érika Leonardo de; Grassi-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Brietzke, Elisa [UNIFESP]; Sanvicente-Vieira, Breno; Daruy-Filho, Ledo; Moreno, Ricardo Alberto; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Background: Bipolar disorder is marked by alterations in coping skills which in turn impacts the disease course. Personality traits are associated with coping skills and for this reason it has been suggested that personality traits of patients with BD may have influence over their coping skills. Objective: To investigate possible associations between coping skills and personality in individuals with bipolar disorder (BD). Method: Thirty-five euthymic subjects with BD were compared with 40 healthy controls. Coping skills were evaluated using Ways of Coping Checklist Revised and Brief-COPE. Personality traits were assessed by Neo Personality Inventory. MANCOVA was used for between groups comparison. Result: Regarding coping, individuals with BD reported more frequent use of emotion-focused strategies than problem-focused strategies, and high levels of neuroticism and low levels of extroversion and conscientiousness on personality measures. Neuroticism influenced negatively the use of problem-focused strategies, and positively emotion-focused coping. Conscientiousness influenced the use of problem-focused strategies in both groups. There was a significant difference between emotion focused coping and personality traits between BD and control groups. Discussion: Personality traits seem to modulate coping skills and strategies in BD which may be took into account for further interventions.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)The selfish brain hypothesis for metabolic abnormalities in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia(Associação de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul, 2012-09-01) Mansur, Rodrigo Barbachan [UNIFESP]; Brietzke, Elisa [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Metabolic abnormalities are frequent in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (BD), leading to a high prevalence of diabetes and metabolic syndrome in this population. Moreover, mortality rates among patients are higher than in the general population, especially due to cardiovascular diseases. Several neurobiological systems involved in energy metabolism have been shown to be altered in both illnesses; however, the cause of metabolic abnormalities and how they relate to schizophrenia and BD pathophysiology are still largely unknown. The selfish brain theory is a recent paradigm postulating that, in order to maintain its own energy supply stable, the brain modulates energy metabolism in the periphery by regulation of both allocation and intake of nutrients. We hypothesize that the metabolic alterations observed in these disorders are a result of an inefficient regulation of the brain energy supply and its compensatory mechanisms. The selfish brain theory can also expand our understanding of stress adaptation and neuroprogression in schizophrenia and BD, and, overall, can have important clinical implications for both illnesses.
- ItemRestritoStress in nurses working in intensive care units(Univ Sao Paolo, 2008-01-01) Cavalheiro, Ana Maria [UNIFESP]; Moura Junior, Denis Faria; Lopes, Antonio Carlos [UNIFESP]; Hosp Israelita Albert Einstein; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The present study aimed to identify the presence of stress in nurses working in intensive care units, the stressing agents and symptoms associated to the nurses' perceptions of stress, and to assess the correlation between the occurrence of stress, sources of stress, and symptoms shown by the nurses. Seventy-five nurses took part in the study. the data were collected from questionnaires, analyzed with the Pearson correlation coefficients, and adjusted by general linear models. the study showed the presence of stress related to work dissatisfaction, activities regarded as critical situations in intensive care units, symptoms related to cardiovascular, digestive and musculoskeletal disorders. the conclusion is that stress is present in nurses' activities in intensive care units, related to characteristics of the health area itself, causing dissatisfaction and stress-related symptoms.