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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Academic autopsies in Brazil - a national survey(Associação Médica Brasileira, 2014-01-01) Felipe-silva, Aloísio; Ishigai, Márcia; Mauad, Thaís; University of São Paulo Hospital Universitário anatomic Pathology Service; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); University of São Paulo School of Medicine Department of PathologyObjective:To investigate the number and rate of academic autopsies, general organization, educational and research in Brazilian academic services.Methods:Standardized questionnaires were sent to Brazilian medical schools (n=177) and active pathology residency programs (n=53) from March to June 2009. Data were collected for years 2003 to 2008.Results:Thirty-two academic services in 11 Brazilian states answered the survey. Twenty-one (65.6%) perform less than a hundred autopsies for natural causes and less than fifty pediatric or fetal autopsies/year. Twenty-four (75%) perform less than a hundred adult autopsies/year. Many institutions (46.9%) reported a drop in the number of autopsies in a six-year period. The total autopsy count and autopsy rate in 2008 ranged 1-632 (median = 80), and 0-66% (mean = 10.6%), respectively. A steady decrease in the total count of autopsies in a pool of 19 institutions was observed (p<0.01). Median autopsy rates have fallen from 19.3%, in 2003, to 10.6%, in 2008 (p=0.07). Significant discrepancies at autopsies led to changes in institutional healthcare practice in 37.5% of the services. The low number of autopsies was a limiting factor in undergraduate education for 25% of respondents. A minimum number of autopsies is required to complete the pathology residency program in 34.6% of the services.Conclusion:The total number and the rate of academic autopsies have decreased in Brazil between 2003 and 2008. The number of autopsies and the general organization of academic services must be enhanced to improve medical education, research, and the quality control of patient care.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAnálise da produção científica dos enfermeiros brasileiros sobre administração em enfermagem no contexto dos programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu: uma abordagem histórica (1963-2011)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-05-28) Meneses, Abel Silva de [UNIFESP]; Sanna, Maria Cristina Sanna [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In order to analyze and describe the bibliometric characteristics of scientific production of Brazilian nurses on Nursing Administration in the context of post-graduate studies programs, according to the Structure of Knowledge on Nursing Administration proposed by Sanna, and propose recasting this structure, historical research was carried out a quantitative approach, which sought to explore documentary sources in a time span of 48 years. 7,722 abstracts of theses and dissertations cataloged by the Center for Studies and Research in Nursing Brazilian Nursing Association were examined, identifying 596 research products on Nursing Administration who were classified in the database of Microsoft Excel®, the following variables: time, space, thematic, researcher, advisor, research method developed and the quality of summaries. Data analysis was done by means of mathematical and statistical functions of Microsoft Excel® for measurement of absolute and relative frequencies of the study variables, and read back the themes found in the Structure of Knowledge Management in Nursing quoted. The analysis showed that, of the 7,722 productions strictly Brazilian Nursing, 7.7% had the Nursing Administration as an object of study, 75.5% from master programs and 24.5% of doctoral programs. The highest concentration of scientific production occurred in the 2000s, and the 245 different scientists nursing contributing to this knowledge, 2.9% remained focused on a line of research and only 0.7% remained attached to the themes studied with their advisors. The Southeast region led the scientific output in this area, with 75.2% of the productions on Nursing Administration, followed by the southern region with 12.1%, with 9.6% Northeast and Midwest with 3.1%. As for the quality of the abstracts, 52.4% had good or excellent concept, and there are no descriptors or keywords in 86.8% of them. Regarding the methodological characteristics of this production, 49.8% of the research studies were quantitative, qualitative 43.1% and 1.8% quantitative and qualitative. Regarding the methodological goal and temporality, descriptive and cross-sectional studies, and on the data collection procedure, case studies and surveys stood out. The thematic classification of this production, according to the Structure of Knowledge Management in Nursing, revealed that 17.8% of the studies refer to Ideological and Theoretical Bases of Nursing Administration, 13.1% and Intervention Methods and 69.1% to Resource Management Practices. This classification also revealed the existence of gaps in scientific production, with what was possible to construct the proposition of a new structure on Knowledge Management in nursing to represent knowledge of Nursing Administration ever produced by nurses in the context of post programs graduate studies in Brazil.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAsthmatic children and their feelings about the disease: action of Pediatric Program of asthma prevention (PIPA), Uruguaiana, Brazil(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016) Urrutia-Pereira, M.; Lopez, M. C.; Bulhosa, M.; Martins, J.; Sole, D. [UNIFESP]
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAvaliação das habilidades em laparoscopia dos residentes de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia da Escola Paulista de Medicina - UNIFESP, após treinamento no Centro de Experimentação e Treinamento em Cirurgia (CETEC) do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-12-31) Kikuchi, Carla Ferreira [UNIFESP]; Sartori, Marair Gracio Ferreira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To evaluate laparoscopic skills of third-year Gynecology and Obstetrics residents after training at a training and surgical experimentation center. Methods: Use of a prospective questionnaire analyzing demographic data, medical residency, skills, competences, and training in a box trainer and in pigs. Results: After the training, there was significant improvement in laparoscopic skills according to the residents (before 1.3/after 2.7; p=0.000) and preceptors (before 2.1/after 4.8; p=0.000). There was also significant improvement in the feeling of competence in surgeries with level 1 and 2 of difficulty. All residents approved the training. Conclusion: The training was distributed into 12 hours in the box trainer and 20 hours in animals, and led to better laparoscopic skills and a feeling of more surgical competence in laparoscopic surgery levels 1 and 2.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação do nível de conhecimento sobre fibromialgia entre usuários da internet(Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia, 2011-02-01) Moretti, Felipe Azevedo [UNIFESP]; Heymann, Roberto Ezequiel; Marvulle, Valdecir; Pollak, Daniel Feldman [UNIFESP]; Riera, Rachel [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal do ABC; Centro CochraneOBJECTIVE: To assess knowledge on fibromyalgia in a sample of patients, their families, and professionals interested on the theme from some Brazilian states. METHODS: Analysis of the results of an electronic fibromyalgia knowledge questionnaire completed by 362 adults who had access to the the support group for fibromyalgia site ( The answers were grouped according to age, sex, years of schooling, and type of interest in the condition. RESULTS: 92% of the responders were women and 62% had higher educational level. The worst results were observed in the joint protection and energy conservation domain, followed by the medication in fibromyalgia domain. The best results were recorded in the exercises in fibromyalgia domain. The answers differed significantly between sexes, and women achieved a higher percentage of correct answers. The female sex accounted for a statistically superior result in five statistical analyses (four questions and one domain). CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests the need for a strategic planning for an educational approach to fibromyalgia in Brazil
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAvaliação do uso de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, plataforma moodle, para o desenvolvimento de competências em estudantes de graduação em Enfermagem(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-12-20) Cohrs, Cibelli Rizzo [UNIFESP]; Domenico, Edvane Birelo Lopes de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction: Educational technologies can assist in building skills of the students and evaluate ways to insert them is a field of current research. Objectives: To describe the sociodemographic profile and digital fluency of the students, to compare the improvement of knowledge and skills of those who participated in the activities proposed in the Virtual Learning Environment, Moodle, during hospital practice, with those who did not participate; identify the opinion of students regarding the use of Moodle. Method: Study the educational intervention, with quantitative and qualitative approach, carried out in two steps. 34 students enrolled in the fourth year of undergraduate nursing course at the Federal University of São Paulo in the years 2012 and 2013 participated in this study. In the first step, an experimental one, Moodle platform, the independent variable, was associated with the activities of hospital practice in Experiment Group (EG), compared with the traditional strategy, the Control Group (CG). The dependent variable was the result of learning measured by application of an instrument, for both groups, for the pre and post-period of hospital practice, validated by five specialists. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the undergraduates and describe the dependent and independent variables. In the second stage, focus groups (FGs) were conducted with students in the EG at the end of hospital practice, with a central guiding question and others. The meetings were recorded, transcribed and content analysis of Bardin was applied. Results: The average of age of the Control Group was 23.0 yo, while on Experiment Group was 22.3 yo. The population of study was predominantly female. All reported using the computer for the study, to be users of social networks and present digital fluency. In the application of the instrument of pre-hospital practice evaluation, EG presented an average of right questions lower than the CG: 9.1 to 9.4, from a total of 15 questions. At the end, EG had more hits than the GC: 11.5 to 10.2 (n = 15). The content analysis applied to reports of FGs allowed the identification of categories: (1) Moodle favors the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and decision making , (2) the benefits of the Virtual Learning Environment were: development exercises; accommodation scientific material previously assessed by the teacher; flexibility of time and place, and for discussion, (3) Moodle has provided security and confidence for the development of hospital practice, (4) using a Virtual Learning Environment to study generates autonomy and freedom, (5) involving the use of Moodle in curricular subjects and days intended for using Moodle; (6) customizing Moodle: gradual release of activities, anticipate complexity, use of media and visualization of participants who are online. Conclusion: The insertion of Moodle brought improvement in the learning outcome of the EG, when compared to traditional teaching. In qualitative analysis, students reported that the use of Moodle provided more security and confidence for hospital care.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosBrazil Patient Knowledge Questionnaire (PKQ) and evaluation of disease-specific knowledge in patients with rheumatoid arthritis(Clinical & Exper Rheumatology, 2006-09-01) Jennings, Fabio [UNIFESP]; Toffolo, Sandra Regina [UNIFESP]; Assis, Marcos Renato de [UNIFESP]; Natour, Jamil [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective To create a Brazilian version of the Patient Knowledge Questionnaire-PKQ, an instrument for measuring the knowledge of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) as regards their disease, and through the use of this instrument, also measure the knowledge of RA patients from reference hospitals in the city of Sao Paulo.Methods Two teachers of English translated the PKQ into Portuguese in order to obtain a single version, which was then translated back into English to evaluate its equivalence to the original version (back translation). The final version in Portuguese was applied to 20 patients with RA for adaptation to cultural issues, and questions not understood by 20% or more patients were subsequently modified. Inter- and intraobserver reliability and the constructive validity of the PKQ were tested. The questionnaire was then applied to 100 RA patients, selected in four outpatient clinics at reference hospitals in the city, of Sao Paulo.Results Three of the PKQ questions were modified to adapt to cultural issues. Intraclass correlation coefficients used for the reliability and validity of the PKQ were between were between 0.62 and 0.94, therefore, statistically significant (p < 0.05). The mean PKQ score was 12.96 and the mean test application time was 10.3 minutes, for the 100 patients assessed. The lowest scores were observed in the domains of medications and joint protection/energy conservation. PKQ scores showed a positive correlation with the level of education (r=0.40) and a negative correlation with the patients' age (r=-0.32) and with HAQ (r=-0.28).Conclusions The Brazilian version of the PKQ that was created and proved to be a reliable and valid instrument. Patients' knowledge of RA is poor particularly in the domains regarding medications and joint protection/energy conservation.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Características sócio-econômicas de pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral(Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO, 1996-09-01) Santana, Benedita Aparecida Souza de [UNIFESP]; Fukujima, Marcia Maiumi [UNIFESP]; Oliveira, Roberto De Magalhães Carneiro de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)We studied the socioeconomic status of 206 stroke patients seen at Escola Paulista de Medicina - São Paulo in the period 1991-1992. We found that 25% of patients were less than 50 years old; men were married significantly more often than women; 82% of patients had less than 8 years of formal education and 60% of the families survived with US$ 98 to 198. The socioeconomic impact caused by stroke is very important. Low education and poverty influence the treatment and prevention of the disease. The Social Assistance Service can detect and attempt to solve the social problems in order to obtain a better control of systemic diseases and risk factors for stroke, and to give orientation concerning the local resources.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Ciências Humanas e Sociais na formação das primeiras enfermeiras cariocas e paulistanas(Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2011-12-01) Araújo, Aline Corrêa de [UNIFESP]; Sanna, Maria Cristina [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Escola Paulista de Enfermagem Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Administração de Serviços de Saúde e Gerenciamento de Enfermagem Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Saúde, Políticas Públicas e SociaisThis historical and documental study aimed to describe and analyze the place that the Human and Social Sciences occupied in the first curriculum of the Anna Nery Nursing School (EEAN) and of the São Paulo Hospital Nursing School (EEHSP), identifying the similarities and differences between them. As a methodology, the curricula of these schools were analyzed by comparing them and seeking, between primary and secondary sources, information of the contribution of Human and Social Sciences in the training of pioneer nurses in modern nursing in Brazil. It was concluded that the humanities subjects occupied a secondary place in the studied curricula in comparison with the technical disciplines and the utilitarian aspect required by this profession at that time.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)The cognitive subscale of the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale in a Brazilian sample(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2001-10-01) Schultz, Rodrigo Rizek [UNIFESP]; Siviero, Marilena Occhini [UNIFESP]; Bertolucci, Paulo Henrique Ferreira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The cognitive subscale of the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-Cog) is widely used for the evaluation of dementia and is very popular in dementia drug trials because of the characteristics of the scale. The objective of the present study was to adapt the ADAS-Cog for use for the Brazilian population. A major problem is that education is variable, a fact that may influence performance in cognitive evaluation. This study was conducted on a control group (CG) of 96 subjects (25 males and 71 females aged 68 ± 8.6 years) and on 44 Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients (19 males and 25 females aged 72 ± 6.4 years) with mild dementia (Clinical Dementia Rating score 1). For statistical analysis groups were divided into three educational levels: I, 0-4 years of schooling (65 CG/20 AD); II, 5-11 years of schooling (19 CG/7 AD), and III, 12 or more years of schooling (12 CG/17 AD). The battery was applied according to original instructions. Total mean score for CG and AD was 10.9 and 22.9 for level I, 7.8 and 22.4 for level II, and 6.2 and 15.4 for level III, respectively. These results indicate that our version of the ADAS-Cog is useful to identify mild dementia, though there may be an overlapping when comparing high education demented with low education non-demented subjects.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Concepções sobre educação em sexualidade de profissionais da Rede Municipal de Educação em São Paulo.(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013) Gava, Thais Cristina Montaldi [UNIFESP]; Villela, Wilza Vieira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Esta dissertacao apresenta uma pesquisa exploratoria, de carater qualitativo, sobre as concepcoes de profissionais da educacao acerca da educacao em sexualidade. Foram realizadas 15 entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais de sete escolas municipais da cidade de São Paulo. Nas entrevistas os profissionais compartilharam suas opinioes e vivencias sobre as situacoes ocorridas nas escolas. Narraram tambem as estrategias utilizadas para abordar os temas relacionados a sexualidade em sala de aula. Apresentaram suas consideracoes a respeito do que e pertinente ser trabalhado no ambiente escolar no que se refere a sexualidade. A referencia utilizada no trabalho foi Educacao em Sexualidade, este conceito amplia as discussoes sobre a sexualidade para alem do ambito reprodutivo, englobando as questoes sociais, culturais e economicas. Ele e construido a partir do ideario de direitos humanos e engloba o direito a informacao e a construcao de uma sexualidade que corresponda ao que cada sujeito escolhe como projeto de vida. Neste sentido, a Educacao em Sexualidade pressupoe a participacao dos profissionais da educacao como mediadores dos processos vividos por estudantes, assim como o subsidio de informacoes e reflexoes capazes de ampliar os repertorios dessas pessoas a ponto de viverem sua sexualidade de maneira integral. Este conceito tambem propoe uma ruptura com as formas hierarquizadas do processo de ensino aprendizagem, colocando alunos e alunas como produtores de sentido para suas vidas. Dai a escolha do outro marco teorico para esta pesquisa ser a ideia de criancas, adolescentes e jovens como sujeitos de direitos, em especial, dos direitos relacionados a sexualidade. A analise das entrevistas apontou a coexistencia de diferentes concepcoes sobre o trabalho com o tema da sexualidade na escola e a incapacidade de separacao dos valores pessoais dos propostos pelas politicas educacionais vigentes. Apesar de distintas, essas concepcoes apresentadas apontaram para um ideal de normalidade, que cada profissional, a seu modo, busca realizar na relacao com os alunos. Este ideal pode explicar a dificuldade em reconhecer as diferentes manifestacoes sexuais de criancas, adolescentes e jovens. Desta forma, a proposta de trabalho com o tema da sexualidade e unidirecional, pautada na ideia do adulto como detentor do saber e, de criancas e adolescentes, como depositarios deste saber. A partir desta atitude, alunos e alunas sao tomados como objeto do saber e do poder dos professores e da instituicao escolar, nao sendo reconhecidas suas liberdades e privacidades prerrogativas da sexualidade humana. E possivel dizer que nao ha o entendimento de criancas e jovens como sujeitos de direito, com possibilidades reais de participacao na construcao, mais concretamente, das normas de convivencia no ambiente escolar. Finalmente este trabalho apresenta a importancia da construcao de uma escola que contemple uma proposta de educacao em sexualidade que proponha acoes que garantam aos estudantes o acesso a informacao, mas, ao mesmo tempo, crie espacos para a reflexao sobre as distintas dimensoes da sexualidade humana
- ItemSomente MetadadadosConsiderations on blood glucose management in Type 2 diabetes mellitus(Wiley-Blackwell, 2002-07-01) Home, P.; Chacra, Antonio [UNIFESP]; Chan, J.; Emslie-Smith, A.; Sorensen, L.; Van Crombrugge, P.; Worldwide Initiative Diab Educ; Univ Newcastle Upon Tyne; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Chinese Univ Hong Kong; Wallacetown Hlth Ctr; Royal Prince Alfred Hosp; OL Vrouw ZiekenhuisIn recent years the benefits of more intensive management in preventing or delaying the development and progression of diabetic complications have been well documented. What is not as well documented is how to motivate the person with diabetes to manage the condition, how to set, assess and quantify glucose goals, and the glucose variables that should be routinely measured. This review discusses the importance of setting targets and communicating them in a way that the patient understands. When aiming for a glycaemia target, balance is required (1) between achieving reduction of complications and causing an increased degree of hypoglycaemia, and (2) between what is achievable and what degree of benefit is gained. Target values given in guidelines should be adapted by the clinician to take into account the patient's susceptibility to hypoglycaemia, stage and type of complications, age and life expectancy, co-morbidity, social environment, understanding of the steps required and level of commitment to the treatment. Several suggestions are given regarding possible improvements and amendments to existing guidelines for diabetes management in treating to glucose goal. for example, attention should be drawn to the need to individualise goals and to consider education, long-term support, patient needs and treatment outcome when formulating diabetes management plans. the relative properties of the different glucose variables - fasting plasma glucose (FPG), postprandial plasma glucose (PPG), glycated haemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c)), and glycated protein - in terms of their convenience of measurement, usefulness and relevance to the physician and patient are also evaluated. When prioritising the variables to be measured it is suggested that where feasible, HbA(1c) should be the standard measurement by which to gauge risk and treatment efficacy. Serial measurements should be made and, where possible, the use of blood glucose meters encouraged, in order to obtain a blood glucose profile for the patient. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Desenvolvimento docente na área da saúde: uma análise(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio, 2005-09-01) Batista, Nildo Alves [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The development of professors is a highly important subject at a time when undergraduate programs in all higher-education health courses are going through changes in their curricula and methodologies. This article analyses ideas, propositions and characteristics of the process. By dialoguing with the existing literature, we analyze not only teaching for higher-education in health as a complex and interdisciplinary social practice but also the development of health professors, seeking, thus, to learn the peculiarities, potentials and challenges of the processes. This way, the practice of the professor is considered a crucial axis in training health professionals.
- ItemRestritoDoctoral education in nursing in Brazil(Univ São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirao Preto, 2008-07-01) Rodrigues, Rosalina Aparecida Partezani; Erdmann, Alacoque Lorenzini; Silva, Isilia Aparecida; Fernandes, Josicelia Dumet; Araujo, Thelma Leite; Vianna, Lucila Amaral Carneiro [UNIFESP]; Santos, Rosangela da Silva; Lopes, Marta Julia Marques; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC); Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA); Univ Fed Ceara; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); Univ Fed Rio Grande do SulThis study aimed to present the trajectory of doctoral education in nursing in Brazil from 1981 to 2004. A descriptive and analytical study was carried out, using documents available at the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education, a body responsible for the recognition, evaluation and coordination of graduate studies in Brazil, Data analysis revealed that there are 13 doctoral courses in nursing, most of which are concentrated in the Southeast (69.20%), and that teaching and scientific production have been influenced by demographic and epidemiological transitions and by historical, social and political movements. Knowledge production is related to Nursing Care, Health Management and Practices and Theoretical Foundations of Care. Doctoral programs have prepared leaders in the fields of education, research and public policy development, in health institutions as well as in public policies, health institutions and governmental entities.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosA educação interprofissional na residência multiprofissional em saúde no estado de São Paulo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-09-11) Casanova, Isis Alexandrina [UNIFESP]; Brisola, Lidia Ruiz Moreno Brisola [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: to analyze the principles, conceptions and possible practices of Interprofessional Education (EIP) present in Multiprofessional Health Residency Programs (PRMS) in the State of São Paulo. Methods: It is a study, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, carried out in two stages: documentary research and empirical research. The documentary analysis used the PP of the PRMS of the State of São Paulo and the empirical research consisted in the use of the instrument in a likert scale and open questions applied to the residents. Statistical validation was performed regarding dispersion and reliability for likert responses and content analysis, thematic type, for PP and open questions. From a universe of 14 HEIs with PRMS in operation in the State of São Paulo in 2014, two institutions, Famema and Unifesp, participated in the research, which hold 21 programs. Of these, 13 programs agreed to participate in a total of 121 residents, with 76 participating in the survey. Results: The analysis of the 13 PPs showed an approximation to the principles of the PIE with an emphasis on teamwork of a multiprofessional, interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary character in specific groups distributed in several practice scenarios, putting health needs at the center of the actions in the understanding of integral care And the design of the EIP, with the proposal to break paradigms of formation and fragmentation of knowledge. The emphasis on EIP collaboration in its conception was made explicit in only one PRMS, the others did not mention it. Statistical validation of the attitudinal instrument was performed on a Likert scale that resulted from the final reliability coefficient of 0.84 of the validated assertions. The responses of the Likert instrument demonstrate a high degree of favorable perception of the participants in the three dimensions studied with the averages, all located in the comfort zone: shared learning in RMS (3,20), training for teamwork (3,23) And development of skills for collaborative practices (3,31). From the thematic analysis of open questions, residents refer to positive aspects: RMS provides spaces for learning and shared practice, construction of knowledge, joint work force and planning of actions for integral care, but there are negative aspects: difficulty in sharing The knowledge on the part of the tutor and tutor, absence of the tutors and preceptors in the day to day; Lack of objectivity in the goals to be achieved in the quality of care provided, distortion of the egalitarian time between theory and practice; Ignorance of the work of the resident in the service and unprepared professionals; work overload; Specialized knowledge and service fragmentation. Conclusions: There was evidence of an approximation to the conceptions and principles of PPE in the PP and in the perceptions of the participants of the research, signaling the relevance of RMS to the professional qualification with a view to improving teamwork in the SUS. It is necessary to expand the studies in order to offer subsidies for the advancement of knowledge about PID and the deepening of the concepts and principles that define this approach.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEducational needs of epileptologists regarding psychiatric comorbidities of the epilepsies: a descriptive quantitative survey(John Libbey Eurotext Ltd, 2017) Mula, Marco; Cavalheiro, Esper [UNIFESP]; Guekht, Alla; Kanner, Andres M.; Lee, Hyang Woon; Ozkara, Cigdem; Thomson, Alfredo; Wilson, Sarah J.Aim. Psychiatric disorders are relatively frequent comorbidities in epilepsy and they have an impact on morbidity, mortality, and quality of life. This is a report from the Task Force on Education of the ILAE Commission on Neuropsychiatry based on a survey about educational needs of epileptologists regarding management of the psychiatric comorbidities of epilepsy. Methods. The Task Force designed a quantitative questionnaire to survey the self-perceived confidence of child and adult epileptologists and psychiatrists in managing major psychiatric comorbidities of epilepsy to identify: (1) critical areas of improvement from a list of skills that are usually considered necessary for effective management of these conditions, and (2) the preferred educational format for improving these skills. Results. A total of 211 respondents from 35 different countries participated in the survey. Confidence and usefulness scores suggest that responders would most value education and training in the management of specific clinical scenarios. Child neurologists identified major Axis I disorders, such as mood and anxiety disorders, while adult neurologists identified attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, intellectual disabilities, and autistic spectrum disorder as key areas. Both adult and child neurologists identified screening skills as the priority. Psychiatrists mainly valued specific training in the management of psychiatric complications of epilepsy surgery or psychiatric adverse events of antiepileptic drugs. Sessions during congresses and face-to-face meetings represent the preferred educational format, while e-learning modules and review papers were chosen by a minority of respondents. Conclusions. Results of this survey identify key areas for improvement in managing the psychiatric comorbidities of epilepsy and suggest specific strategies to develop better training for clinicians involved in epilepsy care.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A efetividade de intervenções de educação nutricional nas escolas para prevenção e redução do ganho excessivo de peso em crianças e adolescentes: uma revisão sistemática(Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria, 2011-10-01) Silveira, Jonas Augusto Cardoso da [UNIFESP]; Taddei, Jose Augusto de Aguiar Carrazedo [UNIFESP]; Guerra, Paulo Henrique; Nobre, Moacyr Roberto Cuce; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of school-based nutrition education in reducing or preventing overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. SOURCES: Systematic search in 14 databases and five systematic reviews for randomized controlled trials conducted in schools to reduce or prevent overweight in children and adolescents. Body mass index and fruit and vegetable intake were used as primary and secondary measures of outcome, respectively. There was no restriction by date of publication or language, except for languages with structured logograms. We excluded studies on specific populations presenting eating disorders, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and physical or mental disabilities, as well as studies that used drugs or food supplements as components of the intervention. The assessment by title and abstract and the quality assessment were performed independently by two researchers. We used the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination's guidance for undertaking reviews in health care and the software EPPI-Reviewer 3. SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS: From the initially retrieved 4,809 references, 24 articles met the inclusion criteria. The extracted data show that there is evidence of positive effects on anthropometry and of increase in fruit and vegetable consumption. Characteristics of the interventions that demonstrated effectiveness are: duration > 1 year, introduction into the regular activities of the school, parental involvement, introduction of nutrition education into the regular curriculum, and provision of fruits and vegetables by school food services. CONCLUSION: Interventions in schools to reduce overweight and obesity, as well as to increase fruits and vegetable consumption, have demonstrated effectiveness in the best-conducted studies.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Enfermagem neonatológica: conhecimento de alunos de graduação em enfermagem(Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto / Universidade de São Paulo, 1999-10-01) Naganuma, Masuco [UNIFESP]; Chaud, Massae Noda [UNIFESP]; Pinheiro, Eliana Moreira [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The present study was carried out at the Municipalities of São Paulo and Guarulhos with undergraduate nursing students and aimed at evaluating their knowledge regarding neonatal nursing and, if necessary, to contribute to the program reformulation. Thus, we would be able to improve nurses knowledge on the full-term new born care. In order to develop a structured questionnaire to be used as an instrument to measure the studied variable, aspects of the theoretical content related to the most common care procedures at the neonatal unit were selected. Authors found that students' theoretical knowledge on the theme was regular.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Ensino da reanimação neonatal em maternidades públicas das capitais brasileiras(Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria, 2005-06-01) Almeida, Maria Fernanda Branco de [UNIFESP]; Guinsburg, Ruth [UNIFESP]; Costa, José Orleans Da; Anchieta, Lêni Márcia; Freire, Lincoln M. Silveira; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: To analyze the teaching of neonatal resuscitation offered by Brazilian public hospitals to undergraduate doctors and nurses, pediatric residents and neonatal fellows. METHODS: This cross-sectional multicenter study included 36 hospitals in 20 Brazilian state capitals during June/2003. Local coordinators collected data regarding what the institutions offer to undergraduate doctors and nurses, pediatric residents and neonatal fellows in terms of neonatal resuscitation training and practical activities in neonatal delivery room care. Descriptive analysis was performed. RESULTS: Twenty-three of the 36 institutions had undergraduate doctors: at 13 of them students were given practical activities in the delivery room, 12 offered neonatal resuscitation training, and at two of the 13 hospitals, interns cared for neonates in the delivery room without specific training. Twenty-three of the 36 hospitals had undergraduate nurses: at eight of them students were given practical activities in the delivery room and at seven of them nursing students cared for neonates in the delivery room without specific training. Twenty-seven of the 36 institutions had pediatric residence programs: at all of them the trained residents cared for neonates in the delivery room, but this training was heterogeneous: theoretical training (2-3 hours) at four institutions and theoretical and practical training (4-64 hours) at 23. Additionally, 15 had neonatal fellowship programs: at all of these the trained fellows cared for neonates in the delivery room, but this training was heterogeneous: theoretical training (2 hours) at one hospital and theoretical and practical training (3-68 hours) at 14. CONCLUSION: Formal neonatal resuscitation training is insufficient during medical and nursing graduation and heterogeneously offered to pediatric residents and neonatal fellows.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Estratégias tecnológicas de ensino associadas ao treinamento em Suporte Básico de Vida(Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2011-01-01) Mori, Satomi [UNIFESP]; Whitaker, Iveth Yamaguchi [UNIFESP]; Marin, Heimar de Fatima [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness and advantages of the use of technological resources for teaching Basic Life Support (SBV) through a narrative review. We analyzed 29 articles published and indexed in these sources: Medline, PubMed and LILACS that used video, CD-ROM, DVD, websites and computer programs for teaching SBV. It was observed that the use of these resources may favor the acquisition of knowledge at levels similar or superior to methods of traditional teaching. Among the observed advantages cited were the reduction in training costs, ease of access and standardization of information.
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