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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação de alguns aspectos da aquisição e desenvolvimento da linguagem de crianças nascidas pré-termo(Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO, 2004-09-01) Pereira, Mara Rita [UNIFESP]; Funayama, Carolina Araújo Rodrigues; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The correction of the age of pre-term infants for the motor evaluation has been the accepted practice but it has not been clear in other areas. This study compared indicators of the acquisition and development of language, considering corrected and chronological ages. Twenty healthy infants born between the 28th and 36th week of gestation (median 32 weeks), weighing 800g to 2380g (median 1590g), 9 AGA and 11 SGA, were followed up to 15 months age. As a reference for normality, evaluation of Costa et al. (1992) was used, which groups predictable behavior in 5 levels. For receptive language, considering the chronological age, normal performance occurred at all levels except for Level I (0-3 months). For expressive language, considering the chronological age, 6 (12%) of the 50 evaluations showed normal performance. With their age corrected, in 16 evaluations (40%) the infants achieved the expected level, mainly at 6 and 12 months age. On the whole, for the chronological age, there was a larger number of AGA with normal performance (p<0.05). We conclude that with the use of the Costa method, it was unnecessary to correct the age for receptive language evaluation, and that, for the expressive, the high frequency of normal results at the corrected ages for 6 and 12 months, suggests that these ages constitute periods of intensification of vigilance.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A construção da usina hidrelétrica de Belo Monte: conflito socioambiental e impacto sobre as comunidades locais(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-09-15) Ramos, Andre Marconato [UNIFESP]; Alves, Humberto Prates da Fonseca [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This essay examines the political process of construction of the Belo Monte Dam. It uses concepts from Political Process Theory and other branches of Environmental Sociology to describe the construction as a social environmental conflict. In this sense the research expects to offer new elements to the analysis of the actual disputes among the main stakeholders involved in social environmental conflicts, regarding the most adequate developing model for the Amazon region and for the country. In other to achieve the goals mentioned above some methodological procedures were developed. Some of them should be highlighted: a) creation of a historical background and explanation of the essay?s main topics of discussion; b) case study about the construction of the Belo Monte Dam; c) field research with structured and semi structured interviews with different social actors involved in the social environmental conflict; d) analysis of the conflicts between different social actors. The essay concludes with some analyses of the actual political opportunity structure in the social environmental conflict around the construction of the Belo Monte Dam ? favourable to the government and the private investor. At the end of the text there is also a conclusion concerning the way how the federal government and the entrepreneur are using local development and sustainability discourses to strengthen the interpretative framework in favour of the construction. Finally the research presented a subject that relates to all the others: the role of science and the scientist in social environmental conflicts ? to criticize the actual Brazilian energy policy, but not forgetting to think of alternatives models that are viable in economic and social environmental terms.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Deficiência de ferro na criança(Associação Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia e Terapia Celular, 2010-06-01) Braga, Josefina Aparecida Pellegrini [UNIFESP]; Vitalle, Maria Sylvia de Souza [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Iron deficiency anemia afflicts an estimated two billion people and iron deficiency approximately 4 billion people in developed countries and is even more common in developing countries. In Brazil, depending on the region and age, studies point to high prevalences of iron-deficiency anemia in children. The high growth speed, which requires a greater amount of iron, connected with an inadequate iron diet and early weaning contribute to the high prevalence, mainly within the first 2 years of life. Other risk factors, such as prematurity, low birth weight, early umbilical cord clamping and weaning from exclusive breastfeeding may contribute. The impact of iron deficiency on growth is controversial as several other variables contribute to improve or worsen the nutritional status. Alterations in the psychomotor and neural-cognitive development of infants with iron deficiency have been reported in various studies with the catch-up growth rate after treatment being controversial. Additionally, some studies have demonstrated a decrease in the intellectual development and cognitive acquisition in school age children and adolescents that is reverted after iron therapy. The best preventive measure is nutritional education, however due to the high prevalence of iron deficiency anemia, other measures should also be used as iron supplementation and food fortification with iron.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Desenvolvimento de uma bateria de funções executivas para crianças na idade escolar(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-01-10) Silva, Andreia Cristina Correia da [UNIFESP]; Rizzutti, Sueli [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The executive functions are among the most complex aspects of cognition and involve different components, and such complexity is also reflected in the conceptual definitions because there is not yet consensus on its definition. Currently, however, many authors agree that executive functions are an integrated system comprising distinct domains such as shifting, updating, inhibition, switching, planning. The complexity of the construct is directly reflected in the assessment of executive functions and the construction of appropriate tasks since they do not measure just one skill. Additionally, several studies show that executive functions develop over the child's growth, being well established in the literature related to academic performance. This study is part of a broader project that has as main objective to develop and propose a battery to assess different domains of executive functions, so that it can be used with many participants of different ages, from childhood to adulthood, and also by different intellectual and socioeconomic levels. The aim of this study was the development of the battery for children between 6-12 years of age. The study was developed in successive steps: a) query the literature on the evaluation paradigms of executive functions for adaptation / construction of the tasks b) Pilot studies to assess the adequacy of the battery; c) testing in a group of children with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity. The results show that the battery has tasks that appear suitable to the purpose of evaluation, but some of them still require other changes. Future studies will determine which tasks can thus be more specific in the areas and components of executive functions. And yet, being in the public domain, does not require the use of equipment or paid programs, and can be used from the beginning of schooling to adulthood in people of different socioeconomic levels. And thus making neuropsychological assessment more accurate, sensitive and specific with respect to each executive domain, aiding in the diagnosis process.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Desigualdades no desenvolvimento socioeconomico no município de Cotia: análise das ações da administração municipal(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2015-02-09) Silva, Alcineide Pereira da [UNIFESP]; Costa, Julio Cesar Zorzenon [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This dissertation examines the issue of socio-economic development of the municipality of Cotia, located west of the Greater São Paulo. The indicators were based on the indices of human development, social responsibility and social vulnerabilities. The areas involved are education, health and housing conditions. The municipality of Cotia is divided into three regions: Caucaia do Alto with the highest concentration of agriculture, Centro that keeps the municipal government and various districts in its surroundings and finally the Granja Viana region which is the first access to Cotia through Raposo Tavares Highway towards Capital-Interior of Sao Paulo, high-income region with its gated communities and pockets with Sao Paulo features.Therefore, we used census data from IBGE and Seade, and municipal data to compose an analysis of social vulnerability of the municipality of Cotia and the performance or omission of the municipality in relation to the development of inequalities.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Empresas juniores e desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências: impactos na vida profissional e pessoal de discentes(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-11-30) Ashida, Gabriela Akemi de Souza [UNIFESP]; Duarte, Carla Grigoletto [UNIFESP]; Morano, Rogério Scabim [UNIFESP];; pesquisa buscou compreender os impactos que a participação de discentes nas Empresas juniores tem na vida pessoal e profissional. O empreendedorismo apresenta grande importância para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico de uma nação através da sua capacidade de inovação. Nesse contexto, a educação empreendedora busca promover o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências, possibilitando que as pessoas se tornem mais aptas e suscetíveis a abrir seu próprio negócio, e consequentemente gerando impactos econômicos positivos. O papel das universidades, neste contexto, se mostra essencial, uma vez que é possível promover esse tipo de educação no ambiente universitário, seja no currículo do curso ou por meio de atividades extracurriculares, como no caso da empresa júnior (EJ). A EJ é um espelho de uma empresa sênior ao que diz respeito à oferta de produtos e serviços, sendo gerida pelos próprios discentes do ensino superior e possibilita desenvolver habilidades como trabalho em equipe, liderança, resiliência, criatividade, pensamento crítico e gerenciamento de projetos através das experiências práticas que os discentes vivenciam nesta extensão e nas quais, serão usufruídas dentro e fora do ambiente universitário. Considerando isso, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura com o intuito de identificar como se dá a construção de habilidades em um ambiente empreendedor e de experiência prática e quais são importantes para os atuais e futuros ingressantes no mercado de trabalho. Assim, é importante entender quais realmente são os impactos da EJ’s na vida pessoal e profissional de discentes, verificar se os benefícios podem ser comparados aos malefícios e quais impactos esse tipo de atividade tem no desenvolvimento de habilidades. A pesquisa avaliou a percepção de discentes universitários quanto ao desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências de importância no mercado de trabalho durante experiências em empresas juniores. A pesquisa qualitativa foi realizada através da disponibilização de um questionário para coleta de dados, em plataformas de redes sociais para discentes e ex-discentes que já participaram de empresas juniores. Ficou claro a importância da participação na empresa júnior independente da área de conhecimento a qual ele pertence. Local onde serão desenvolvidas habilidades que corroboram para sua vida pessoas e principalmente profissional. Em 9 das 10 habilidades a avaliação foi positiva, com destaque para Liderança e influência social, Resiliência, tolerância ao estresse e flexibilidade e Pensamento crítico e analítico e 1 delas, ainda que com menor rendimento, Programação e design de tecnologias, também apresenta oportunidades de desenvolvimento. Menos de 15% teve algum tipo de prejuízo no rendimento acadêmico, um número muito baixo, principalmente se comparado aos resultados sobre o mercado de trabalho, no qual 94% dos participantes têm impressões positivas sobre o impacto da participação na EJ. Com os dados apresentados, fica evidente que a participação em empresas juniores auxilia no desenvolvimento de habilidades relevantes para a formação de novos profissionais.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Nestin down-regulation of cortical radial glia is delayed in rats submitted to recurrent status epilepticus during early postnatal life(Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO, 2009-09-01) Scorza, Carla Alessandra [UNIFESP]; Arida, Ricardo Mario [UNIFESP]; Scorza, Fulvio Alexandre [UNIFESP]; Cavalheiro, Esper Abrão [UNIFESP]; Naffah-Mazzacoratti, Maria da Graca [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)OBJECTIVE: Nestin is temporarily expressed in several tissues during development and it is replaced by other protein types during cell differentiation process. This unique property allows distinguishing between undifferentiated and differentiated cells. This study was delineated to analyze the temporal pattern of nestin expression in cortical radial glial cells of rats during normal development and of rats submitted to recurrent status epilepticus (SE) in early postnatal life (P). METHOD: Experimental rats were submitted to pilocarpine-induced SE on P7-9. The cortical temporal profile of nestin was studied by immunohistochemistry at multiple time points (P9, P10, P12, P16, P30 and P90). RESULTS: We observed delayed nestin down-regulation in experimental rats of P9, P10, P12 and P16 groups. In addition, few radial glial cells were still present only in P21 experimental rats. CONCLUSION: Our results suggested that SE during early postnatal life alters normal maturation during a critical period of brain development.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Neurogenesis induced by seizures in the dentate gyrus is not related to mossy fiber sprouting but is age dependent in developing rats(Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO, 2008-12-01) Sanabria, Yaima Del Carmen Garrido [UNIFESP]; Argañaraz, Gustavo Adolfo [UNIFESP]; Lima, Eliângela de [UNIFESP]; Priel, Margareth Rose [UNIFESP]; Trindade, Edvaldo da Silva [UNIFESP]; Loeb, Luana Mazzacoratti [UNIFESP]; Scorza, Fulvio Alexandre [UNIFESP]; Cavalheiro, Esper Abrão [UNIFESP]; Amado, Débora [UNIFESP]; Naffah-Mazzacoratti, Maria da Graca [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG) has attracted attention since abnormal supragranular mossy fiber sprouting occurs in the same region, in temporal lobe epilepsy. Thus, we submitted developing rats to pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus (SE) to study the relationship between neurogenesis and mossy fiber sprouting. Groups were submitted to SE at: I-P9, II-P7, P8 and P9, III-P17 e IV-P21. Neurogenesis was quantified using BrdU protocol and confirmed through double staining, using neuronal pentraxin. Other animals were monitored by video system until P120 and their brain was studied (Timm and Nissl staining). The neurogenesis at P17 (p=0.007) and P21 (p=0.006) were increased. However, only P21 group showed recurrent seizures and the mossy fiber sprouting in the same region, during adult life, while P17 did not. Thus, our results suggest that neurogenesis is not related to mossy fiber sprouting neither to recurrent spontaneous seizures in pilocarpine model.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosPerfil clínico de crianças com atraso no desenvolvimento acompanhadas em serviço de referência do município de Belém/PA(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2013-04-23) Souza, Isabel Cristina Neves de [UNIFESP]; Puccini, Rosana Fiorini Puccini [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: To describe profile of children aged 0 to 12 years referred for reference service in Belém with suspected developmental delay or developmental delay established regarding the diagnosis and risk factors. Methods: Cross-sectional study of 642 children and analytical Ambulatory Service Development Walk in the period August 1, 2007 to July 31, 2010, whose data were analyzed by the programs Bioestat 5.3 and Statistica 8.0. Results: 78.6% of the children studied was founded in Belém, 34.8% of UBS and PSF forwarded and 60.1% by physician. The main reason for referral was isolated language delay (31.3%). Most children were male (62.6%) aged admission more common in children under 6 years. The maternal age group with the highest prevalence was 20 to 30 years both at birth, on admission, 58.6% and 46.6% respectively. Regarding education of mothers prevailed over 8 years of study with 54.8%, with 52% of family history of developmental delay, 45.4% with divorced parents, 87.6% with mother as primary caregiver, 56 8% with housing density of 5 or more residents and 80% with per capita income less than half the minimum wage. Prenatal care was not performed or was incomplete in 41.9% of mothers with pregnancy complications of 70.6% and 60.7% of peri / neonatal. The delivery was normal, 65.5% of mothers. Urinary tract infection was the most frequent complication pregnancy (39.3%) and perinatal hypoxia was possible in 57.8%, followed by jaundice, prematurity and low birth weight. Were hospitalized in the neonatal period 36.9% and 76.9% of children were hospitalized in the same period by more than 5 days. In assessing the multidisciplinary language disorder was the most frequent with 82.4% Assessment of neuropediatrician occurred in 80% of children, with 98% of the changes and EEG examination was performed more (44.2%) in children. 20.6% of 642 children received a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy, followed Disorder Joint Development with Mental Disabilities 13.4% and 11.1%. Correspondence analysis of the variables age and functional alteration of perception and risk factors and diagnosis observed association between them. Conclusion: The assessment of children with developmental delay part of the identification of risk factors, involves the verification of functional alterations and etiological investigation, which should be a parallel intervention functional because the institution of early treatment improves performance, provides well -being the child and his family, gives future prospects.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Risco, proteção e resiliência no desenvolvimento da criança e do adolescente(Departamento de Psicologia - Universidade Estadual de Maringá, 2005-08-01) Sapienza, Graziela [UNIFESP]; Pedromônico, Márcia Regina Marcondes [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Risk, protection and resilience are current issues in mental development researches. Risk factor concept is already well Risk, protection and resilience are current issues in mental development researches. Risk factor concept is already well delimited, but protection factors and resilience are still mixed. Risk factors are related to environmental variables that increase the probability of bad consequences in development. On the other hand, the protection factors are associated to individual resources that decrease the risk effects, while resilience is usually related to individual protection factors that predict positive consequences in individuals exposed to an environment of risk. This paper shows how some studies describe those issues (risk, protection and resilience), pointing factors that can make an individual more or less vulnerable to risk, and also, the way some can be resilient when facing the adversities. That is, how some children and adolescents can overcome all the risk factors they have been exposed to and still develop as expected.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Tradução e adaptação para o português do Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function - BRIEF(Curso de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2012-01-01) Carim, Daniela de Bustamante [UNIFESP]; Miranda, Mônica Carolina [UNIFESP]; Bueno, Orlando Francisco Amodeo [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The aim of this study was to translate and adapt the BRIEF into Portuguese. The process of translation and adaptation followed the steps recommended in the international literature. Besides that, an initial analysis of psychometric properties was performed. The final version was administered in a sample of 277 parents, 282 teachers of children between 5 and 11 years old, and 112 adolescents between 11 and 18 years old from the city of Rio de Janeiro. The Cronbach Alphas ranged between .901 and .957 considering the three forms. The main component analysis extracted two dimensions. The internal consistency values found in the Brazilian version resembled the original version, ensuring good quality in the process of translation and adaptation.