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- ItemSomente MetadadadosAccessibility and aesthetic experience: work with women in vulnerability situation(Inst Medicina Tropical Sao Paulo, 2016) Liberman, Flávia [UNIFESP]; Maximino, Viviane Santalucia [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This article reports partial results of a research called Cartografias Femininas and exposes strategies used in the care of women that live in a high-vulnerability region of the city of Santos, SP. Work scenes and excerpts of research diaries address the concept of accessibility in its multiple facets from the various categories associated with the architectural barriers, physical and geographical, communicative, methodological and instrumental, and attitudinal. Also explores the concept of aesthetic experience, stating its importance in the care process of women marked by this territory and its problems. Articulating different actors: teachers, students and women, presents the Metodo da Colheita (Harvest Method), technology that facilitates access to physical and aesthetic practices and a space of art and culture, so that the aesthetic experience can take place. Through statements made to the participants bet on the possibility of putting people in motion, triggering processes of creation, engendering new existential territories and reinventing lives. These are main targets of the occupational therapy pratices.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAfetividade e potência de ação na construção das práticas dos agentes comunitários de saúde na estratégia saúde da família(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2016-03-18) Moura, Raul Franklin Sarabando de [UNIFESP]; Castro-Silva, Carlos Roberto de [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Community Health Worker (CHW)?s work, located between the health service and its community, is marked by a strong relational dimension. This worker, responsible for the mediation of these healthcare subjects? actions, builds his role based on previous knowledge and information received in his daily contact with colleagues and the population. His performance is built upon the combination of this knowledge with his own affective references, which will guide the manifestation of his thoughts and actions on the territories he passes through. Thus, we reflect upon the dimension of affectivity as a dialectical psychical category (LANE, 2006) and also Baruch Spinoza?s (2013) theory of the affects, according to commentaries and interpretations by Deleuze (2002) and Sawaia (2001a; 2001b), so we can comprehend its role in the building of this worker?s practices and its political implications, particularly in the context of a highly vulnerable territory. We understand as such, based on the concept of vulnerability discussed by Ayres, Paiva and Buchalla (2012), a territory whose material and socio-historical conditions are felt by its inhabitants as fragilizing, through the experience of inequities and situations that lead to ethical-political suffering (SAWAIA, 2001b). This research, based on those references, had as its objective to comprehend the role of affectivity in the politization of the work process and elaboration of politically transforming practices in the CHW?s actions within the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in highly vulnerable territories. This study was based on etnography applied to psychology (SATO; SOUZA, 2001), consisting on accompanying the routine of the healthcare service and the CHW during four months, using the technique of participant observation (MINAYO, 2010). Collected data was registered on field diaries (GEERTZ, 2013) and analyzed according to the Depth Hermeneutics (THOMPSON, 1995; DEMO, 2001) theory. The healthcare unit in which the study was conducted was in a moment of transition in its attention model, from the Community Health Worker Program (CHWP) to the FHS. Results point to the relevance of the CHW?s affective bond to his territory for sharing experiences with colleagues and the population; the supportive role played by the work team in understanding situations of vulnerability; the importance of building open relationships while respecting alterity in daily relations; and the impact of macropolitical aspects on the attention model?s transition. The CHW?s own affectivity, as it sensitizes him to the difficulties and inequalities of the territory, works in a political dimension as it fights against the naturalization and continuity of these situations. At the same time, this affectivity puts into action other care resources that lead to improvements. This delicate place which the CHW occupies speaks of the development of a subjectivity within a particular cultural context that, precisely due to this placement, can find its own solutions to local problems, even if restricted by macropolitical aspects. It?s the creation of a contextualized political action, brought up by the affective experience and questioning of one?s own reality.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Análise de vulnerabilidade de armazenamento de nafta utilizando o software aloha(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-12-01) Freitas, Bianca Lucinari [UNIFESP]; Albini, Kathleen Fioramonte [UNIFESP]; Concha, Viktor Oswaldo Cárdenas [UNIFESP]; Bahú, Juliana Otávia;;;; estudo dos cenários de risco no setor petroquímico é de extrema relevância atualmente, devido aos incidentes e acidentes que têm ocorrido nos últimos anos, resultando em prejuízos financeiros significativos, perdas de vida e danos ambientais e sociais consideráveis. A análise de vulnerabilidade é uma ferramenta essencial para avaliar e gerenciar os riscos associados a acidentes com substâncias perigosas ou energia descontrolada. Por meio dessa análise é possível identificar as áreas vulneráveis dentro de um cenário de risco e adotar medidas de prevenção e mitigação para minimizar os danos causados por esses acidentes. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma análise de vulnerabilidade do armazenamento de nafta em uma indústria petroquímica, utilizando o software ALOHA, a fim de prever e dimensionar os possíveis danos e riscos tanto na planta quanto em suas imediações. A metodologia adotada pelo software compreende a coleta de dados do tanque de nafta, configuração do modelo, identificação de perigos, aplicação da abordagem Bow Tie, avaliação de cenários de risco, análise de vulnerabilidades e a elaboração de um relatório abrangente. A análise revela a existência de três zonas críticas: a 'zona quente' com um diâmetro de 69 metros, caracterizada como potencialmente perigosa devido a uma radiação térmica de 10 kW/m²; a 'zona morna', abrangendo 101 metros de diâmetro, indicando riscos de queimaduras de segundo grau com uma radiação térmica de 5 kW/m²; e a 'zona fria', com um diâmetro de 160 metros e uma radiação térmica de 2 kW/m², associada a riscos menores. Este estudo desempenhou um papel crucial na aprimoração da segurança na indústria química, visando mitigar os efeitos adversos de acidentes no armazenamento de nafta. Ao evidenciar a relevância do incêndio em poça na instalação industrial e sua possível influência nos tanques adjacentes, foi possível ressaltar a necessidade de investigações sobre o efeito dominó. As conclusões ressaltam a vitalidade da gestão de riscos e da utilidade do software ALOHA, proporcionando implicações substanciais para a segurança e desenvolvimento de futuros projetos na indústria petroquímica.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação da vulnerabilidade das águas subterrâneas na bacia hidrográfica urbana do Ribeirão dos Couros, municípios de Diadema e São Bernardo do Campo, SP(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2019) Vieira, Suellen de Melo [UNIFESP]; Leite, Claudio Benedito Baptista [UNIFESP];; Bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão dos Couros, uma sub-bacia da Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Tietê, a qual compreende os municípios de Diadema e São Bernardo do Campo, é caracterizada por sua alta densidade populacional, alta demanda de água subterrânea e concentração de numerosas indústrias de diferentes setores. Segundo as prefeituras, o DAEE e a CETESB, localizam-se na área cerca 1030 empreendimentos dentre comércios, indústrias diversas e postos de combustíveis; 80 registros de locais que já sofrem contaminação e 241 poços de captação de água subterrânea. O uso da água subterrânea na região cresce a cada ano e planos de uso e conservação do solo e água ainda são insuficientes e necessitam de estudos mais detalhados. A vulnerabilidade intrínseca dos aquíferos, resultante das propriedades hidrogeológicas e geológicas do sistema de águas subterrâneas determina a sensibilidade do sistema frente aos impactos humanos e/ou naturais. A avaliação da vulnerabilidade e perigo a contaminação é uma importante ferramenta na proteção da qualidade das águas subterrâneas, indicando as zonas mais sensíveis a atividades antrópicas responsáveis pela degradação das águas subterrâneas. A fim de se estabelecer um primeiro passo frente à contaminação de aquíferos, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo mapear a vulnerabilidade das águas subterrâneas à contaminação na Bacia Hidrográfica do Ribeirão dos Couros. Ométodo AVI, é um método de avaliação da vulnerabilidade com base na resistência hídrica, estimada pela divisão da profundidade do nível d´água pela condutividade hidráulica, resultando um tempo de percurso vertical, representando um possível tempo que um contaminante dissolvido levará para atingir a zona saturada do aquífero). É um método quantitativo, não arbitrário, indicado para escalas locais e não fazendo uso da recarga como parâmetro de avaliação, o torna adequado para estudos em escala local e em áreas altamente antropizadas com pouca influência da recarga. Qualitativamente divide a avaliação da vulnerabilidade em muito baixa - para resistências hídricas maiores do que 10.000 anos, baixa, entre 1000 a 10000 anos, moderada entre 100 e 1000 anos, alta entre 10 e 100 anos, e, extremamente alta menores que 10 anos. Os resultados da avaliação da vulnerabilidade pelo método AVI apontaram 94% da área com vulnerabilidade extremamente alta e 6% de vulnerabilidade alta. A fim de melhorar a visualização da vulnerabilidade na Bacia do Ribeirão dos Couros, contudo não alterando o resultado físico atribuído pelo método AVI, o mapa de vulnerabilidade foi apresentado qualitativamente em vulnerabilidade A1 – menor do que 360 dias; A2 – entre 360 e 1200 dias; e, A3 maior do que 1200 dias. O resultado apontou 66% de áreas com Vulnerabilidades A1; 17,5% de Vulnerabilidades A2; e, 16,5% com Vulnerabilidades A3. Visto a importância socioeconômica da área e a vulnerabilidade das águas subterrâneas observadas recomendam-se a discussão e implementação de medidas de proteção.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação do método Drastic na estimativa da vulnerabilidade intrínseca das águas subterrâneas no Sistema Jacaré-Tietê/Sp(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2018-04-18) Tanajura, Douglas Da Silva [UNIFESP]; Leite, Claudio Benedito Baptista [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Water is the most precious natural resource on Earth planet. Understanding the hydric dynamics of groundwater has resulted in socioeconomic advances and new perspectives for the native populations of previously inhospitable regions. In the opposite direction of the improvement process of the life quality, it’s increasing the presence of anthropic activities with exacerbated consumption of water and with high polluting potential. The various difficulties found in increasingly complex contamination scenarios shown that preventive control of soil and land use is indispensable for the management of water resources in more vulnerable areas. In an attempt to meet this challenge, due to its importance in the scientific literature and its application in studies worldwide, the DRASTIC was defined as the method for assessing the groundwater intrinsic vulnerability in the area of the Jacaré-Tietê System. The vulnerability mapping allowed the observation of systematic problems in the structure of the DRASTIC method, mainly the low sensitivity of the parameters Recharge and Hydraulic Conductivity in the scale of this work, keeping constant all over the study area. In view of this, were proposed modifications in the approach of the parameters Recharge and Hydraulic Conductivity, and new classes of vulnerability aiming the prioritization of more susceptible areas to contamination. In the framework of the proposed modifications, the Recharge parameter has modified to be delimited by the spatial limits of the geologic formations, and the Hydraulic Conductivity parameter was replaced by the Soil Coverage parameter, in order to significantly improve its spatial sensitivity in obtaining and mapping the vulnerability. The obtained results shown the made modifications influenced the spatial variation of the seven DRASTIC parameters, bringing all of them to present adequate sensitivity to the DRASTIC work scale and the heterogeneities of the study area, approaching, undoubtedly, the real conditions found in the area of the Jacaré-Tietê System. Therefore, this work met the proposed objectives and brought significant contributions to the discussions concerning the changes in the DRASTIC method to assess the groundwater intrinsic vulnerability. Finally, it’s recommended that vulnerability estimation methods, selected according to their suitability to the different needs, be applied by the public authorities as tools for the zoning rules for soil land use and land cover aiming the water resources protection.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O caminho das pedras : cultura de uso de crack em Pernambuco(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-02-10) Almeida, Renata Barreto Fernandes de [UNIFESP]; Nappo, Solange Aparecida [UNIFESP]; Santos, Naíde Teodósio Valois;;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)In the last decades, drug use problems had became worrying, with serious consequences for the individual, his family and community, compromising the daily life of hundreds. Crack cocaine consumption emerged in Brazil in the late 1980's, and rapidly the phenomenon expanded and spreaded in whole country. Several researches point to a close relationship between the use of this drug and situations of vulnerability experienced by users. Considering the relevance of the issue, our work aimed to describe the culture of crack cocaine use in the State of Pernambuco, taking into account the set of knowledge, practices and worldviews shared by these users. For the development of this study we used a qualitative approach in which 39 semi-structured interviews of people over 18 years who used crack cocaine attended in the ATTITUDE Program – Comprehensive Care Program for Drug Users and their Families, managed by the Executive Secretary on Drug Policy of Pernambuco. It is an exploratory research on various aspects related to the culture of crack cocaine use. The analysis of the narrative data was performed based on the technique of content analysis, using the software NVivo v. 10.0. The results revealed the relationship between the social context in crack cocaine use and the increase of vulnerability situations experienced by these users. Several factors lead people to use the drug, but the curiosity and influence of friends were the most common. The interviewees described preference to use crack cocaine by oneself, in handmade pipes, without mixing of other drugs. The addiction on crack cocaine was observed in almost all the interviewees. Just few participants believed in the possibility of a controlled use of the drug. Compulsive use in binge pattern, and evolving with illicit or criminal acts to obtain the drug was recorded. Some criminal activities were informed to be realized on craving behavior to get fast financial return and to obtain the drug. Conflictive situations among users and imminent threats of death or imprisonment were observed in several reports. Finally, it is important to note that qualitative research related to crack consumption in Brazil is still scarce. Given the complexity of this problem, larger scientific investments need to be done to subsidize public policies on care and treatment turned to crack cocaine users attention to crack users.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Caracterização dos homens usuários de crack no Brasil(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021-08-06) Silva, Larissa [UNIFESP]; Nappo, Solange Aparecida [UNIFESP];;ção: Entre as modalidades de consumo da cocaína, os usuários de crack são um grupo específico com histórico de marginalização que manifestam uma série de vulnerabilidades, sendo que desde a disseminação do crack no Brasil, os homens sempre foram maioria dentro da cultura de uso do crack. Objetivo: Traçar um perfil dos homens usuários de crack no Brasil por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, analisando a trajetória de uso a partir de um recorte de gênero. Método: O presente trabalho foi elaborado a partir de uma revisão da literatura entre os anos de 2010 à 2020, abordando temas específicos para os homens usuários de crack no Brasil. Os temas escolhidos foram: recorte de gênero, perfil sociodemográfico, início do uso, meios para obtenção da droga, tratamento e a visão da mídia e da sociedade a respeito desses usuários. Resultados/Discussão: Os homens são maioria dentro do cenário de uso de crack no Brasil e estão expostos extensivamente a situações e comportamentos de risco físico, como descuido com a própria saúde, alto índice de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis e exposição a uma série de doenças, como comportamentos de risco social, como a vivência em situação de rua e a alta taxa de atos delitivos que exercem a fim de comprar drogas. Conclusão: O poder de dependência da droga, a fissura provocada e a facilidade de acesso são fatores que não ajudam os usuários quando decidem por parar o consumo. O tratamento desses usuários deve envolver uma série de profissionais centrados no indivíduo de maneira humanizada. Por fim, ficou evidente a necessidade de uma aborgadem multidisciplinar no tratamento dos usuários em situação de dependência.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A co-dependência em adolescentes: correlações e apontamentos(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-05-29) Costa, Cintia Maria Rosa Faria da [UNIFESP]; Oliveira-Monteiro, Nancy Ramacciotti de [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: o conceito de co-dependência é permeado de controvérsias, mas tende a ser relacionado a dificuldades emocionais e comportamentais, relativas aos familiares de dependentes de substâncias psicoativas, podendo também abranger contextos de desestruturação familiar não associados à dependência dessas substâncias. Objetivo: analisar a co-dependência em adolescentes filhos de pais dependentes de substâncias psicoativas. Método: trata-se de um estudo descritivo e quantitativo realizado com 30 adolescentes, de 13 a 18 anos, de um município do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram utilizados: a Escala Spann Fischer, o Youth Self-Report, a Escala Egna Minnen Betraffande Uppfostran e o Questionário PPCT/Co-dependência, formulado especificamente para o estudo. Os dados desses instrumentais passaram por análise descritiva e correlacional. Os quatro adolescentes que apresentaram os maiores índices de co-dependência foram também avaliados por vértices do modelo PPCT (Pessoa Processo Contexto Tempo), de Bronfenbrenner e Morris. Resultados: não foi constatada correlação significativa entre a co-dependência e o tempo de exposição contínua ao dependente de substâncias psicoativas para os dois sexos, sendo constatada forte correlação entre tempo de exposição intermitente ao dependente de substâncias psicoativas para os meninos. Ainda, foi verificada forte correlação entre a co-dependência e problemas de ordem internalizantes e externalizantes para meninas, moderada correlação entre co- dependência e problemas internalizantes para os meninos, além de significativa associação entre co-dependência e estilos de vinculação de superproteção para os dois sexos, bem como entre co-dependência e estilos de vinculação de rejeição, mas somente quando relativa a outros cuidadores. Considerações finais: o estudo pôde ampliar a compreensão da co- dependência partindo-se de uma conjuntura biopsicossocial, o que transcende a mera existência de uma pessoa de convívio, portadora de dependência de substâncias psicoativas.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosComida de cá e de lá: processos migratórios e alimentação migrantes em situação vulnerável: narrativas de vida e trajetórias alimentares(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-03-19) Martins, Livia De Campos [UNIFESP]; Juzwiak, Claudia Ridel [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Migration processes and the migrant’s integration into the new society can intensify the vulnerability of the individuals, as well as of their groups, affecting their food practices. The objective of this study is to trace the food trajectories of vulnerable migrants, to identify the processes involved in their food choices, to investigate the adaptation strategies and processes adopted in their food practices, and to understand the re- signification of food in the host country. This is a qualitative study using the Narrative Methodology, based on semi-structured interviews. Participants were recruited through snowball sampling, and ten migrants with different nationalities and status were interviewed. Elements from The Food Choice Process Model were chosen as the basis for analysis of food choices. The interviews were analyzed with the Content Analysis technique. Accessing the migrants was difficult and, consequently, so was creating a bond with the population. Six categories were defined for the analysis: "Displacements: motivations, trajectories, and vulnerability", which summarizes the motivations for migration, displacements and how vulnerability presents itself in the migration context; "Cultural processes: acculturation", which explores the processes of acculturation, based on the migrants’ experiences with Brazilian cuisine; "Identity and food from here and there", which discusses perceptions of identity and how they are associated with the meanings of food; "Commensality and Traditions," which analyzes the act of eating in the company of others as a significant food ritual, and how rituals become traditions and central elements in celebrations; "Autonomy in migration: the role of support networks and the Human Right to Adequate Food", which discusses food autonomy in the face of migratory conditions, and the last category "The role of women: gender issues in food", which explores the role of women in eating practices. This study concludes that the economic hardship and intricacies regarding the language of the host country are factors associated with vulnerability. Overcoming integration challenges depends on the support provided by civil society organizations and ethnic groups, which influence attitudes of acculturation, how much contact the migrant has with local cuisine, and their autonomy in food choices. The cuisine of the country of origin, however, remains an important link between historical and cultural identities.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Consumo de crack a partir das perspectivas de gênero e vulnerabilidade: uma revisão sobre o fenômeno(Centro Brasileiro de Estudos de Saúde, 2014-04-01) Ramiro, Fernanda de Souza; Padovani, Ricardo da Costa [UNIFESP]; Tucci, Adriana Marcassa [UNIFESP]; Universidade de São Paulo (USP); Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The complexity of crack consumption has generated great challenges for managers. The objective of this study was to analyze, based on a ten-year literature review, gender issues and vulnerability conditions associated with this consumption. By searching on LILACS, PUBMED and PSYCINFO databases, 114 articles were located, of which 20 were selected. The results of those studies show that, instead of vulnerability, risk factors arise as cause for the development of abuse or dependence on psychoactive substances, as well as protective factors, which are evaluated here as for the construction of public policies for that population.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosConsumo de crack entre mulheres em situação de vulnerabilidade na Região metropolitana de Santos: um estudo qualitativo sobre o fenômeno(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014-02-26) Ramiro, Fernanda de Souza [UNIFESP]; Tucci, Adriana Marcassa [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The use of crack cocaine has been shown as a public health problem in recent times, given the complexities and vulnerabilities that underlie their use , and the difficulty of implementing effective public policies for this problem. Objective: To understand the perception of women using crack in vulnerable situations regarding your use in the metropolitan area of Santos. Method: The main instrument for data collection was a semi-structured interview. Data were analyzed from the perspective of content analysis. Results: There was a predominance of white women with low education, religio n, history of victimization and homelessness. 14 interviews were conducted , whose results were presented from the division into four themes: "Affective ties and social network”; "Activities and behaviors designed to meet the need of the drug "; " Usage history, forms and pattern of consumption, history of emotional and psychiatric problems, and treatment of substance"; and "Stigma, self-image, self-care and access to health care”. Regarding the "stigma, self-image, self-care and access to health care", we observed the difficulties of access to health and self-care, and negative self-image resulting from the construction of stigma and discrimination about women using crack. With regard to the "emotional bonds and support network," emerged the issue of positive affective bonds as protectors and structural factors that can contribute to reducing the vulnerability of individuals in relation to the use of drugs .Conclusion: It is suggested that the issues associated with crack use among women are mu st be exploited in order to facilitate the development and implementation of policies and public actions more reliable the specifics of their demands.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Contextos de vulnerabilidade para o HIV entre mulheres brasileiras(Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2009-01-01) Santos, Naila J. S.; Barbosa, Regina Maria; Pinho, Adriana A.; Villela, Wilza Vieira [UNIFESP]; Aidar, Tirza; Filipe, Elvira M. V.; Centro de Referência e Treinamento DST/AIDS Secretaria de Estado da Saúde; Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP); Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de FrancaThis article aims to identify contexts of vulnerability related to HIV among Brazilian women. From November 2003 to December 2004, a cross-sectional study was conducted in 13 municipalities in the five Brazilian regions. The study included 1,777 women with a positive HIV diagnosis and 2,045 women attending public health care services. There were no significant differences between the two groups concerning number of sexual partners. However, HIV-positive women had a history of earlier sexual initiation and lower frequency of condom use. Higher proportions of HIV-positive women had used drugs, had a history of previous STDs, and had been victims of sexual violence some time in their life. The findings suggest the importance of considering strategies for HIV prevention focused on women's empowerment as a whole, and not focused only on their individual behaviors.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Conviver com vivência: reflexões acerca do panorama da população LGBTQIAPN+ perante os Serviços de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos (SCFV) no contexto das políticas públicas de assistência social do município de São Paulo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-01-24) Santos, Lucas Sousa dos [UNIFESP]; Passador, Luiz Henrique [UNIFESP];; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A presente pesquisa de cunho qualitativo tem como objetivo tecer reflexões críticas sobre o panorama da população LGBTQIAPN+ perante as políticas de proteção social básica dos serviços socioassistenciais, mais especificamente, perante os Serviços de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos (SCFV), considerando o estudo da história da comunidade e do movimento LGBTQIAPN+ para que os processos que levaram essa população à marginalização e a situações de vulnerabilidade social e relacional sejam compreendidos no contexto brasileiro e paulistano, assim como seus impactos na sociabilidade e no convívio sócio-comunitário desses indivíduos. Estabelecem-se pontes entre a fragilização social e relacional vividas pela comunidade LGBTQIAPN+ e o acesso à convivência, segurança de convívio e fortalecimento de vínculos na perspectiva de um direito inserido no âmbito das políticas públicas que atue como agente edificador da participação cidadã desses sujeitos. Com isso, estima-se o avanço dos debates histórico-dialéticos e interseccionais entre pautas LGBTQIAPN+ e políticas públicas de assistência social para que propostas e sugestões estratégicas sejam traçadas, visando que esses sujeitos com vivências específicas que perpassam pelas dimensões identitárias, sexuais, biológicas e de gênero, possam ser visibilizados e tenham seus direitos assegurados num olhar específico através de futuras respostas concretas por parte do Estado.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Desafios contemporâneos em um mundo globalizado e financeirizado: análise da economia brasileira diante da pandemia(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-12-04) Paula, Gustavo Chaves de [UNIFESP]; Bressan, Regiane Nitsch [UNIFESP]; objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os impactos econômicos e sociais da crise da COVID-19 no Brasil, destacando a fragilidade da economia brasileira diante de períodos de instabilidade macroeconômica em um contexto globalizado e financeirizado. O recorte histórico adotado considera as mudanças no capitalismo pós-crise da década de 1970. Além disso, busca compreender como a pandemia agravou a tendência de primarização da economia e examinar as ações do país para mitigar os efeitos da crise, evidenciando as disparidades internas entre os grupos mais impactados. A interconexão dos mercados financeiros globais e a intensificação da financeirização, temas cruciais nas últimas décadas, desempenham um papel central na análise, proporcionando insights sobre os desafios enfrentados pelo Brasil. O estudo visa não apenas contribuir para uma compreensão mais profunda da relação entre a financeirização e a dependência externa na economia brasileira, mas também preencher a lacuna de análises críticas sobre o tema.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Epidemiologia do aborto inseguro em uma população em situação de pobreza Favela Inajar de Souza, São Paulo(Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva, 2008-03-01) Fusco, Carmen L. B. [UNIFESP]; Andreoni, Solange [UNIFESP]; Silva, Rebeca de Souza e [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This article compares the results of a survey carried out recently in a poverty stricken environment in São Paulo, Brazil - a country where abortion is illegal in most circumstances- to data from Cuba - where abortion is safe and legal, and data registries are reliable. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a community in the north side of the city, called Favela Inajar de Souza, with the purpose of estimating the frequency of unsafe, clandestine abortions and identifying socio-demographic characteristics and morbidity related to abortion in a poor population. All women aged 15 to 54 years that lived in this community (Census) were interviewed for this survey. The Chi-Square Test and the Fisher exact test were used for categorical variables, and analysis of variance was used for numeric variables. Throughout the analysis, the statistical significance level of 5% (p<0.05) was adopted. A high number of unsafe abortions and a high rate of post-abortion complications were detected in the studied population - the community of Favela Inajar. With regard to induced abortions, the only common features between the two populations were age and civil status. As opposed to what happens in Cuba, the analysis of the data from Favela Inajar shows that there were statistically significant associations between unsafe abortion and: income, educational level, internal migration and ethnicity. These findings indicate that this population is particularly vulnerable to unsafe abortion in face of the several forms of structural violence present in Brazil, which produce social inequity. The performance of safe and legal abortion, as is the case in Cuba, would change this scenario. Legalization of abortion in Brazil would mostly benefit poor women.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Ética do cuidado: a brinquedoteca como espaço de atenção a crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade(UNESP, 2013-06-01) Jurdi, Andrea Perosa Saigh [UNIFESP]; Amiralian, Maria Lucia Toledo Moraes; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)The aim of this paper was to report on a research project that originated at the meeting point between the health and social fields with the theory of maturation as the starting point. The field for this research was a community toy library and the individuals involved in the study were children, adolescents and the toy librarians. The daily work and the intervention work followed the precepts of action research, designed and carried out in association with action on or resolution of a collective problem. In constructing a care program for children focused on social factors, thereby establishing connections with other fields of knowledge, it can be understood that new forms of subjectivation and existence have been established, thus breaking the silences and silencing that pervade practices geared to children. The work that we did produced new possibilities for thinking about the human being and the social exclusion processes.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Identificação da vulnerabilidade da família na prática clínica(Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem, 2006-06-01) Pettengill, Myriam Aparecida Mandetta [UNIFESP]; Angelo, Margareth; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)In this paper we present a report of a clinical situation in which we identified the vulnerability of the family, propitiating to pediatric nurses the use of this concept in their practice and intervention with families. The study was carried out with a family that was going through a situation of a child illness and hospitalization. The vulnerability was identified in the interactions of family members with the illness, with other family members and with the health staff, and served as a guide for planning the nursing assistance. The interventions led to the strengthening of the family to face the situation and, for pediatric nurses, the recognition of the importance of using the results of theoretical research in their professional practice.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Mulheres Negras e HIV: determinantes de vulnerabilidade na região serrana do estado do Rio de Janeiro(Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo.Associação Paulista de Saúde Pública., 2010-12-01) Albuquerque, Verônica Santos; Moço, Ednéia Tayt-sohn Martuchelli; Batista, Cláudio Sergio [UNIFESP]; Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos; Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos Centro de Ciências da Saúde; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This quantitative study aimed at analyzing social, cultural and behavioral components related to HIV vulnerability from perception of black women who live on a specific region of Rio de Janeiro - the highland area. For that, 1,464 black women from different towns of this region were interviewed. The main components that influenced vulnerability of these women could be associated to some factors, like: poor schooling, poverty, and consequently a difficulty to access property and services, low rates of using condom appropriately and some gender perceptions that reinforce women's autonomy on protection decisions is very short.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)O papel da genética na dependência do álcool(Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria - ABP, 2004-05-01) Messas, Guilherme Peres [UNIFESP]; Vallada Filho, Homero Pinto; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)In this article we examined the heritability of alcohol dependence. A review of family, twin and adoption studies, allowed us to support the thesis of an important genetic component in this dependence. The transmission of this heritability occurs through a biological vulnerability associated to environmental factors, in a model called epigenetic. We also discussed the relationship between biological vulnerability and high-risk phenotypes for alcohol dependence. In the end, we briefly comment on the molecular genetic studies associated with this disorder.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Patients' perception regarding the influence of individual and social vulnerabilities on the adherence to tuberculosis treatment: a qualitative study(Biomed Central Ltd, 2017) da Silva, Rosiane Davina; Tavares de Luna, Fernanda Darliane; de Araujo, Aguinaldo Jose; Silva Camelo, Edwirde Luiz; Bertolozzi, Maria Rita; Hino, Paula [UNIFESP]; Batista Lacerda, Sheylla Nadjane; Lia Fook, Sayonara Maria; Ribeiro Monteiro de Figueiredo, Tania MariaBackground: Tuberculosis remains an important disease which mainly affects the majority of vulnerable individuals in society, who are subjected to poor living conditions and difficulties to access the services of public health. Under these circumstances, the present study aims to understand patients' perception in relation to the influence of individual and social vulnerabilities on the adherence to tuberculosis treatment. Methods: A qualitative descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in one large municipality at the state of Paraiba, Northeast of Brazil. The study subjects, who were residents of the study site, covered all tuberculosis cases diagnosed between March and June 2015. The sample was defined by the criteria of response saturation. All interviews were audio recorded, and data analysis was developed through the hermeneutic dialectic method and the theory of Generative Route Sense. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Sao Paulo (USP). Results: A total of 13 individuals were interviewed and the responses were identified into two analytical categories: the difficulties they had and the enabling factors they could mention during their tuberculosis treatment. Patients brought up social exclusion as an obstacle to treatment adherence, which, along with stigmatization, weakened their link with family members and health professionals. Moreover, economic precariousness was a major hindrance to the maintenance of a proper diet and transportation access to health centers. However, social support and directly observed treatment helped to break down barriers of prejudice and to promote individual and family empowerment. Finally, patients also reported that their will to live and faith gave them the strength to continue with the treatment. Conclusions: According to patients in this study, social support and the strengthening of links with family members and health professionals may reduce social exclusion and other difficulties they face, thus encouraging them to the adhere to tuberculosis treatment.