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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Meditações Sobre As Noções Comuns(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-08-20) Flavio, Bruno Victor De Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Andrade, Fernando Dias [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Ce Projet Consiste En Une Investigation Du Concept De Notion Commune Dans Le Premier Paragraphe Des Méditations De René Descartes. Mon But Est De Répondre Aux Raisons Pour Lesquelles Les Notions Communes Constituent La Base De L'argument Du Philosophe Dans L'oeuvre Sans Toutefois Pouvoir Justifier Les Connaissances, Comme Ce Sera Le Cas Avec Le Cogito. Pour Ce Faire, J'analyserai D'abord La Compréhension De Descartes Sur Le Sujet De La Raison Et Sa Manière D'enquêter Sur La Vérité, Comme Il L'explique Lui-Même Dans Son Discourse On Method. J'examinerai Ensuite Comment Le Thème Des Notions Communes Est Abordé Dans Les Méditations De La Première Philosophie, À Travers Les Objections Soulevées Contre Descartes Et Leurs Réponses Respectives Dans Les Réponses Aux Deuxièmes Objections, En Essayant De Préciser Quelles Seraient Les Notions Comme Dans La Philosophie Cartésienne. Enfin, À Partir De Ce Qui A Été Soulevé Sur Les Notions Communes Dans L"Ouvrage Cartésien, J"Analyserai Le Premier Paragraphe Des Méditations
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)A olaria da fidelidade: a recepção de Kierkegaard na antropologia da verdade de Heschel(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-01-24) Ribeiro, Andre Oswaldo Valenca [UNIFESP]; Macedo, Cecilia Cintra Cavaleiro De [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloThis research investigates the way in which Kierkegaard was received by Heschel’s thought. A surprisingly untapped field of research. Although concentrated on a single work, his last work, A Passion for truth, this reception reverberates on Heschel’s work as a whole. Beginning by the establishment of common concerns between Kierkegaard and the polish rabbi Kotzker, Heschel constructs a whole anthropological building composed of problems and emblems based on an experimental conception of truth and faith - the so-called “life of faith". Such a building, however, is covered by an essayistic nature of writing. From our analysis of Kierkegaard-Rezeption, we developed a conceptual platform for the prospection of what we have come to refer to as Heschel's “anthropology of truth”. An anthropology that, combining faith and truth from the perspective of an experiential knowledge of God, places simultaneously an extra-worldly framework ("celestification") and an emphasis on earthly tasks, a perspective we call "existential apocalyptic". The hybridity of this perspective marks the character of Heschel's anthropology of truth as a reflexive proposal that lies in the liminality of classifications. Such liminality is already visible in the pillar of the anthropological building, in which Heschel places a both a jew and a christic in a cooperative relationship.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Uma perspectiva sobre Edith Stein e a Fenomenologia(Univ Federal Ceara, Programa Pos-Graduacao & Filosofia, 2017) Savian Filho, Juvenal [UNIFESP]This article aims to present a vision of the connection between Edith Stein and Phenomenology, based on the philosopher's own texts and on the understanding of her desire for truth as a desire for objectivity.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Relações entre a retórica e a ciência na construção do discurso de apresentação da nova ciência civil de Thomas Hobbes nos Elementos da Lei Natural e Política(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-07-30) Bonanno, Marcelo Cerquera [UNIFESP]; Andrade, Fernando Dias [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The present work aims to determine how rhetoric, truth and science relate to Thomas Hobbes' The Elements of Law, Natural and Politic. We will try to identify Hobbes's target audience from that point on to uncover the construction of his discourse and the manipulation of rhetorical techniques within the work. For this, it will be fundamental to establish a separation between two different uses of rhetoric in the Elements: rhetoric as object and rhetoric as instrument. The construction of a new scientific discourse in opposition to the traditional political discourses will mark a work that will have in the horizon the rupture with the Aristotelian and Latin tradition, giving rise to a political science that will have the difficult task of transmitting its results in a culture dominated by values already absorbed by discursive structures that deal with politics in a completely different way. To present the new and to deal with what must be overcome will be the double record in which will insert the first presentation of the Hobbesian civil philosophy. It will, therefore, be fundamental to identify Hobbes's political and intellectual enemies. Among those who can shake civil society and restore men to the state of nature by means of internal warfare, those who cry out for a public space open to the clash of discourses and those who question the indivisibility of sovereign power by the attempt to interfere in the elaboration of the laws are those that deserve special attention on the eve of the English civil war. Finally, we will attempt to show how Hobbes accommodates the new science in a discourse that seeks at one and the same time to spread the truth, to call the attention of a specific audience, to open space for dialogue through elements recognizable by the current culture, and to establish a severe criticism of tradition and to the marks left by it in multiple cultural dimensions.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Verdade e historicidade em Heidegger: continuidades e rupturas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-11-27) Guimaraes, Deborah Moreira [UNIFESP]; Tranjan, Tiago [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)We intend to research how Heidegger thinks of the concept of truth during the 1920s, when he develops his main work, Being and Time (1927), and during the 1930s, when he develops his unpublished work Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event) (1989). The problem of truth is directly related to Heidegger’s project of a hermeneutic-phenomenological ontology, which confronts the philosophical tradition by challenging different conceptions of truth as adequacy, evidence, and consistency. Heidegger's engagement with Husserl's transcendental phenomenology and Dilthey's historical hermeneutics leads him to the conception of truth as unveiling. Beyond disruptions, we attempt to investigate continuities between Being and Time on one side and Contributions, on the other. We expect to find not a failure in the former, but rather an insufficiency on Heidegger’s questioning of truth. Such insufficiency should be considered within the scope of the transition from the problem of truth to the problem of historicity, since the fields of meaning opened by the world opening existentials are historically constituted. Based on the hypothesis that Being and time must rescue the hermeneutics of the facticity project to consolidate a practical genesis of significance, the objective of this thesis is to explain to what extent historicity becomes the key to read for possible continuities and ruptures. Therefore, this thesis consists of the formulation that the thinking after the turning is capable of realizing the aspirations of existential analytics by realizing that historicity is the basis of the problems of meaning and truth.