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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Adaptação transcultural da versão brasileira da Escala do Impacto do Evento - Revisada (IES-R)(Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2012-03-01) Caiuby, Andrea Vannini Santesso [UNIFESP]; Lacerda, Shirley Silva [UNIFESP]; Quintana, Maria Inês [UNIFESP]; Torii, Thais Suemi [UNIFESP]; Andreoli, Sergio Baxter [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Impact of Events Scale-Revised (IES-R) is used to screen for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The aim of this study was to assess the cross-cultural adaptation of the IES-R. The scale was translated into Brazilian Portuguese and culturally adapted. Reliability and validity were evaluated in 45 individuals divided into three groups of 15 (without PTSD, with PTSD, and treated for PTSD). Reliability was evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficient - ICC and Cronbach's alfa. Discriminant validity was evaluated by comparing mean IES-R scores in the three groups. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) was evaluated to determine cut-offs with higher sensitivity (s) and specificity (e) using the clinical interview (DSM-IV) as reference. The IES-R showed good reliability (ICC = 1; alfa from 0.75 to 0.93). The mean IES-R scores (p < 0.05) and ROC curve had good discriminant validity for a cut-off of 5.6 (s = 0.80, e = 0.70 and AUC = 0.81). The Brazilian version of IES-R showed good properties and can be a useful screening tool for PTSD.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Adaptação transcultural e consistência interna do Early Trauma Inventory (ETI)(Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2010-04-01) Mello, Marcelo Feijó de [UNIFESP]; Schoedl, Aline Ferri [UNIFESP]; Pupo, Mariana Cadrobbi [UNIFESP]; Souza, Altay Alves Lino de [UNIFESP]; Andreoli, Sergio Baxter [UNIFESP]; Bressan, Rodrigo Affonseca [UNIFESP]; Mari, Jair de Jesus [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de São Paulo (USP)Early life stress is a strong predictor of future psychopathology during adulthood. The Early Trauma Inventory (ETI) was developed to detect the presence and impact of traumatic experiences that occurred up to 18 years of age. The ETI was translated and cross-culturally adapted and had its consistency evaluated. Victims of violence that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were submitted to SCID-I and ETI. Ninety-one patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were included. Cronbach's alpha in the different domains varied from 0.595 to 0.793, and the total score was 0.878. Except for emotional abuse, most of the various domains displayed inter-item correlation rates of 0.51 to 0.99. The adapted version was useful for clinical and research purposes and showed good internal consistency and inter-item correlation. The ETI is a valid instrument with good consistency for evaluating history of childhood and adolescent trauma in adults.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAdaptação transcultural e validação do the Low Energy Availability in Females Questionnaire (LEAF-Q)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-03-18) Maria, Uyara Pereira De [UNIFESP]; Juzwiak, Claudia Ridel [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The Female Athlete Triad is a medical condition observed in athletes and physically active females involving, in its most extreme manifestation, low energy availability (LEA), amenorrhea and osteoporosis. LEA is considered the main component of the Triad, and seems to affect the functioning of several athletes’ physiological systems, characterizing the RED-s. Due to the difficulty in estimating all the Triad and energy availability (EA) components, this study aims to translate, culturally adapt and validate, in a group of Brazilian athletes, the Low Energy Availability in Females Questionnaire (LEAF-Q), whose purpose is to identify female athletes at risk of the Female Athlete Triad. The first stage of the study consisted of: translation, synthesis of translations, back-translation, review by independent experts committee and pre-test for the content validity in 20 athletes. In the second stage, for the reliability analysis and the construct validity, the adapted final version was applied in a sample of 127 athletes from several sports disciplines, and 54 of them answered the questionnaire in a second occasion. The results showed that, from the three domains that make up the instrument, only the "Gastrointestinal Function" construct had an acceptable internal consistency, with Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient of 0.61. The other two domains are composed by dependent items which, in association with the response pattern, possibly led to a low Alpha. However, the instrument presented excellent temporal stability (test-retest), with an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) of 0.92. The construct validity modeled by known or contrasted groups was confirmed after demonstrating that weight-sensitive sports athletes have a higher LEAF-Q mean score than team sports athletes, using Student's t-test (p≤0.05). Therefore, it is concluded that the Brazilian version of the LEAF-Q is an important tool, with validity evidence, besides temporal stability and textual and cultural adequacy to investigate the Triad risk. However, further studies are necessary to investigate the criteria validity, as well as the sensitivity and specificity of the Brazilian version of LEAF-Q.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosAnálise Da Estrutura Organizacional Dos Núcleos De Segurança Do Paciente Em Instituições De Saúde Da Rede Sentinela Do Município De São Paulo(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-11-30) Macedo, Renata Soares De [UNIFESP]; Bohomol, Elena [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The concern about Patient Safety was highlighted by studies that revealed unsafe health systems. The World Health Organization has positioned itself in 2004 and proposed the Global Patient Safety Alliance. In Brazil, in 2013, the National Patient Safety Program was launched, establishing the obligation to create the Patient Safety Nucleus in health care institutions. Objective: To develop and validate an instrumental of self-evaluation of the Patient Safety Nucleus and to describe the organizational structure of the hospitals of the Sentinela Network in the city of São Paulo. Method: In the first stage, carried out a non-experimental methodological study, divided into the following stages. (I) literature review; (II) validation of content of the preliminary instrument regarding clarity and pertinence by nine judges with experience in Quality Management and Patient Safety; (III) validation of the reliability of the final instrument by 12 coordinators of Patient Safety Nucleus. In the second stage, it was an exploratory and descriptive study, composed of 12 coordinators of the Patient Safety Nucleus. The participants answered to the self-assessment instrumental after consenting to the Free and Informed Consent Term. Discreptive statistics were used to present the results. Results: The validation of the content of the instrument was evidenced by consensus above 70% of the judges. The Internal consistency reached Cronbach’s alpha 0.857 for general instrument, 0.825 for the Domain Structure and 0.809 for the Domain Process. The instrument is structured in two domains, six topics and 65 items. The second stage evidenced that the Patient Safety Nucleus is implanted in the services and has the support and participation of the top management. In almost half of the nuclei the Structure Domain: “Human Resources and Materials” are shared with other sectors. In the Domain process, it was verified that the nuclei have totally or partially implanted the topics “Implantation of the Patient Safety Nucleus” and “Main activities of the Patient Safety Nucleus”. The items that presented the lowest percentages of implantation were: “Strategies for disclousere of the results to teams” and “ Notify the Adverse Events to the National Health Surveillance Service”. Improvement points were identified regarding “Guidelines and Actions of Sentinel Events Prevention”, “Strategies and actions for Risk Management” and “Training of health professionals” Conclusion: The instrument reached the evidences of content validity and reliability for self-evaluation of Patient Safety Nuclei in health services. In the services studied it was verified that there is a need to develop strategies for non-punitive culture, disclosure of results to teams, event notification, Sentinel Events prevention, Risk Management and Training of Professionals.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação da equivalência semântica da versão em português (Brasil) da Online Cognition Scale(Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2014-06-01) Silva, Hugo Rafael de Souza e; Areco, Kelsy Catherina Nema; Bandiera-Paiva, Paulo [UNIFESP]; Galvão, Pauliana Valéria Machado; Garcia, Analia Nusya de Medeiros; Silveira, Dartiu Xavier da [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); Universidade de PernambucoThis study evaluated the semantic equivalence of the Online Cognition Scale in Brazilian Portuguese. The process included five steps: translation, back-translation, technical review, evaluation of semantic equivalence by trained professionals, and evaluation of the instrument for content understanding by a group of professionals (n = 10) and students (n = 37). The instrument was translated and adapted to Portuguese, showing a high level of verbal comprehension by the target population. The adapted version for use in Brazil resulted in an equivalent instrument from the semantic and content point of view, ready for evaluation of its psychometric qualities in the Brazilian cultural context.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Avaliação das propriedades de medida do questionário Dance Functional Outcome Survey (DFOS)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-01-04) Gomes, Manuella Antunes [UNIFESP]; Yi, Liu Chiao [UNIFESP]; Martinez, Bruna Reclusa [UNIFESP];;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: A prática repetitiva na dança aliada ao tempo prolongado de prática expõe o corpo dos bailarinos à diferentes dinâmicas de movimentos e demandas estéticas, que contribuem para o alto índice de lesão. Enquanto existem questionários validados para diversas populações esportivas em diversas línguas, ferramentas adaptadas para as demandas específicas da dança ainda são escassas. O questionário Dance Functional Outcome Survey (DFOS) é um instrumento de autorrelato, desenvolvido para bailarinos clássicos, de dança moderna e contemporânea, com o foco nas lesões musculoesqueléticas da coluna e dos membros inferiores. Considerando que o questionário DFOS foi desenvolvido originalmente na língua inglesa, o objetivo do presente estudo é a adaptação do DFOS para o português do Brasil por meio de sua tradução, adaptação transcultural e avaliação da validade e confiabilidade da versão brasileira do questionário. Método: Participaram do estudo 119 voluntários: tradução e adaptação transcultural (n=65), validade e confiabilidade (n=54). Os voluntários foram bailarinos de ambos os sexos, maiores de 18 anos, com experiência mínima de três anos em ballet clássico, com ou sem lesões musculoesqueléticas. O processo de tradução e adaptação cultural foi realizado em cinco etapas: tradução inicial, síntese das traduções, back translation ou retro-tradução, comitê de especialistas e teste da versão pré-final. A validade de constructo foi avaliada correlacionando o questionário DFOS com a versão em Português do questionário de qualidade de vida Short Form-36 (SF-36) e efeitos de “chão e teto”. A confiabilidade foi testada através da avaliação da reprodutibilidade (coeficiente de correlação intraclasse – ICC), consistência interna (alpha de Cronbach), erro padrão de medida (standard error of measurement – SEM), mudança mínima detectável (minimal detectable change – MDC). Resultados: No processo de adaptação cultural do questionário DFOS para o Português do Brasil, a versão inicial em Português (V6) resultou em adaptações semânticas e culturais referentes à três itens do questionário. Ao ser aplicada pela segunda vez com as modificações necessárias, chegamos à versão final em Português (V7), uma vez que nenhuma questão apresentou mais de 10% de “não compreensão”. Quando correlacionado com os oito domínios do SF-36, o DFOS-Brasil apresentou moderadas correlações com os domínios de capacidade funcional (r=0,64; p≤0,001), dor (r=0,53; p≤0,001), vitalidade (r=0,43; p=0,001), aspectos sociais (r=0,46; p=0,001), saúde mental (r=0,43; p= 0,001), e fraca correlação com os domínios de aspectos físicos (r=0,33; p=0,014) e de estado geral de saúde (r=0,35; p=0,009). Apenas o domínio de aspectos emocionais não apresentou resultado significativo para o score total do DFOS (r=0,26; p=0,056). Além disso, o DFOS-Brasil não apresentou efeitos de “chão e teto”. A versão brasileira do questionário DFOS apresentou uma boa consistência interna (alpha de Cronbach = 0,83, excelente reprodutibilidade (ICC= 0,90) e alto nível de concordância (SEM = 2,25; MDC = 5,25). Conclusão: A versão brasileira do questionário DFOS demonstrou ser válida e confiável para detectar lesões musculoesqueléticas na região da coluna lombar e dos membros inferiores em bailarinos de dança clássica e moderna, podendo ser utilizada no âmbito científico e na prática clínica.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Boletim informativo sobre boas práticas no cuidado com lesões cutâneas no Hospital de Urgência e Emergência de Rio Branco – Acre(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2021) Nascimento, Monica Silvina Maia [UNIFESP]; Blanes, Leila [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloIntroduction: The aim of the newsletter is to disseminate knowledge on the use of good practices in the process of professional improvement and qualification inwoundmanagement. Skin lesions are characterized not only by the rupture of the dermis, epidermis, and subcutaneous tissue, but may eventually reach cutaneous muscles. Objective: To develop a newsletter on good practices in skin lesion management for an emergency and urgency hospital in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. Method: The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UNIFESP. A literature search was conducted from March 1 to August 31, 2019, usingmajor national and international databases, including LILACS, PubMed, Cochrane Library, andSciELO. Publications and guidelines from professional nursing societies, such as the Brazilian Association of Stomatherapy (SOBEST) and the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society (WOCN) were also included in the study. Results: The first edition of the online newsletter for health professionals of the General Hospital of Rio Branco (Hospital Geral de Clínicas de Rio Branco), addressing topics on tissue regeneration, was considered ready for release in May 2021, with plans for a quarterly release schedule. Conclusion: An online newsletter on good practices in skin lesion managementwas developed for the Emergency and Urgency Hospital of Rio Branco, Acre.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosConstrução e validação de um questionário de qualidade de vida da mulher no período menstrual(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2021) Moraes, Patricia Albuquerque [UNIFESP]; Barbieri, Marcia [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloIntroduction Menstrual symptoms may impact significantly on women lives. It has been noticed a growing number of women interested in widening the time between periods or even in terminating them, claiming this change would enhance their life quality. Objectives: To develop an instrument to assess women life quality during their menstrual period, to assess psychometric properties and to gain knowledge that affect women life quality during such time. Method: Methodological research which, after literature review and carrying out of a focal group, guided the development of an instrument draft. Content validation occurred through a judges committee. After pre-test phase, a data gathering was initiated with 469 women who filled up a questionnaire on site, at the clinic of family planning from Federal University of São Paulo, from November 2019 to March 2020 or virtually, due to COVID-19 pandemics, through Google Forms platform. Results were made public on social media from June to July 2020. To assess the plausibility of this model to the data, confirmatory fator analysis was used. In addition, exploratory fator analysis was carried out in order to assess the dimensionality suggested by the data using the method of main componentes and orthogonal rotation Varimax. Internal consistency was analyzed through Cronbach's alpha coefficient. On convergent validation, correlations among scores from women life quality questionnaire on menstrual time-window and WHOQOL-Bref dominions were analyzed through Spearman correlation. Averages among life quality on menstrual time-window were compared through Friedman non-parametric test. Results: Participating women average age in this study was 31 years old. Most was single (53,9%), having graduated from high school but not from college (42,2%), health professionals (30,3%) and students (22,2%). Confirmatory factorial analysis did not display a good fit against the original structure. An exploratory factorial analysis was conducted and, after excluding 23 items, the result was 14 factors that explained 69.6% of total data variance. Correlations between instrument scores and WHOQOL-Bref were positive and significant (<0.001). Cronbach alpha was shown adequate for 11 facets with values varying from 0.71 to 0.89. For the instrument total, it was excellent, with an alpha value of 0.91. Final version of this questionnaire was built from 42 items distributed in 11 facets which express women life quality in menstrual time-window. Concentration was the most affected life quality dimension with a 25.4 score, followed by body image and sexual activity. Conclusion: The woman’s quality of life questionnaire in the menstrual period show psychometric properties that translate themselves into a validated instrument which is both reliable and consistent. It collaborates toward the assistance of women health as an important tool.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosThe construction and validation of an instrument for the assessment of graduates of undergraduate nursing courses(Soc Brasil Pediatria, 2016) Vieira, Maria Aparecida; da Silva Ohara, Conceicao Vieira [UNIFESP]; Lopes de Domenico, Edvane Birelo [UNIFESP]Objective: to construct an instrument for the assessment of graduates of undergraduate nursing courses and to validate this instrument through the consensus of specialists. Method: methodological study. In order to elaborate the instrument, documental analysis and a literature review were undertaken. Validation took place through use of the Delphi Conference, between September 2012 and September 2013, in which 36 specialists from Brazilian Nursing participated. In order to analyze reliability, the Cronbach alpha coefficient, the item/total correlation, and the Pearson correlation coefficient were calculated. Results: the instrument was constructed with the participation of specialist nurses representing all regions of Brazil, with experience in lecturing and research. The first Delphi round led to changes in the first instrument, which was restructured and submitted to another round, with a response rate of 94.44%. In the second round, the instrument was validated with a Cronbach alpha of 0.75. Conclusion: the final instrument possessed three dimensions related to the characterization of the graduate, insertion in the job market, and evaluation of the professional training process. This instrument may be used across the territory of Brazil as it is based on the curricular guidelines and contributes to the process of regulation of the quality of the undergraduate courses in Nursing.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Construction and validation of clinical contents for development of learning objects(Assoc Brasileira Enfermagem, 2018) Hortense, Flávia Tatiana Pedrolo [UNIFESP]; Bergerot, Cristiane Decat; Domenico, Edvane Birelo Lopes de [UNIFESP]Objective: to describe the process of construction and validation of clinical contents for health learning objects, aimed at patients in the treatment of head and neck cancer. Method: descriptive, methodological study. The development of the script and the storyboard were based on scientific evidence and submitted to the appreciation of specialists for validation of content. The agreement index was checked quantitatively and the suggestions were qualitatively evaluated. Results: The items described in the roadmap were approved by 99% of expert experts. The suggestions for adjustments were inserted in their entirety in the final version. The free-marginal kappa statistical test, for multiple evaluators, presented value equal to 0.68%, granting a substantial agreement. Conclusion: The steps taken in the construction and validation of the content for the production of educational material for patients with head and neck cancer were adequate, relevant and suitable for use in other subjects.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Cross-cultural adaptation into portuguese of the Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment for Children (DOTCA-Ch)(Cuba Editora, 2017) Uchôa-Figueiredo, Lúcia da Rocha [UNIFESP]; Lima, Fernanda Felício de [UNIFESP]; Mendes, Renata Souza [UNIFESP]; Marques, Nataly Cristina Fachinetti [UNIFESP]; Matteuci, Mariana [UNIFESP]; Almada, Heloisa Sbrissa [UNIFESP]; Novelli, Marcia Maria Pires Camargo [UNIFESP]; Katz, NoomiIntroduction: The DOTCA-Ch Battery (Dynamic Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment for Children) is a specific assessment tool for occupational therapists (O.T.). The battery evaluates the cognitive performance of 6- to 12-year-old children, from 22 dynamic subtests distributed in five cognitive areas: Orientation, Spatial Perception, Praxis, Visuomotor Construction and Thinking Operations. Objective: To demonstrate how the cross-cultural adaptation process of the DOTCA-Ch Battery into Portuguese took place. Method: The DOTCA-Ch Battery was translated and adapted according to a rigorous methodology that proposes the translation, back-translation, and Conceptual, Cultural, Idiomatic and Semantic equivalence evaluation by a committee of experts and through a following pre-test. Results: The DOTCA-Ch Battery was translated and adapted for Brazilian Portuguese and back-translated to the original language. After that, a committee of five experts evaluated 375 items in order to assess the equivalences, taking into consideration the target population and the cultural context of Brazil. In the
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Desenvolvimento e validação de conteúdo de instrumento de avaliação da atenção nutricional no âmbito da atenção primária à saúde(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2017-10-25) Almeida, Ana Beatriz Pacito [UNIFESP]; Medeiros, Maria Angélica Tavares de [UNIFESP]; Santana, Angélica Barbosa Neres;;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdution: Food and Nutrition (F&N) actions has a central role in healthy promotion and prevention of health problems, and Primary Health Care (PHC) is strategic to the realization of this actions. However, although the Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição (PNAN) establish as the first guideline the organization of Nutritional Care (NC), this continue neglected in PHC and don’t be finded registries in literature about any instrument who propose evaluate it. According to the above, the justification to the realization of this study is based in the necessicity to elaborate and validate the content of an instrument, composed by questions and indicators, able to portray the situation in the Country about the NC provided in the units of PHC and assist the decisions. Objectives: Develop and validate the content of the Instrumento de Avaliação da Organização da Atenção Nutricional (IAAN) whitin the PHC. Methods: The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Universidade Federal de São Paulo on the number of notion 1.661.045. The elaboration of the instrument is based in a extensive literature review to identificate the F&N actions planned in the official guidelines and the possible repercutions for succes of NC. The instrument were reviewed by researchers of area and submitted to an pilot study. Was used the Delphi tecnic to obtain the consensus between the experts nutritionists and, consequently, validation of content of IAAN. The strategies to collect the participants to the validation process included, among others, contact with the profissional concils and researchers associations, and identification of the state coordinators of F&N. Results: The panel of experts was composed by nutritionists who work in different areas of PHC, videlicet: management, department, teaching and research; and all the macro regions of the Country was represented. The content of IAAN was validated in two rounds and its final version got 68 questions and 10 indicators: 1) Acting of nutritionist: graduate, knowledge, relation with the team, workload and work process; 2) Support to the NC actions: infrastructure and permanent education; 3) Intersectoriality; 4) Social control; 5) Food and Nutrition Surveillance; 6) Individual NC; 7) NC for groups; 8) NC at prenatal care; 9) NC at puerperium and breast-feeding; and 10) NC to the child’s health. Conclusion: The process of the validation was fundamental to assegurate the adequation and the representivity of the content of IAAN. The experts’ qualification support the analisys of the instrument and granted the credibility to the validation. The participation of all the macro regions of Brazil made possible the appreciation of the instrument by specialists who worked in different realities. The IAAN turn able the establishment of evaluative process and to represent a method to utilization in researchs. The results obtained with future utilizations could contribute to elaborate a representation of the lived situation in the Country and, therefore, subsidize decisions that promotes progress and improvements of NC.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEscala de avaliação da rede venosa Venous International Assessment (VIA): tradução para a língua portuguesa do Brasil, adaptação transcultural e proposta de revisão (VIA-R)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2021) Lopes, Mayara [UNIFESP]; Pedreira, Mavilde Da Luz Goncalves [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloObjective: Validate the translation and cross-cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese of the Venous International Assessment Scale (VIA-Scale). Methods: This is a study of methodological design, for which permission was obtained from the authors of the original scale and approval by the ethics committee. Translation processes and back translation of the instruments, synthesis of the versions and approval of the authors of the proposed versions in the back translation were outlined. For the validation of the translation into Brazilian Portuguese, using the Delphi technique, a committee of seven expert judges it. Consensus in the first round was analyzed through item score calculations (minimum of 21 points) and minimum indices of 0.8 for the item level content validity index. There was a suggestion to incorporate explanatory contents to the scale expressed in article of the original scale, but not incorporated into the instrument, being approved by the authors, deciding for the proposition of a reviewed version. In subsequent assessments by the committee of judges, a minimum of 18 points per item and content validation indices of 0.7 were established. To carry out the cross-cultural adaptation, 35 professional experts were invited, who performed the global assessment of the instrument (minimum indices of 0.75) through six attributes (understanding, simplicity, objectivity, typicality, relevance and credibility) and analysis of the scale ownership to support the professional's decision in peripheral catheterization. Results: Three rounds of the Delphi technique were necessary to reach consensus in the validation of the translation. In the first round 32 (86.5%) items were validated and the instrument had an average content validation index of 0.93 and universal agreement of 0.73. At the end of the three rounds, a content validation index of 0.96 and universal agreement of 0.78 were obtained. In the cross-cultural adaptation analysis stage, the scale has obtained an index of 0.77 and 90.5% of the participants judged positively the property of decision support for venipuncture. Conclusion: The process of translate validation and cross-cultural adaptation to the Brazilian-Portuguese language of the VIA Scale was carried out, with a revised proposal called the VIA-R Scale, which should be submitted to a clinical validation process.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosImpacto Dos Tratamentos Na Qualidade De Vida Em Pacientes Com Câncer De Próstata Localizado: Tradução E Validação Do Questionário Epic Para A Língua Portuguesa(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2017-06-28) Alves, Enaury De Oliveira [UNIFESP]; Ribeiro, Cassio Andreoni [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: Validation of the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC) questionnaire translated to Portuguese. This is an evaluation tool of the effects of treatment on quality of life of patients with prostate cancer. Materials and Methods: In order to translate and validate, several recommended methodological techniques in the literature were included: initial translation, synthesis of translation, board committee review and back translation. Sample included 40 patients with localized prostate cancer submitted to surgical retropubic radical prostatectomy from 2008 to 2010. Results: The internal consistency analysis of the scales of the questionnaire resulted in alpha Cronbach coefficients “very good” (> 0.9) and “good” (> 0.8) to 8 of 14 domains. The higher coefficients (0.94) were assigned to sexual score, subscales incontinence and sexual function. Post-operatory follow-up ranged from 3 to 35 months, median 18.7 months. Conclusion: The Brazilian version of EPIC is reliable and valid, and is a useful tool to evaluate the impact of retropubic radical prostatectomy on quality of life of Brazilian patients with localized prostate cancer, in national and internationals studies.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Lesões mamilo-areolares decorrentes da prática da amamentação: construção e validação de uma classificação sob o enfoque dermatológico(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-07-25) Cervellini, Marina Possato [UNIFESP]; Abrão, Ana Cristina Freitas de Vilhena [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objectives: to construct a new classification of nipple-areolar lesions resulting from the practice of breastfeeding with a dermatological focus and validate it, according to content and appearance. Methodology: the construction of the classification was based on the findings of two literature reviews, the knowledge acquired, and the clinical experience accumulated in breastfeeding assistance and injuries, and the qualitative analysis between the researchers and a specialist dermatology judge. The content and appearance validation process were developed using the Delphi technique and using a Likert scale with a score of one to four. The data collection took place electronically and the re-elaboration of the classification versions was performed after each round of responses. To verify the validity of the instrument was used the Content Validity Index with a minimum value of 80% and Kappa coefficient analysis with a significance level of 5%. Results: The proposed classification was sent to 10 judges and after the analysis of data from the first cycle of answers, 90 to 100% agreement was obtained for the items, definition, erythema, ecchymosis, edema, vesicle, fissure and erosion. Only the crust, did not obtain minimum value in the three variables judged: clarity, pertinence and comprehensiveness. With the second round of responses, a minimum agreement of 87.5% and maximum of 100% was reached. After statistical analysis, a Kappa Coefficient = 1 (perfect agreement) was obtained for the items definition, erythema, ecchymosis, edema, vesicle and erosion, Kappa = 0.46 (moderate agreement) for the fissure and Kappa = 0.58 (concordance moderate) to the crust. A new version of the classification was elaborated and sent to 16 specialists participating in the process of appearance validation. After the analysis of the data of the first cycle of answers, a minimum agreement of 94% and maximum of 100% was obtained. Subsequently, the final version of the classification was drawn up. This is the first classification of nipple-areolar lesions resulting from the practice of breastfeeding with morphological characterization and standardized dermatological language. The high percentage of agreement found, coupled with the great experience of the judges' committee in the content validation process, was able to confer even more quality for this classification, making it possible to use it in all health areas that work in breastfeeding care. Although appearance validation has demonstrated excellent agreement among breastfeeding experts, prior training may be required for its use. Conclusions: the study allowed the construction and validation of the proposed classification and presents several future perspectives for the teaching, research and assistance areas, which may help in the recognition of each type of nipple-areolar lesion, prescription of specific treatments and care.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Nursing care protocol for patients with a ventricular assist device(Assoc Brasileira Enfermagem, 2017) Machado, Regimar Carla; Girones, Purificacion; Souza, Andressa Rodrigues de; Moreira, Rita Simone Lopes [UNIFESP]; von Jakitsch, Camila Bomfim; Branco, João Nelson Rodrigues [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Objective: to develop and validate a nursing care protocol for patients with a ventricular assist device (VAD). Method: descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, for an instrument's methodological validation. Three stages were conducted: development of the instrument; protocol content validation according to the Delphi technique, and agreement among experts and the scientific literature. Results: based on the content validation, a care protocol for patients with a VAD was created and assessed by Spanish experts. Of the 15 items evaluated by means of the content validity index (CVI), 10 presented solid evidence of validation, with Kappa ranging between 0.87 and 1. Conclusion: the method enabled the validation of interventions that will contribute to qualified and standardized care for patients with a VAD.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Self-efficacy scale for the establishment of good relationships with families in neonatal and pediatric hospital settings(Univ Sao Paolo, 2017) Cruz, Andreia Cascaes [UNIFESP]; Angelo, Margareth; dos Santos, Bernardo PereiraObjective: The purpose of this study was to develop and test the psychometric properties of the Self-efficacy Scale for the Establishment of Good Relationships with Families in Neonatal and Pediatric Hospital Settings. Method: Methodological study grounded on self-efficacy theory was conducted in three phases: conceptual and operational definition (review of the literature and interviews with the target population), content validity (opinion of five experts e three clinical nurses), and exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency reliability (cross-sectional survey with a valid sample of 194 nurses). Results: A ten-point Likert scale with 40-item was designed and one item was excluded after review by experts. Three factors emerged from the exploratory factor analysis. The Cronbach's alpha for all items was 0.983 with item-total correlations in the range 0.657 to 0.847. Cronbach's alpha value if item deleted were less than or equal to 0.983. Conclusion: The final version of the scale demonstrated psychometric adequacy. It is a useful tool to be administered in the clinical, educational and research nursing fields to measure nurses' self-efficacy beliefs concerning the establishment of good relationships with families.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosTradução e validação da versão brasileira do questionário: “Attitudes Towards Mental Health Problems” (ATMHP)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2021) Miskalo, Daniela Cristina Leite Kisil [UNIFESP]; Souza, Fabiola Isabel Suano De [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloObjective: Translate the questionnaire “Attitudes towards Mental Health Problems” (ATMHP) into Brazilian Portuguese, validate its content, adapt and present evidence of validity of the ATMHP questionnaire in a population of students at the Federal University of São Paulo. Methods: ATMHP is a 4-point, self-report Likert scale with 35 questions to explore different aspects of attitudes towards mental health problems, divided in 5 domains: 1- family and community attitudes; 2 - external shame/stigma awareness; 3- internal shame; 4 and 5- reflected shame. The ATMHP scale was translated and back-translated following international standardization, and the version approved by the original author of the scale was submitted to a pre-test. The final version was applied to a population of 408 undergraduate and graduate students at the Federal University of São Paulo in the validation stage to verify internal consistency, dimensionality and convergent validity to the SCS scale of self-compassion. The estimated values for the model indicators were χ2/d.f. = 6.890, VA < 2; CFI = 0.741, VA >0.90; TLI = 0.719, VA >0.90; RMSEA = 0.120, VA < 0.06. Results: High internal consistency was obtained for the Brazilian version of the ATMHP scale (Global Cronbach's Alpha = 0.950, ranging from 0.855 to 0.948 for the domains). By factorial analysis, six factors explained 73.2% of the total variability of the 35 items, with good correlations with the original domains, except for Item 28 (I would be concerned about the effect on my family, with correlation = 0.483 and commonality of 44.7 %). Convergent validity showed a weak negative association between ATMHP and SCS scores. Conclusions: The ATMHP scale was translated and validated for Brazilian Portuguese and the Brazilian version with 6 domains proved to be robust and reliable for future applications in other populations. Based on the data, there seems to be a path to be explored, combining ATMHP and practices based on self-compassion and self-perception, but more studies are required.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Tradução, adaptação cultural e validação para a língua portuguesa da Parenteral Stress Scale:Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PSS:NICU)(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2009-06-24) Souza, Sandra Regina de [UNIFESP]; Dupas, Giselle [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introdução: a internação de um recém-nascido na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) é um acontecimento inesperado e assustador com o qual os pais não estavam preparados para lidar.Esse evento, que gera sofrimento na família, traz para os profissionais da saúde uma demanda de cuidado, cujo intuito é amenizar as repercussões dessa hospitalização no cotidiano da família. Como enfermeira neonatologista, a autora percebe o estrese dos pais no ambiente neonatal e a necessidade de instrumentos objetivos para identificá-lo e para elaborar as intervenções de enfermagem. No Brasil não encontramos um instrumento para avaliar este tipo de estresse. A escala Parenteral Stress Scale Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(PSS:NICU) é um instrumento desenvolvido por Margaret S. Milles nos Estados Unidos, cuja finalidade é avaliar esse tipo de estresse, tem sido utilizado em vários países. Objetivo: fazer a tradução, a adaptação cultural e a validação da PSS:NICU na língua portugues. Método: fora, utilizadas as etapas de tradução e adaptação cultural proposta Guillemin et al.(1993) que incluem tradução, retradução, análise por um comitê de revisores e preteste da escala. Foi reaizada também análise da confiabilidade por meio do teste e reteste e da consistência interna. Foi feita a validação clínica da versão da escala PSS:NICU na língua portuguesa a uma amostra de 163 país em dois hospitais no Estado de São Paulo.Resultados: a escala na língua portuguesa foi prestada e o nível de compreensão dela foi considerado adequado. A investigação da confiabilidade mostrou boa consistência interna na aplicação a pais brasileiros.Os valores obtidos dos coeficientes de correlação intraclasse ficaram em torno de 0,70, mostrando-se uma boa estabilidade entre as duas avaliações. A análise fatorial pelo método de componentes principais utilizou os mesmos critérios da escala original, com rotação Varimax, que apresentaram grau de variância adequado de 57,9%.Os escores de estresse dos pais foram de 2,3(pouco estressante) na subescala "sons e imagens"; 2,9(moderadamente estressante)na subescala "aparência e comportamento do bebê" e 3,7(muito estressante) na subescala "alteração papel de pais" na métrica 1(Nível de Ocorrência de Estresse")e 2,2; 2,6 e 3,4(pouco, moderadamente e muito estresse) respectivamente na métrica 2(Nível Geral de Estresse").Conclusão: a PSS:NICU na versão em português é uma ferramenta válida e confiável para avaliar o estresse de pais na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosTradução, adaptação transcultural e validação do Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale - AITCS II para o contexto brasileiro(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-05-03) Bispo, Emanuella Pinheiro De Farias [UNIFESP]; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida Salvador [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that Interprofessional Education is an innovative strategy that provides collaborative practice. It occurs when two or more professions learn about others, with each other, and with them self. Collaboration includes sharing, partnership, interdependence, power and involves reflection and mutual action in search of answers to users' health needs. The present study aimed to perform the translation, cross - cultural adaptation and validation of the Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale - AITCS II (ORCHARD, 2015) for the Brazilian context. The AITCS II is a diagnostic tool developed to measure interprofessional collaboration. It consists of 23 assertions organized in three dimensions: Partnership, Cooperation and Coordination. Data collection was performed in two studies. Study 1 implemented the methodological course for translation, crosscultural adaptation and statistical validation of AITCS II-BR. The validation followed four phases: Evaluation of conceptual and item equivalence; Evaluation of semantic equivalence; Operating Equivalence and Equivalence of Measurement. The Equivalence of Measurement was obtained with the participation of 15 professionals of different professions in two applications with interval of 15 days. Study 2 proposed to validate the AITCS II-BR scale based on the analysis of the perception of health professionals in the Northeast of Brazil regarding the level of interprofessional collaboration. 245 professionals from different health formations in the Brazilian Northeast participated in this phase. An open space was add ed to the instrument for recording potentialities, fragilities and suggestions. The contacts of the professionals were obtained from the health secretariats and universities. The instrument was hosted on an online platform and e-mail ed to professionals. A database was organized and received statistical treatment: calculation of the linear correlation coefficient (r) and the reliability of the instrument for Study 1; and for Study 2, the means of responses were classified into comfort zone, alert zone and danger zone. The data of the open space were treated with content analysis, thematic modality, in two thematic axes: Importance, challenges and possibilities of Education and Interprofessional Work; Training in Health for Interprofessional practice. We identified 189 Context Units, 211 Registration Units, and emerging categories. The results of Study 1 showed that the AITCS II-BR has content and appearance validity to evaluate the performance and interprofessional collaboration, reaching coefficients above 0.8 in the consistency and concordance indices in the three dimensions, confirming the conceptual equivalence , of items and semantics, operational equivalence and measurement. In Study 2, we found assertions with averages in zones of alertness and danger. From the open space, categories have emerged that point to difficulties in relation to dialogue and mutual trust for interprofessional collaboration. It is concluded that the AITCS II-BR has conceptual equivalence, of items and semantics, as well as operational and measurement equivalence for the Brazilian reality. There are several potential applications for scale in research, continuing education, performance assessment, and teamwork assessment.