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- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Flexibilização dos contratos de trabalho e desemprego: evidências para o caso do Brasil(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2020-02-28) Polli, Erick Ohanesian [UNIFESP]; Carvalho, Marcelo Soares De [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São PauloThe Brazilian government approved a labor reform in 2017 that has become the most significant modification in labor legislation since 1990s. Changes in labor laws are intended to make employment contracts more flexible, in order to create jobs. The theoretical support for labor market flexibility is found in New Keynesian , who argue that flexibility contributes to eliminate involuntary unemployment. Critics, such as Post Keynesians, Kaleckians, Institutionalists, and Marxians use alternative theoretical models arguing the ineffectiveness of employment flexibility to eliminate involuntary unemployment and interpret the flexibility as causing negative effects for the labor force. The purpose of this research isto analyze the effects of employment flexibility in determining unemployment. Pnad and Continuous Pnad data allow to verify the flexibility indicators and the labor market behavior during the reference period.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Indicadores econômicos e de saúde: A relação entre inflação, desemprego, renda e mortalidade(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2010-09-29) Paim, Chennyfer da Rosa Paino [UNIFESP]; Zucchi, Paola [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)This work aims to correlate the health indicators General Mortality, Infant Mortality, Maternal and External Causes macroeconomic indicators with Inflation, Unemployment and Income in Brazil during the period 1980-2009, contributing to the debate if the instabilities or interfere in economic downturns health of individuals. The theoretical literature is based on macroeconomic conditions and health. We find that there are several studies relating mortality with income and unemployment, but few that add the variable inflation, and among them, none specifies a series of Brazil. The method was applied empirical-analytic time series of proposed indicators, and for the results of the correlations we used the technique of linear regression through the softwar STATA. The results favored the hypothesis of Philips, that is all that is fall in inflation, unemployment increases and income decreases accordingly, which supposedly have worse living conditions and health, hence higher rates of mortality. The correlations between child mortality, maternal and foreign, we find this result, economic downturns in mortality rates increase. We believe it is necessary degree of caution in interpreting the results in order to avoid outright acceptance of associations without considering other variables not analyzed in this thesis which may vary for other factors not considered. Regression analysis performed in this study suggest that a relationship exists between health indicators and economic studies, where low inflation leads to higher unemployment and low incomes, leading to poor health and high mortality rates.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Mercado De Trabalho Brasileiro Recente: Uma Análise Das Condições Da Aproximação Ao "Pleno Emprego"(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2018-07-10) Barros, Andre Correa [UNIFESP]; Carvalho, Marcelo Soares De [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)A Discussion About The Labor Market And The Possible Occurrence Of A Full Employment Situation Was Observed Recently In The Brazilian Economy, More Precisely Until Mid-2014, During Which The Unemployment Rate Calculated By Ibge Reached A Historically Low Mark Of 4,8%. After This Period, However, The Labor Market Has Been Registering Successive Decreases In The Generation Of Jobs, Which Consequently Contributes To A Significant Increase In The Brazilian Unemployment Rate. Given This Employment Context, The Study Aims To Contextualize The (Specific) Experience Of Growth Of The Brazilian Economy Within The Period 2002-15, As Well As The Characterization Of Jobs Generated At The Specific Moment In Which Favorable Conditions Were Observed Full Employment Situation. This Focus Was Chosen Due To The Fact That In The Face Of A Significant And Rapid Rise In The Unemployment Rate At A Later Time The Nature Of The Jobs Previously Generated Would Not Correspond To That Of Full Employment In Its Context Of Developed Econo
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Suicídio entre adolescentes de 10 a 19 anos, métodos utilizados e sua relação entre os indicadores socioeconômicos no Brasil: um estudo ecológico e retrospectivo.(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2019-08-09) Jaen Varas, Denisse Claudia [UNIFESP]; Araripe Neto, Ary Gadelha De Alencar [UNIFESP];;; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Introduction:In Brazil, suicide ranks among the leading causes of death in young people, ranking fourth for 15- to 29-year-olds, there are striking gender differences in suicide rates. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among males (9.0 per 100,000 people each year) and the eighth leading cause among females (2.4 per 100,000 people each year). Main objective:Suicide rates among Brazilian adolescents have increased in recent years. Obtaining a better understanding of the methods adolescents use for suicide, and whether these methods have changed in recent years, may inform future preventive measures. Specific objectives: Study 1: To examine suicide rates among adolescents from six large cities in Brazil and to analyze the relationship between adolescent suicide rates and socioeconomic indicators between 2006 and 2015. Study 2: The aim of this study was to describe the most commonly used methods of suicide among adolescents aged 10 to 19 years in Brazil between 1 January 2006 and 31 December 2015. Methods: This study employed a retrospective ecological design, for the period of 1 January 2006 to 31 December 2015. To be included in this study, data relating to the suicide methods used by adolescents in Brazil were collected according the chronological limits of adolescence. of 10- 19 years and by sex (male and female). Suicide methods were obtained from the Information Technology Department of the Public Health Care System (DATASUS) of the Brazilian Ministry of Health Study 1: Generalized estimating equation models were used to assess the impact of socioeconomic factors – including social inequality and unemployment rates – on adolescent suicide rates. Study 2: In Brazil, suicide methods are registered using the International Classification of Disease 10th version (ICD-10) codes X60–X84, which indicate the main methods of suicide, and Y10–Y19, which indicate poisoning and exposure to substances with undetermined intent. Suicide methods were obtained from the DATASUS of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. xiv Results: Study 1: The rate of adolescent suicide increased by 24% over the course of the study period. Social inequality (assessed using the Gini index), was positively associated with overall adolescent suicide rates (β = 10.68; 95% CI = 2.32-19.05; p ≤ 0.012). After disaggregating the findings by age (10-14 and 15-19 years), social inequality was associated with suicide rate only for adolescents aged 15-19 years (β = 9.63; 95% CI = 2.31-16.96; p ≤ 0.005). Disaggregating these findings by sex, the association with economic variables became significant only among females. Males had a higher overall suicide rate than females, and the highest rate was observed in male adolescents aged 15-19 years. Higher levels of unemployment were associated with higher suicide rates. Study 2: 8026 suicides among Brazilian adolescents aged between 10–19 years were registered over the analyzed period. The most commonly used method of suicide by both sexes was hanging (2006= 54.9%; 2015= 70.3%). A relative increase was observed in males (2006= 62.9%; 2015= 72.3%), whereas a steeper increase was observed in females (2006= 39.27%; 2015= 65.82%). The proportional use of firearms (2006= 14.2%; 2015= 9.1%) and poisoning (2006= 13.3%; 2015= 9.2%) decreased over the period (-5.1% and -1.6% respectively). Conclusion: Study 1: Our findings suggest that socioeconomic indicators, particularly unemployment and social inequality, are relevant social determinants of suicide in adolescence. Study 2: The increase in hanging is worrisome, mostly regarding difficulties to impose access barriers and its high lethality. In such context, a comprehensive understanding of suicide behaviors among adolescents in Brazil should be drawn to inform general prevention measures and, more specifically, the reasons for the increase in hanging needs to be further investigated.